Monday, September 21, 2015

A Big Job For St. Anthony

From our friends at St. Anthony's Shrine in Cincinnati, Ohio, here is a Saint Anthony story from one of their own staff:

At work, we share St. Anthony stories all the time. Here’s one from Margot who works in the finance office. ~Bless St. Anthony, I just love the way he works in my life.
One busy Saturday this July I was out and about — lunch with my sister-in-law and niece, my husband and our boys, running errands, putting away things at the house, walking the dog. Later in the afternoon my boys watched a movie, so I crashed on the loveseat in the living room and fell asleep. Half-awake some 20 minutes later, I ran my thumb over my diamond ring and realized that the points were bent up and the diamond was gone!!! I had NO idea when I lost it, so I started to try to re-do all my movements during the day. While I was going through that process, my sister-in law and niece stopped by the house and I told them I lost my diamond and please keep an eye out for it. They asked, ‘What are you going to do?’ I said, ‘Well, the first thing to do is ask St. Anthony for his help. This is what you say, “St. Anthony, my mother says you can find anything. Can you please help me find my diamond?” I even went back to the one store where I might have lost it and tried to recreate the exact same things that I had done there earlier. At home while I was frantically searching, my husband just said, ‘Well, this is a big job for St. Anthony.’ But he didn’t get upset or help in the search for the diamond. After accepting that the diamond was just gone, I actually got a good night’s sleep because I had no control over the situation.
I was awakened by my husband picking my hand up and putting my diamond into it. He found it when he was starting the coffee, in the coffee filter bag in the corner cupboard! You know, I remember reaching up there to get a funnel to pour out some of our new olive oil… but I still believe that St. Anthony found it for me and put it where my husband would find it! Thank you St. Anthony!

Have a story of St. Anthony's help in your own life? Email it to us and we will share it on the blog~