Sunday, October 20, 2013

I Was Desperately Searching For A Job

The greatest amount of visitors to our blog come here to find prayer for employment. Here is an uplifting email from blog reader M.F. who shows us that with perseverance, and prayer to Saint Anthony, the right new job can be found:

Hi, I just wanted to share my story with all the readers of this blog. My company was closing down and I was desperately searching for a job. Through this site I found a St. Anthony Novena To Find Employment. I prayed 2 consecutive novenas but nothing happened and there seemed no job opportunities on the horizon. I knew St. Anthony would never let me down and I continued praying, knowing in my heart that when the right job came along Saint Anthony would give it to me. Rightly enough, a couple of weeks after my first Novena I got through an interview with a company located only 5 minutes from home, and they wanted me to start immediately. Thank you St. Anthony for everything, I am so blessed.

Have a St. Anthony story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~