I have always admired St. Anthony and wear the St. Anthony medal often. My story about his help finding a lost object is still awesome to me.
My husband had gone to buy groceries and when he got home he noticed his diamond ring was missing from his left hand. I was very upset as this ring is very valuable monetarily, as well as sentimentally. I went back to the store and looked every where, especially through the vegetable area. I reported the loss to the manager of the store and to the young man that usually took care of the vegetable area. I didn't find the ring so I went home and started praying for St. Anthony's help. I prayed for a whole week. We were thrilled beyond words when the store called, after a week of the loss, to tell us they found the ring. My husband went to retrieve his lost ring. The young man that took care of the vegetables found the ring while cleaning out a turnip green bin. My husband offered him a nice money award but the young man would not take it. Thank you again dear God for answering St. Anthony's intersession for us. This is absolutely a true story.
Another strange thing happened many years earlier about this same ring. My husband had noticed one of the diamonds was missing from this ring. It has 4 diamonds in the center. I started praying to St. Anthony, and we could hardly believe it when my husband found that diamond in the car door handle. I believe in St. Anthony, to say the least.
Thank you to our blog reader D.C. for these inspiring stories of St. Anthony's intersession~

He is one of the great saints of the Catholic Church, and one of the beloved--even far beyond Catholics themselves. Untold numbers of people turn to him, still, when there is loss. And strangely--at least strangely in the usual ways of the world--those things often quickly turn up. And often they turn up in the most unexpected--even seemingly miraculous ways. Let the stories begin.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Images Of St. Anthony - Church Window From Hollister, California
Here is a picture I took at a church local to me, Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Hollister, California.
Do you have any pictures of Saint Anthony that you would like to share on the blog? Let us know where your pictures comes from~ Click here to email them to us.
Do you have any pictures of Saint Anthony that you would like to share on the blog? Let us know where your pictures comes from~ Click here to email them to us.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
I Lost It Again
It was Ash Wednesday, 2011, and I was at Mass. I prayed for the intercession of Saint Anthony to help me find a lost document. I had turned my car upside down looking for it (the last place it had been seen).
After Mass, I returned to work, sat down and proceeded to get back to my computer. Suddenly, I felt this urge, so I followed it - I went back to my car, opened the back door, and reached under the far seat, and there it was!
I sat in silence for a few moments, and then went back to work, giving thanks.
Well, a few weeks ago, I realised that I had misplaced the document, AGAIN. Once again, it was found, and then promptly lost. So, yesterday, March 12, 2012, I came home for lunch and there it was in my mailbox. Poor Saint Anthony must be getting sick of me asking for his help! I am eternally grateful for his intercession.
Thank you to stanthony.org for this story~
Well, a few weeks ago, I realised that I had misplaced the document, AGAIN. Once again, it was found, and then promptly lost. So, yesterday, March 12, 2012, I came home for lunch and there it was in my mailbox. Poor Saint Anthony must be getting sick of me asking for his help! I am eternally grateful for his intercession.
Thank you to stanthony.org for this story~
Saturday, April 21, 2012
St. Anthony Quote - We Have Followed You
In a sermon St. Anthony said of God: "For You we have left everything and have become poor. But since You are rich, we have followed You that You might enrich us... We have followed You as the creature follows the Creator, like sons of the Father, as children follow their mother, as the starving their bread, as the sick their doctor, as the weary their bed, as exiles their homeland..." (Sermones, II, p. 484)
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
We Found The Cheque
I converted to Catholicism this Easter. I read this morning in the book "My Life With The Saints" about St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost things. Today at work my workmate lost a cheque worth Kshs 50,000. I prayed, "St. Anthony, St. Anthony, come around, something is lost and cannot be found" as I had read in the book. I prayed it twice or thrice. In about 5 minutes, we found the cheque. Had we not found it, he would have been required to pay for it. He thanked me, but I told him to thank St. Anthony. Thank you, St. Anthony!!!
Thank you to Barbara of Nairobi, Kenya for this inspiring St. Anthony story from AmericanCatholic.org~
Thank you to Barbara of Nairobi, Kenya for this inspiring St. Anthony story from AmericanCatholic.org~
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Prayer To St. Anthony For Healing Of A Spouse
O Glorious St. Anthony, you live now in unity with Jesus Christ, the Divine Physician and the healer of all human ills. I come to you today to ask for your powerful intercession on behalf of my beloved spouse (mention name), who seeks to be restored to good health.
The years we have shared, and the love we have known, is precious to me, and my heart breaks in my helplessness. But I believe that with the Lord all things are possible.
Compassionate Saint, comfort me in my distress, and through your intersession obtain blessings for my spouse, so that (name) may be quickly and completely restored to health. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be...
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be...
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Images Of St. Anthony - Ygnacia's Own Shrine
My blog partner and I thought it would be a good idea to post pictures of St. Anthony sent to us from our readers - pictures of statues, stained glass windows, any inspiring images you may find of St. Anthony that you would like to share.
To start things off, here is a picture of my personal shrine to St. Anthony, from my garden.
Send us your pictures of St. Anthony, click here to email us.
To start things off, here is a picture of my personal shrine to St. Anthony, from my garden.
Send us your pictures of St. Anthony, click here to email us.
