Thursday, October 18, 2012

A True Friend In Saint Anthony

I was seven when I learned of St. Anthony. I never gave him much thought until the day I lost my spelling tablet. My teacher, a strict nun, had told the class at the beginning of second grade we were to keep it in our book bag and have it every Friday. When I went home Thursday night, I was beside myself when I found the tablet missing. It was then I decided to ask St. Anthony for help. Terrified, I prayed that night to St. Anthony to find it. The next day, when I opened my desk the first thing I saw was my spelling tablet!
Don't underestimate the power of intercession. Since the episode in second grade, St. Anthony has always come through when I needed his intercession the most. It's been many years since second grade, and now, with maturity, I seem to have annoying senior moments and lose things daily (sometimes hourly). He's there when I need him. When I pray for his help now I'm usually in a panic, so all I can muster is "St. Anthony, if at all possible, I need your help now," and I am in awe of his response time. I will always be grateful for the lost spelling tablet because I found a true friend in St. Anthony.

Thank you P. for sharing how St. Anthony has been a faithful friend to you. Have a story of how St. Anthony has helped in your life? Email it to us and we will post it on the blog~