Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Say A Prayer To St. Anthony

I had just thanked St. Anthony for his intercession in a situation a few years ago, when I discovered your blog, so I thought I might share it:

My wife and I had just moved to a new apartment, and many of our non-essential clothing items were still packed in boxes or bags in a closet. We were to attend an event, and she owned only one particular sweater that was compatible with her dress. I found her in a frenzy, amid a pile of displaced clothing in a closet, desperately searching for a sweater that we may have lost. In an attempt to calm her, and knowing full well that I've never found anything she couldn't, I asked to trade places, which we did. While digging through the same pile, although not precisely knowing what to look for, the words of my fifth grade teacher, Sr. Mary Potter, flashed in my mind, the words we'd hear if we'd lost so much as a pencil: "Say a prayer to St. Anthony." Which is exactly what I said in this situation. Now, my wife didn't know much about the Catholic faith until she married me, but she is a very faithful person, and prayed as I instructed her, very briefly. When she finished, I was holding her sweater in front of her. "See how that works?", I asked with a proudish laugh, but I'm sure I was more astonished than she was! She'd pulled out every article item by item, and I'd tossed through each pile at least twice. At the very moment we'd each invoked St. Anthony's name, I was up to my elbow, and pinched a corner of fabric at the bottom. As my wife was praying to him for the first time, I was pulling out the lost item, and had it before she was done!
This was a missing sweater. It wasn't a lost pet, lost child, or a lost pencil in Sr. Mary Potter's class, but it was my wife's first true introduction to the intercession of saints, and for that, and so much more, I thank St. Anthony! (I just wanted to share. Glad I found your blog, and I look forward to following. St. Anthony, pray for us!)

Thank you so much S.D. for sharing your wonderful story of how St. Anthony helped you and your wife find - a lost object, and the beginning of faith in St. Anthony's intercession. St. Anthony is still evangelizing people with answered prayers, with the help of those who know of his intercession and are willing to teach others about it~
Have a St. Anthony story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~