Friday, April 13, 2012
I Too Was Lost
Then last night I decided, for some strange reason to update the SATNAV navigation device for my car, as the last time I used it had problems getting proper directions. Now, I have an absolutely appalling sense of direction and frequently get lost so the SATNAV is a Godsend for me. I left it to my son to do the update while I cooked dinner, but he failed to backup before he started and then discovered afterwards that it would not do anything. As it was late in the evening I took the decision to just leave it to wear it's battery down and try again in the morning.
As I prepared for bed I shot off a quick prayer to St. Anthony to help us fix it. When I arose this morning my son greeted me by waving the SATNAV at me with a grin a mile wide. He had fixed it, I have no idea how and I am not too sure he does, but it works and that is the main point. I thanked him and then as I sat down to breakfast I said a prayer of thanks to St. Anthony. The children looked at me in askance, “You can’t pray to St. Anthony to fix broken things” they said. My reply was that I had and that it had obviously worked, and besides it wasn’t just any old broken thing, without it I was in severe danger of getting lost, them with me too I might add, so therefore my prayer to St. Anthony was totally justified.
They remain unconvinced that it was St. Anthony at work, putting it down to sheer coincidence or luck. I maintain it was prayer and that St Anthony knows that I too was lost, away from God, for a long time, and now as I begin to find my way again, St. Anthony is right here with me.
Thank you to choccat.wordpress.com for a unique take on St. Anthony's assistance~
As I prepared for bed I shot off a quick prayer to St. Anthony to help us fix it. When I arose this morning my son greeted me by waving the SATNAV at me with a grin a mile wide. He had fixed it, I have no idea how and I am not too sure he does, but it works and that is the main point. I thanked him and then as I sat down to breakfast I said a prayer of thanks to St. Anthony. The children looked at me in askance, “You can’t pray to St. Anthony to fix broken things” they said. My reply was that I had and that it had obviously worked, and besides it wasn’t just any old broken thing, without it I was in severe danger of getting lost, them with me too I might add, so therefore my prayer to St. Anthony was totally justified.
They remain unconvinced that it was St. Anthony at work, putting it down to sheer coincidence or luck. I maintain it was prayer and that St Anthony knows that I too was lost, away from God, for a long time, and now as I begin to find my way again, St. Anthony is right here with me.
Thank you to choccat.wordpress.com for a unique take on St. Anthony's assistance~
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
St. Anthony Did Hear My Prayers
My daughter was involved in a car accident last Easter on her way back to college in San Marcos, Texas, when her car rolled and all items in her car were strewn along the side of the road. A ring she had that she bought in remembrance of my mother who had passed just less than two years before was all she wanted or cared about finding. We looked in the vehicle and it was not in there. On my way with her in bringing her back to college, we stopped close to where the accident was, just hoping we might find it. The grass was overgrown and the hopes of finding it were very unlikely. We began our search. About 10 minutes into the search, I prayed to St.Anthony for his intercession, in the hopes of finding the ring. Within minutes, I found the ring in an area where there was little grass. All my daughter could do was cry tears of joy. St Anthony did hear my prayers.
Thank you to stanthony.org for this story~
Thank you to stanthony.org for this story~
Friday, April 6, 2012
St. Anthony Quote - Christ Acts Like A Loving Mother
"Christ acts like a loving mother. To induce us to follow Him, He gives us Himself as an example and promises us a reward in His kingdom."
- Saint Anthony of Padua
A blessed Triduum to all of our readers~
- Saint Anthony of Padua
A blessed Triduum to all of our readers~
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
One Small Step
Recently my son lost/misplaced his drivers license and was frantic to find it. He had looked everywhere he could think of. He has fallen away from the Church and has been having problems. I continually pray for him. When he told me of his lost license, I suggested he say a prayer to St. Anthony. He knows that I have turned to him many times over the years. We both said a prayer and he left for work. A short while later he called me to tell me that he found it in his glove box (where he had previously looked twice before). It was mixed in with some papers. I only hope that this was one small step in bringing him back to his faith. I never thought of it before until this very moment, posting this story, but my son is lost. He is a lost sheep. I need to go say a prayer.....
Thank you to P.S. for emailing us this heartfelt story - please keep her son in your prayers. Have your own testimony to share about St. Anthony and answered prayer? Email us to have it posted on our blog~
Thank you to P.S. for emailing us this heartfelt story - please keep her son in your prayers. Have your own testimony to share about St. Anthony and answered prayer? Email us to have it posted on our blog~
Sunday, April 1, 2012
St. Anthony To Guide Me
I told a friend that my booklet (that I needed very badly) was missing, and that I spent half of the day looking for it in all my bags and cabinets. She (from Ireland) said, "Pray to St Anthony for help". So I took her advice and asked St. Anthony to guide me find my missing booklet. At fist I was hesitant to look for it in my bags and cabinets because it would be a waste of time, but, I just tried one bag. Surprise, surprise I found my clip-on pair of sunglasses that had been missing for 3 months. This was a bonus and a very good sign. Now, my adrenaline came rushing in so I reached for the second bag. I noticed a concealed pocket that I did not inspect during my first search. BANG ! I found it !!! The booklet was there and I found it in less that 5 minutes! I was so excited it seemed like I was buoyed up with joy. I shared my experience with my wife and thanked St. Anthony for his help and God for making it possible. I immediately sent an email to my friend about the good news. I'm so happy... Happy reading everyone and God bless.
Thank you to AmericanCatholic.org for this story~
Thank you to AmericanCatholic.org for this story~
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