This is a story of a lost watch which is full-blown Anthony.
You start to notice some of the characteristics 1) the finds which
often do come after a period of waiting 2) the special power of sites
dedicated to the saint--holy places where that which is lost can be
found, and 3)the improbable nature of so many of the finds. Some
theologians would talk of a "phenomenology of the workings of St.
Anthony," which in our more normal language simply means his
particular ways of working. Not that the saint is limited to any one
method, but there are identifiable signs, little intimations so often
found. If you have experienced anything like it, please send along
your story. Watching the saints work is a way of seeing something of
the divine mystery after all. In the middle of what seems curious but
also ordinary, there is a hidden awe and wonder, and a tender
invitation to go more deeply into the mystery always. Here's the
Some years ago I lost my watch. Late one night, a week later I finally
prayed to Saint Anthony for help to find it. The next morning we drove to
the parish of Saint Anthony of Padua, which was some miles from our home
and attended Mass there. After Mass I stayed behind a little and my
husband went back to the car park to wait for me. It has been raining for
a week and the grass was long, wet and muddy. My husband saw something
shining in the grass and out of curiosity he bent down and scooped up a
handful of mud, and to his astonishment my watch was there in the handful
of mud. What was the explanation for this? We had attended a Mass at that
church the previous week....
Thank you to 'Help from Heaven Book' for this story