Sunday, July 26, 2020

Find The Openings In The Day

This from a good Traditional priest, for those that still don’t get to attend Mass in person because of COVID19 restrictions, and so assist as best as possible via internet Mass:
“May your Sunday be holy. Find the openings in the day, the cracks through which holiness can enter, even if only for a few moments. Draw on the Mass you watch, and let it be your guide. Love your clan. And give thanks.”
Good Saint Anthony, pray for us and for the whole world~

Saturday, July 4, 2020

St. Anthony's Prayer To Our Lady

We ask you, Our Lady, you who are called the Morning Star, dispel with your light the thick fog of allurement to evil which fill our souls. Like the moon, replenish our emptiness, and dissipate the darkness of our souls that we may attain the fullness of eternal life and the light of never-diminishing glory. With His help who made you our light and although born from you, gave you life. To Him be honour and glory from age to age. Amen. 
~St. Anthony of Padua