Thursday, December 21, 2017

Still Looking Over Me

On the day my beloved father passed away in June of 2017 , I lost my most important ring of keys..keys to the house, the cars, my dad's hardware store, the post office box. I searched high and low, and was in tears. I had to attend my dad's funeral with only his extra car key and the extra key to the house. I began the novena to St. Anthony to help me find the keys. Some were irreplaceable. I had retraced all my steps, looked in boxes and shopping bags, practically tore the cars apart. Despite my absolute faith in the novena, I was still relying on myself.
Today, December, I happened to look down at the kitchen table. There, in the same chair in which my late father always sat, were the keys, peeking out from under the seat cushion. I didn't put them there, or drop them there. St. Anthony returned the keys to me, and I believe my loving, faithful father had a hand in it. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Thank you, St. Anthony. And thank you, Daddy, for still looking over me. Praise be to God Almighty. The moral of this experience is praise Him in the small things, and He will bless us in the small and large things.

Thank you R.E.W. for your story of St. Anthony's help in your life. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~

Friday, December 15, 2017

St. Anthony Chapel - America's Home To 5,000 Relics

St. Anthony Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanian, is home to the largest collection of publicly venerable Catholic relics – 5,000 in total – in the world outside of the Vatican. For more information on St. Anthony Chapel and how to make a pilgrimage there, visit their website at

Saturday, December 9, 2017

I Can Truly Rely On St. Anthony

I can truly rely on St. Anthony to help me find lost objects. It is so comforting. I had bought a birthday present for a dear friend, a small scarf that I knew she would love, and I put it away. The day before the party, I couldn’t find it. I looked everywhere that I thought I might have tucked a small scarf for safekeeping. My next step would have been to ransack all the drawers and shelves in my dressing room. Suddenly, a quiet voice in my head reminded me of St. Anthony. I became calm. I went to my bedroom and prayed for his help. It could not have been more than a minute later that I pictured myself hanging the scarf on a hanger to keep it smooth. Thank you, St. Anthony, for these small miracles.

Thank you J.B. for your comforting story of St. Anthony's help in your life. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog for others to read~

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Story of St Anthony of Padua

Please enjoy this story about the life of our good St. Anthony~

Monday, November 27, 2017

My IPhone Has Been Found

I just came from morning Mass and boarded the bus to go to work. Upon reaching downtown, I got off the bus and reached for my phone in my purse to check what time the next bus is arriving. I realized, I didn’t have my phone inside my purse. I thoroughly searched for it but it was gone. While I was on board the next bus to work, I remembered Saint Anthony and I prayed and sought his help so my phone will be found. When I got to work, I remembered to check my IPad and click on the “Find my IPhone” app. I got an email shortly that my IPhone has been found. The app indicated the exact spot where my phone was located. After about close to two hours after it got lost, I finally had my phone back! It turned out, I did not notice it fell down when I ran to cross the street to catch the bus! Now here’s the amazing part of the story! My phone fell down in a very visible part of the road. It makes me wonder why nobody ever spotted it while it was laying there on that side of the road where it fell off. I’m sure it was through Saint Anthony’s intercession that I found my phone!

Thank you E.G.M. for your wonderful story of St. Anthony's help in finding your lost phone. Have a St. Anthony lost & found story of your own to share? Email it to us to share with others~

Friday, November 17, 2017

St. Anthony's Email Bag - He's Not Too Big To Answer Little Prayers #1

We at Saint Anthony Lost & Found receive many brief stories of gratitude for Saint Anthony's help sent to us, here a few of the more recent ones:

Yesterday I lost a beloved St Michael medal, I was almost sick over it, I did not sleep well. This morning I prayed a serious heartfelt prayer to St. Anthony to help me find it. I found the medal in the yard within 5 minutes. I was astounded but overwhelmed with gratitude. In my prayer I said if it God's will that I not have this medal I will understand and I will not lose faith. Thanks be to God and to St. Anthony. ~M.L.

