Thursday, December 21, 2017

Still Looking Over Me

On the day my beloved father passed away in June of 2017 , I lost my most important ring of keys..keys to the house, the cars, my dad's hardware store, the post office box. I searched high and low, and was in tears. I had to attend my dad's funeral with only his extra car key and the extra key to the house. I began the novena to St. Anthony to help me find the keys. Some were irreplaceable. I had retraced all my steps, looked in boxes and shopping bags, practically tore the cars apart. Despite my absolute faith in the novena, I was still relying on myself.
Today, December, I happened to look down at the kitchen table. There, in the same chair in which my late father always sat, were the keys, peeking out from under the seat cushion. I didn't put them there, or drop them there. St. Anthony returned the keys to me, and I believe my loving, faithful father had a hand in it. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Thank you, St. Anthony. And thank you, Daddy, for still looking over me. Praise be to God Almighty. The moral of this experience is praise Him in the small things, and He will bless us in the small and large things.

Thank you R.E.W. for your story of St. Anthony's help in your life. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~