Saturday, January 21, 2012

Finding A New Friend In St. Anthony

Recently, I have been becoming more attuned to the Communion of Saints and the power of our friends in heaven. I've had a favorite one or two saints, but didn't think I could handle more than that. However, I noticed recently that St. Anthony was one of the saints who has been showing up almost every place I go. I took that as an indication that he wanted to be my friend. My last day of work at my last job was May 13. I was invited to a St. Anthony retreat on June 4. (See? He was beckoning again and I said yes to the retreat invitation.)

On the day of the retreat, I realized I had exactly nine days to start his novena. I also realized that his feast day was exactly one month later than my last day at my previous job. On that day, I started believing that St. Anthony would have a hand in helping me find my next job. I also told him I would believe and expect that he would send a miracle on his feast day.

On St. Anthony's feast day, someone I knew asked if I was interested in finding work and handed me a vacancy for a position exactly in my field of work! I believe St. Anthony will continue to intercede with the Blessed Virgin Mary and my other dear friend St. Jude. Blessed be the name of the Lord!