Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Prayer To St. Anthony For The Sick

Dear St. Anthony, because you experienced disappointments and sickness in your brief life here, I salute you the more respectfully. Your own life assures us that you understand our need. There is nothing so humbling to us as sickness; it upsets our self-assurance and composure, leaves undone our daily tasks, takes away our feeling of usefulness, and forces us to depend on others. Help us, then, good St. Anthony, in sickness and trouble. Please teach us how to profit spiritually from our bodily ills. Intercede for us with God, so that our health may be improved. And as we recover in body, let us also be improved in spirit. St. Anthony, we ask the blessing of your intercession, for our own healing and for the honor of Jesus Christ. Amen.

V. Pray for us Saint Anthony,
R. That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.

We dedicate this Prayer to St. Anthony for Healing to a dear friend who is dealing with cancer, and to all of our blog readers dealing with illness at this time also~