Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Christmas Tree Light

A man was decorating a very tall Christmas tree which was covered all over with decorations. As he was putting up electric colored light globes, one of them slipped from his hand. It was only a very small globe. He spent ages searching for it without success. He complained to his wife that the other lights would not work because the missing globe was essential to the whole scheme of things. She told him to “wait just a minute” while she prayed to Saint Anthony. He then retorted “Don’t you think that Saint Anthony has much better things to do than to worry about the light globe?” His wife then said the following prayer: “Saint Anthony, please show him where it is.” Immediately he called out “Hey, what do you know, here it is, in the middle of the Christmas tree.” No petition is too great or too trivial to ask Saint Anthony for.
Thank you to 'Help from Heaven Book' for this story