Thanks to St. Anthony I found my jewelry case with all my jewelry. I trust in Jesus. I opened the safe and it was not there. Opened my top drawer where I see it sometimes. It wasn't there. I started to panic. Looked again in safe and every drawer in my bedroom. Prayed to St. Anthony and went to bed. This morning I looked in the drawers again. Still no jewelry. Looked again in the safe, there it was. Thanks be to God. ~S.P.

I wish to thank St Anthony for helping me to recover my umbrella which was left in a bank when l went there to get my pension I realize it only after a few days & went back to the bank only after a week so it was truly answered prayer. Thank you for your website which makes it possible for me to show my
gratitude to such a wonderful saint. ~R.L.

I have looked for a pair of shoes for my child for about 3 months. Today i cleaned and looked again but still couldn't find them. I prayed to St. Anthony "Tony Tony, look around, shoes are lost and must be found". Repeated this a couple of times. Then I forgot about it. Just when we were having dinner, my son, the owner of the shoes came holding the pair of shoes. Thank you greatly St. Anthony. ~J.M.

Glory be to God!!Thank you so much so much Saint Anthony for all the answered prayers and for the 3 new jobs!! My heart is full of joy!!! ~A.E.

Hi. St. Anthony has always helped me in many ways. He has helped me find employment after years of being unemployed due to depression and anxiety. And when I was made redundant from that job he found me another great job which I am currently in. I truly believe in the miracles that St. Anthony works. I have been hopeless and he's given me hope many times. I believe he can help with so many situations. ~E.F.

Many people, perhaps most, will say these are all little coincidences, chance happenings. But when they happen to you personally, you know they aren't just a coincidence, you can tell the difference. So, say this popular prayer to St. Anthony the next time you can't find something: 'Good St. Anthony look around, something's lost and must be found'. And then, when you find what you were looking for, please remember to say a little prayer of thanksgiving~

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

They Said Pray To Saint Anthony

I have been so stressed out for 3 days looking for my car keys, worried that I threw them out in the garbage. I told my neighbors 3 days ago and they asked me this morning, did you find your keys? I said no, but I'm going to check for the 21st. time :).. they said pray to Saint Anthony. I got on my knees prayed and went straight to my room... started on one corner and decided to go straight to the drawer that I already went through of my clothes, and took each item out. Little to behold I prayed and kept focus on my keys and there it was, my car keys :) I yelled Saint Anthony:.. and started to cry... said the thank you prayer, and I am going to look for a shrine of him to go give a prayer in NJ .. that's my next goal. But wanted to share this story...

Thank you A.A. for your great story of St. Anthony's help in finding your much needed keys. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will share it on our blog~

Friday, November 3, 2017

November 2017 St. Anthony’s Relics Visit Canada

The Franciscan Friars of Saint Anthony's Basilica in Padua, Italy, will be bringing two precious relics to Ottawa, Canada, from Saturday, November 11th. to Sunday, November 19th. The first reliquary contains fragments of St Anthony’s skin and will be fixed on a golden statue of the Saint, which the devotees will actually be able to touch. The second relic, a fragment of St. Anthony's floating rib, was the one venerated by Sister Lucy, one of the three Seers of Fatima. The reliquary, therefore, has special meaning this year as we celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the Fatima apparitions. Click here for the Eucharistic and Veneration Services program.

Click picture for larger size

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

I Could Hardly Speak

After being out all afternoon I came home and went to remove my jewelry. I realized the ring my grandmother gave me was missing. My husband and I searched my car and outside our home. I called the places we had been asking if my ring had been found. It had not been. I prayed that night to St Jude to help me find it. The next day we went over the car etc. still no ring. That night I told a friend about my loss. She told me to pray to St Anthony. I did. The next day I thought try searching again. I went back to my car and finally went to the truck. I searched the same way I had done for 2 days. At the very last place I lifted a bag and there was my ring. I could hardly speak. When I could, I finally was able to say to my husband that I found it where we had searched twice before. It was a miracle. Thank you St Anthony.

