Tuesday, August 14, 2018

This Was No Coincidence

I lost my UK Permanent Residence Permit, Italian ID, & National Insurance Card -- I put everything in a folder and I couldn't remember where I put it. I looked thoroughly everywhere in the house for weeks, I couldn't find it. I went on your site "Saint Anthony – Lost and Found" and I followed the directions from post from Wednesday, July 10th., 2013, "How To Find Something By Praying To Saint Anthony"
I found the folder with everything I was looking for, it was in a cupboard with piles of theatre programs, a very unusual place to put it. This was no coincidence, Saint Anthony helped me to find it. Thank you St Anthony.

And thank you L. for your story of trust in Saint Anthony's assistance. Have a St. Anthony story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

October 4-14th., 2018, St. Anthony's Relics visit USA

This coming October 4th. through 14th., Fr. Mario Conte will be visiting the New Jersey and Pennsylvania area of the United States with two relics of Saint Anthony of Padua; one of which is the Floating Rib relic, which was venerated both by Sr. Lucia of Fatima. The relic visit will observe the following schedule: http://www.santantonio.org/en/content/october-4-14-2018-saint-anthonys-relics-visit-usa

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