Monday, March 5, 2012

St. Anthony's Email Bag - I Lost Myself

Another time when St. Anthony helped me occurred on the March for Life just this January. Only, instead of me loosing an object of some sort, I lost myself. I was pushing along, trying to keep up with my youth group, when we started pushing through the huge crowds. I think I stayed with the right group... but although they were from my bus, they certainly were not from my youth group. I was (naturally) not a little frightened, and turned my thoughts towards St. Anthony, asking him to please let someone find me. (I am a quiet sort of person, and do not stand out in crowds very well. People usually do not even notice me—not a very good trait to have when lost!) Finally, starting to get desperate, I looked around at the big, pushing crowds. Did I mention I was frightened? Miraculously, as I scanned the waves of people, I spotted my older brother and two of his friends! I practically tore through the crowds, mercilessly pushing my way through them, and tapped my brother’s shoulder. Boy was he surprised to see me! He thought I was hopelessly lost, and wasn’t even looking for me anymore! He and his friends escorted me safely back to my youth group where everyone breathed more than one sighs of relief, and a few exclamations of thankfulness and/or admonishment. Thanks to St. Anthony, I am home safe and sound. If it were not for his help, I might still be lost in DC! Thank you, Saint Anthony!

Thank you to C.O., age 15, for emailing us this another great St. Anthony story. Have your own testimony to share about St. Anthony and answered prayer? href=""Email us to have it posted on our blog~