Thank you A.B. for your beautiful story of St. Anthony's miraculous intervention in finding your beloved ring. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on the blog~

Thursday, October 26, 2017

All Souls Day 2017

On All Souls Day, November 2nd., the Franciscan Friars will celebrate a Holy Mass at the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy, for all of the Saint’s devotees who are no longer with us. If you wish your dear departed to be remembered during the Holy Mass, please write down their names in this link. You may also send your prayer in remembrance of them: they will personally take it to the Saint's Tomb.
On November 2nd. at 8:15 am CET watch the Mass live stream from Saint Anthony’s Basilica in Padua, Italy.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Just As I Was Giving Up

Good Morning and God Bless,
I need to share my early morning prayer to Saint Anthony with you. As I was taking our dog for his very early walk this morning, (my husband usually does the early walk, but is in severe back pain) I got my keys and proceeded to go to the nearest field that we usually go to.. Being very tired, we walked around the field with lots of trees and once done, proceeded to go home. I then noticed that my keys were missing from my jacket pocket.. Off I go to look all over.. No luck. I took the dog home (had to buzz a gracious neighbor to open the security door to the apartment), and after taking the dog in, went back to the large field.. I then prayed to Saint Anthony, and after searching every place I could think that me and our dog walked, said the prayer again and proceeded to go home.. Then.... there they were.. My keys in the grass.. I picked them up and gave thanks to Saint Anthony🙏.. Just as I was giving up, (had to get ready for church) there they were.. So surreal .. I held those keys and still couldn't believe I had them in my hands.. The field is huge.. The feeling was like the cliche finding a needle in a haystack..God Bless you Saint Anthony 🙏

Thank you S.H. for your story of St. Anthony's help in your life. Have a story of your own to share on our blog? Email it to us and we will post it for our readers to enjoy and be inspired by~

Friday, October 13, 2017

Fatima - 100 Years Later

Though this is not directly connected with St. Anthony, it is important to post about. Today is the 100 year anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal. Click here to learn more about this Vatican approved apparition of Our Lady and the associated prophecies.

Friday, October 6, 2017

I Started Praying To Saint Anthony

Last Friday morning I realized I had misplaced my red jewelry box. For 3 days I cleaned out drawers and closets searching. On Sunday I started praying to Saint Anthony . Driving home from work on Tuesday evening I turned off the music and quietly recited the prayer all the way home. I had planned to do one more dumpster dive through our trash when I arrived home since Wednesday is trash day. But before going out I decided to look around the house one more time. As I emptied out a sock basket in the bedroom, I heard my husband go down to the basement and I could tell he was looking through everything down there. I was in the living room when he came upstairs and called my name. When I turned around he was standing there holding the jewelry box in his hand. I started crying because inside that box was a ring that belonged to my great grandmother (mother's side) and another that belonged to my grandfather (father's side). They were both irreplaceable. Thank you Saint Anthony for leading my husband to where I had placed the box.
Sincerely, D.R.

Thank you D.R. for your St. Anthony story. Have a story of your own to share with our readers? Email them to us and we will post them on our blog~

Friday, September 29, 2017

St. Anthony’s Relics October 2017 Visit To Boston

Two relics of Saint Anthony from the Basilica in Padua will be brought to the Boston area by Fr. Mario Conte from Friday, Oct. 6th. to Sunday, October 15th.
One of the reliquaries contains the Saint’s ‘floating rib’, and was venerated by Sister Lucia, one of the three seers of Fatima, when it was taken to her convent in January 1995. The reliquary, therefore, has special meaning this year as we celebrate the centenary of the Fatima apparitions. Click here to download the program with the places and dates during the visit.
Please contact Tom Muscatello at (phone: (914)263-8841) for more information.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Ygnacia's Own Stories - He's Not Too Big To Help

