My youngest son and I had the great privilege of attending the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter's priestly ordinations in Omaha, Nebraska this past May. A young man we know and attended Mass with from our Diocese was being Ordained, so we made the trip from California per his invitation. Along the way of our trip we stopped at some beautiful churches, always on the lookout for a picture, stained glass window, or statue of our beloved St. Anthony. Here are some pictures of St. Anthony from Immaculate Conception Catholic Church where this new priest celebrated his first Mass. There will be more pictures to come from our 10 state trip, we hope you enjoy them~

Do you have any pictures of Saint Anthony that you would like to share on the blog? Let us know where your pictures comes from~ Click here to email them to us.

Do you have any pictures of Saint Anthony that you would like to share on the blog? Let us know where your pictures comes from~ Click here to email them to us.