Sunday, May 23, 2021

Free Copy Of The Little Treasury Of Saint Anthony

If you would like to view and download a free copy of the 1928 version of ‘The Little Treasury of Saint Anthony: a manual of devotions in honor of Saint Anthony’, please click this link:

We hope you enjoy this timeless little gem dedicated to our beloved Saint Anthony~

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

I Lost My Gold And Diamond Ring

I lost my gold and diamonds ring, I knew it was somewhere in the house. I asked St. Anthony, as I have done previously, I prayed to him to find it for me. After searching for one month in every corner of the house last Saturday I went into my bathroom, I looked down the floor and THERE WAS MY RING. You must know that for one month I have been in that room many times, washed the floor, used the vacuum cleaner and never saw it. THIS IS DEFINITELY A MIRACLE BY ST. ANTHONY. I will tell everyone I see because I truly believe that St. Anthony answered my prayers. He has done it on several times when I have lost things also. THANK YOU ST. ANTHONY THROUGH JESUS OUR LORD. XXX

Thank you M.M. for sharing your St. Anthony story with us. Have a St. Anthony story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on the blog~