In the past few of weeks I have experienced a couple of my own St. Anthony stories that I would like to share with you readers.
The first one involved my husband - I was gone part of the day, and when I came home in the evening I found my husband frantically searching our home for a lost key. He said that he had been searching for over two hours and that it was the only key to one of his tractors. He had already gone through all of the drawers in the house, the washroom, all of his pants, etc. He asked for my help so I looked where he asked me to, but with no luck. It was late so he headed off to bed, anxious and upset over his loss. I decided to go into my washroom, and while there I said the Saint Anthony prayer. I looked up after my prayer, and there was a large key on top of a statue box I have that holds the image of Our Lady. I brought it in to him and sure enough, it was the tractor key. He was astounded. I told him that he owed a prayer of thanks to St. Anthony, and he replied that maybe there is something to this St. Anthony business after all. I have since put a medal of St. Anthony on the tractor key ring as a reminder.
My second story happened just last week. On the spur of the moment I went into a store to pick up a couple of things I needed. While I was walking in I noticed a bagger outside looking around on the ground. She greeted me kindly, and mentioned that she had lost an earring somewhere around there the day before. I looked around a little too, then she moved on and I did too to start shopping. I said a quick prayer to Saint Anthony as I moved away, and not a second later I heard her exclaim. She walked over with the now found earring in her hand to show to me. I took that opportunity to let her know that I was a Catholic, and that we ask our friends the Saints to help us with their prayers, just like we ask our friends here on earth to pray for things for us too. I told her that St. Anthony was the patron saint of lost things, and so I had said a prayer to him to help her just before she found her earring. She gave me a hug, and went back to work. I heard her tell a customer a few minutes later, when she asked how she was today, that she was blessed.
Blessed indeed, we all are, to have Saint Anthony ready and waiting to help with his intersession whenever we ask. Though one of the greatest and most famous Saints of the Church, he's not to big to help, no matter how small the task. Ask him today to intercede for you with whatever losses you may have~

Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Instant I Opened My Eyes

I was 7 years old and I had lost some photos that were really important to me at the time. I had put them in a special spot and looked for hours for them. Finally I prayed to Saint Anthony for help and went to bed. When I woke in the morning the instant I opened my eyes there was a spark in them then I remembered, I put them behind the curtains next to my bed. I was exciting to find them but also my faith was increased. This has happened often in my life. Praise God!

Thank you P.N. for your story of continuing faith in the intersession of Good St. Anthony in your life. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on the blog~

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

My Phone Plays A Pretty Big Role

I'm a teenager in high school, and my phone plays a pretty big role in my life. I had just gotten home from dance a couple hours ago when I realized I hadn't had my phone. I knew I brought it in, so I tore up my room in hope of finding it. I didn't, so I asked my siblings and mom if they had taken it. They hadn't. After looking for it longer I became frustrated. I had moved everything from my floor, shaken clothes and all my blankets, checked my desk and the kitchen, I even pat myself down to make sure it wasn't on me. I just still couldn't find it. I knew my mom had told me about St. Anthony and how he helped her, so I decided to look up the prayer. Being a teenager who mad so many mistakes and sinned so often I didn't know if St. Anthony would think I deserved my phone. I still said the prayer and searched my house. I finally got in pajamas and gave up. I slid into bed and hit something hard at the top of my blanket. It had been my phone loosely wrapped in the top of my blanket. I was amazed because I had shaken that blanket twice and threw it around, but I didn't see it there until after I prayed to St. Anthony.
My mom also had an amazing experience. She was heading to confession one day. After confessing her sins she went back to her car only to find her keys missing. She walked through a huge field to get to the confessional so she searched and ended up going back to the priest. He hadn't seen her keys and they weren't in the confessional. He told her to say the prayer to St. Anthony and right when she walked out she saw her keys lying in the field.
I'm unbelievably thankful for these miracles and I will definitely have more faith. I will also try to pray to St. Anthony for my sister and dad. ~J.A.

Thank you J.A. for your wonderful stories. There was once a great running back in football, named Gayle Sayers. He was...well, brilliant. He only played a few years and then retired but even with that, he was taken into the Hall of Fame. He was known as "Sweetness," because his moves were so fluid, so precise, so untouchable. But that is kind of how Anthony is--sweet moves, precise, untouchable. Have any sweet stories of you own to share on the blog? Email them to us and we will post them~

Thursday, August 31, 2017

I Thank You With All My Heart

Dear St. Anthony,
I thank you with all my heart for the help you have given me. Not just for this job but for many things over the years. You are always a good friend and a good listener and I am sincerely grateful for your intercession and help. I said the prayer I found on this website only twice and the very next day I was called to a contract job, hoping it would become permanent. Yesterday, almost three months later, I heard that my job has now become permanent. I knew when I was called so quickly after asking for your intercession that I had a good chance and was quietly confident that I would secure this wonderful employment. Your help in the past gave me confidence and helped me to remain hopeful while waiting all this time. I have tears of joy and gratitude as I type this acknowledgement and my wish is for others to be inspired to pray for your intercession and to acknowledge you as a great Saint. St. Anthony, I let people know how good you are so that God will be glorified through your intercession and good works, and I will always love you and be most grateful.
With loving thanks,

Thursday, August 24, 2017

My Mother Always Said A Prayer

Recently I sorted out our family mementos, etc., following the deaths of my parents a few years ago. One diary of my mothers was set aside to to be made into a bundle with other related items. When these other items were ready I could not remember where I had put her diary. I made a thorough search and remembered my mother always said a prayer to St. Anthony when she misplaced something and always said thank you when the item was found.
I said my prayer and within a minute or two found the diary again where it was in safe keeping, my thanks went to St.Anthony. This was a simple but precious item of which led to valuable insights into my mothers childhood which would have been lost to present and future generations. Sincerely, G.

Thank you G.W. for your story of St. Anthony's help. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on the blog~

Sunday, August 6, 2017

It Was Very Fortunate

Another story to add to the many others on the blog. Among other duties my job requires to me be in the field and take pictures of signal equipment along railroads. One hot day a couple years ago I was doing just that, traveling from location to location. When I arrived at a new spot I couldn't find my digital camera. I carefully retraced my steps to my previous location a couple miles away. I searched diligently there and slowly along the two miles of roadway I'd traveled to the next location (along a four lane divided highway) to no avail. I prayed to St. Anthony and also texted my sister to ask her to do the same. I continued to search and decided to make one last trip to the last location I'd used the camera. When I stopped there I noticed another vehicle pulled over at that same spot. While I got out of the truck and started looking around a man got out of the car and asked if I'd lost a camera. Lo and behold he presented it to me. Apparently I'd left it on my truck and it'd fallen off into the middle of the highway. God knows how many folks had driven over it without hitting it but this man had noticed it, and stopped and retrieved it from the road. Other than a couple scratches on the body it was good as new. It was very fortunate it was found because I'd already lost a camera on the job a few years prior and I'm sure the boss wouldn't have been too pleased to hear I'd done it again! For unknown reasons I failed to ask for St. Anthony help with the first camera and it was never found. As fate would have if I've once again lost this same camera and so am asking once again for St. Anthony's intercession.

Thank you J.W. for your great lost and found story - we pray that St. Anthony will help you find the camera again. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on the blog~

Monday, July 24, 2017

It's Unexplainable

My sister gave me a St. Benedict bracelet after one of her daughter's (my niece) joined the Benedictines of Mary convent. I lost the bracelet at least over a year ago, I can't even remember now how long ago I lost it. I had prayed to St. Anthony and looked everywhere for it for several weeks, and eventually forgot all about it. Today I took out the garbage from the kitchen and set the bag outside the door, did a few more things in the house then went out to take the garbage bag to the dumpster, but our dog had gotten into it and scattered the garbage - I was not very happy as I began to pick up the garbage. I was picking up the gross, yucky contents of the garbage when I saw my St. Benedict bracelet in amongst the used, soggy coffee grounds! St. Anthony found it! I could not believe my eyes! I still can't. There is no rhyme or reason, it's unexplainable. