Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Prayer To St. Anthony For Employment - Success Stories

Because our list of success stories through the intersession of St. Anthony in helping people find employment got so large, we created a post just for those great stories. Below you will find stories that have been emailed to us, in order of date posted. Click here to find the Prayer To St. Anthony For Employment. The trend seems to indicate - you can trust in Saint Anthony's intercession with God in your job search~

Here is a recent email from a reader, M.H.D., who expresses her thanks to St. Anthony for employment found:
"I started praying to St Anthony to help my husband find employment. I started his Novena and on the 3rd. day my husband got a job offer. Thank you St. Anthony for interceding with the Child Jesus on my behalf and granting my husband a good job."

Another answered prayer for a job, emailed to us from G.R.:
"It really works, thank you so much, God be praised for the spirit that is St. Anthony. I prayed this once last night and once this morning, and was offered a position that pays more money an hour than I have in my life. Not only will he help you obtain what you need, he'll give you more - believe it"

Here is a link to an uplifting email from blog reader M.F. who shows us that with perseverance, and prayer to St. Anthony, the right new job can be found.

Here is an email from blog reader I.N. who found a job after a year and a half search, only 4 days after praying to St. Anthony for his intersession.

Here is an email from one of our blog readers expressing her thanks for employment found:
"I would like to inform you the great news my husband was offered a position for employment. He starts on the 23rd of June. Thank you for having him and our family in your prayers. These 6 months made us stronger and definitely tested my FAITH. I am forever grateful to my Lord and savior. Blessings, R.S."

Click here to read a recent email from blog reader J.E. regarding St. Anthony's help in finding her son a job.

From an anonymous blog reader who found two jobs:
"Prayed to St. Anthony, St. Joseph and St. Rita for a job....my prayers were answered today with a job that may be ending in January. Received a call today and a job offer to start in January when the other job may end! Prayer works...the Saints hear us!!"

Click here for the story of blog reader D. who knew that you need to know someone to get a job.

From grateful blog reader E.A.:
"I had recently lost my job and desperately needed to find work. I said the St. Anthony prayer and novena and within a couple of days I got an interview and a contract position. I kept steadfast in my prayers and was able to full time position."

From blog reader A.B. that prayed through the intercession of Saint Anthony for her brother to find a job:
"I just want to thank St. Anthony for granting my request. I have prayed the novena and wished for my brother to find a job to provide for his growing family. He has been unemployed for years and I thought that my prayers were unanswered, however a month and couple of weeks later my brother was accepted in a company near where we live that provides good benefits. Praise The Lord Jesus Christ and thanks to the Most High. Thanks St. Anthony for your intercession."

Here is another St. Anthony success story, from blog reader P.:
"I starting saying the novena and a week later I had like 4 to 6 interviews, and a week after that I got one of those jobs! So thanks to St. Anthony for all the help, and for giving me faith♡ "

From grateful blog reader I.H.:
"I prayed to St. Anthony to help me find a job and within days I found one. I felt so empowered by the prayer that I decided to pray for my brother, who had been out of work for over a year. Not feeling as confident with him, I still had faith in St. Anthony's prayer and within days, my brother found an AMAZING job..the kind of job he has always wanted! All I can say is I am blown away by the power of St. Anthony's prayers and am forever grateful and a believer in his powers..."

From blog reader G.K.:
"My job contract ended in September, 2014. On the 9th. I was informed that it would not be renewed. I started praying the Novena to St. Anthony on the 13th. of September, and God is faithful - by the 13th. of October, 2014, I reported to my new job."

From blog reader C.S.:
"Lost my job! Prayed to St. Anthony. Found new one. Thank You St. Anthony!"

"I had taken a break in my career for my child, and was worried if I would get a job again. I started reciting a St. Anthony novena and within a short period I have been blessed with the job of my heart desire. Thank you St. Anthony for answering my prayer. Regards, D.S."

"Hello, I thank you St. Anthony for the good job for my husband. Oh St. Anthony thank you for listening my prayers and giving good job to my husband within no time. Thank you for such a powerful prayer." -S.G.

"I was in search of employment. Today in a wonderful way God opened a job situation through the intercession of wonderful St. Anthony.
Thanking St. Anthony of Padua and of wonder worker of Dornalli." -T.V.

"Said unfailing prayer for intercession 3 times a day for a week and got the job!!" -D.O.

"I am very happy to say that I got a casual job with St. Anthony's intercession. I strongly believe that he will continue to intercede for me in getting a permanent job. All praise and glory to God." -B.D.

Hi, I wanted to disclose the grace and blessing offered to me by Lord Jesus through mercy and kindness of St. Anthony's prayer for a job. I had been praying for a new job for my loved ones and my needs, along with a personal desire to get a good job.  I had been trying for very long and had lost almost all the hope of achieving the same, though I knew I was doing pretty good at interviews.  Meanwhile I had only 2 chances of before which I had declared myself as looser. I prayed the St. Anthony prayer for the 1st. job interview and I was not fruitful, but I had tried even harder and after 2 days I had another interview and got the job. Thanks to Lord Jesus, Saint Anthony and Mother Mary for all their blessings. Thanks for sharing the prayer." -A.R.

"I got a job through intercession of Saint Anthoný" -A.M.F.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Virtual Tour Of Saint Anthony’s Basilica In Padua

Not able at this time to make a pilgrimage to Padua, Italy, and tour of the Basilica of Saint Anthony?? Us either - so here instead is a virtual tour of the Basilica and courtyards. By moving your mouse over the map you will activate various links, with many interesting articles included. Click the links and they will illustrate with texts and photos the area selected.
Click here to start your virtual pilgrimage - we hope you enjoy it, and that perhaps a number of you may make it there in person some day~

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

2014 Visit Of St. Anthony's Relics To Canada & California

Saint Anthony's relics are to visit Alberta (Canada) October 18-23 and San Francisco, (U.S.A.) October 26 - November 2 2014. After repeated requests, we are pleased to inform you that two relics of St. Anthony will again touch Northern America – this time some areas along the western part of the continent that have not yet been covered in the previous visits. The two precious relics of our Saint are being brought by a Franciscan Friar from the Basilica of St. Antony in Padua. One of these reliquaries contains the Saint’s floating rib. This is the very same reliquary that was kissed by Sister Lucia of Fatima when it was taken to the nuns at the Monastery of Carmelite sisters in Coimbra, Portugal, in January 1995, during the commemorations for the 800th anniversary of St. Athony’s birth. The Eucharistic and Veneration Services will be celebrated as follows in Alberta (Canada) and San Francisco, CA (U.S.A.).

Click here to visit our post about our own visit to the Relics when they passed through our area of California.