Friday, October 18, 2019

If You Ask St. Anthony

In September of this year, my husband and I experienced the loss of his wallet early one morning.  We panicked after searching the usual, laundry, driveway. We then went to the last store we visited yesterday but their earliest hour for checking their safe was 7 am, this put us into panic mode. When I was driving home I kept reciting "Tony, Tony, look around,  something's lost and can't be found,"  and visualizing the wallet. Back home, I went through the garbage and laundry, before checking the dresser drawers once more. It was in the dresser drawer! This prayer WORKS. Here's the kicker...we are lapsed secular people of different backgrounds.  If you ask St. Anthony to help you, he will.

Thank you B.L. for your story of asking and receiving Saint Anthony’s help. Have a story of St. Anthony’s help in your own life that you would like to share with our readers? Email it to us and we will post it on the blog~