He is one of the great saints of the Catholic Church, and one of the beloved--even far beyond Catholics themselves. Untold numbers of people turn to him, still, when there is loss. And strangely--at least strangely in the usual ways of the world--those things often quickly turn up. And often they turn up in the most unexpected--even seemingly miraculous ways. Let the stories begin.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Face Of St. Anthony
Several months ago I stumbled across your blog "St. Anthony - lost and found" and it was with great interest that I read quite a number of stories about how St. Anthony was of great help to many people in truly difficult situations. In my family this great saint has always played a major role among the saints we usually implore for help and intercession. Being rather chaotic in terms of housekeeping I've come to give St. Anthony something like a constant employment with me and there is not a single day that goes without my getting frantic about some odd thing that has gone missing and consequently, my instant plead for help. And he has never, n e v e r let me down to this day. It wasn't until recently, however, that I discovered that more scholarly side of him and was again greatly impressed. (I'm even considering a tidier lifestyle, so that I won't pester him any further with my rather unnecessary cries for assistance ... ) In fact, he has become a dear friend to whom I turn in all matters of faith.
I love your website and I've copied some of the prayers there into my own private prayer-book.
For some time now, I've been searching the internet for a collection of early pictures of him and yesterday I found out that the University of Padua has undertaken the task of reconstructing his face from the remains of his scull. The results were published and the reconstructed head shown to the public on June 10th. of this very year. I didn't know whether you've heard about it at all, so I decided to send you some photographs taken from Italian films. I do hope you enjoy the news (and the photos, of course) - I did.
Many kind regards from Germany. Yours, A.T.R.
Thank you A.T.R. for your kind words and for the pictures you sent that we used for this post. I had been thinking that it was time to do the story on the reconstruction of St. Anthony's face just today - what a coinciGod~
Click here for a wonderful new story about the Face of St. Anthony.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Something Divine At Work
I discovered my wedding ring gone from my finger and assumed it was in a friends pool or in the tomato garden where I had been picking tomatoes. I looked everywhere and went through the entire garden and where I had been weeding unsuccessfully, and was wandering through the house thinking about it. I had been told about the Patron Saint of Lost Things, and prayed while searching. Then I remembered my co-worker saying she had lost a ring in her bed, so I went and pulled down the covers and there it was plain as day. I had made the bed that morning without noticing anything, and slept on the ring all night. None of it made any sense at all, and that was when I began to suspect something divine at work.
Thank you M.O. for your great story of St. Anthony, the Patron Saint of Lost Things, coming to your assistance. Have a St. Anthony story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~
Thank you M.O. for your great story of St. Anthony, the Patron Saint of Lost Things, coming to your assistance. Have a St. Anthony story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~
Friday, July 11, 2014
St. Anthony Charities - St. Kolbe Medical Centre, Burkina Faso
Are you dedicated to St. Anthony? Has his intercession helped you in your life? In honor of St. Anthony's Bread, which is charity given to the needy in thanksgiving to St. Anthony for prayers answered, we ask our blog readers to consider supporting the St. Maximilain Kolbe Medical Centre in Burkina Faso, Africa. Today this is the only healthcare facility within a radius of 80 kilometers, serving a region that is home to 140,000 people, where there is one doctor per 40,000 people. The small hospital has a ward for in-patients, a lab, general medicine service, a counseling service for patients with chronic illnesses, a dentist, and a pharmacy providing medicines below the market price. Near the Medical Centre there is also a facility for the treatment of malnourished children. A maternity ward too is about to be opened.
There are many health emergencies: from malaria to meningitis, from respiratory infection to complicated childbirths, from serpent’ bites to poisonous insects and burns. Moreover, there are serious road accidents occurring along the only paved road in the area.
An emergency care facility that is going to be built will improve the services this small hospital is now offering. There are many patients whose treatments have been delayed, or who have lost their lives because of the lack of an emergency care facility in the area. Thanks to this new project those living in poverty will be able to access life-saving services and to be diagnosed in time. To help finance the building of the emergency care facility or other projects, click here. Even a small sum can make a difference. Together we can help save thousands of lives~
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Thank God For Having Saint Anthony
Today was the second day I and my wife and son were looking for my wallet/card holder. I know it is a small thing, but it carried my Social Security card, drivers license, my medical card, veteran ID medical card, police ID card, ATM card, and my credit union card, along with various store discount cards... We looked in my car from trunk to the front twice, nothing. We went throughout the house twice, all three of us, nothing. I continued to look in different places in the house..nothing. This morning, after looking for the third time in a little drawer on my head board, there it was! !!!! Thank you Saint Anthony, you saved me weeks ordering and worrying. Thank God for having Saint Anthony.
Thank you R.M. for your grateful account of St. Anthony's help in the search for your wallet.
Thank you R.M. for your grateful account of St. Anthony's help in the search for your wallet.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Prayer Is Very Powerful
My son was working in New York State for 6 years, but left his job to come back to Maryland to help his elderly father, who has medical issues and wanted to be with his son. After many job applications he could not find a job, and he had been trying for 8 weeks. I prayed to St. Anthony for employment two days ago, and my son got a phone call today, telling him that he was getting hired for a job he applied for 2 weeks ago. He starts work on the 15th. of this month. I thank you St. Anthony for this miracle for getting my son a job. I also pray to St. Padre Pio, the Sacred Heart, and St. Jude, and I say the rosary every day. I knew that St. Anthony and all the other Saints, the Sacred Heart, and Blessed Mother, would not let him down. Prayer is very powerful and St. Anthony is the Saint of Miracles, Thank You St. Anthony.
And thank you blog reader J.E. for your story of St. Anthony's help in finding you son a job. Looking for employment yourself? Click here for the Prayer to St. Anthony for Employment.
And thank you blog reader J.E. for your story of St. Anthony's help in finding you son a job. Looking for employment yourself? Click here for the Prayer to St. Anthony for Employment.
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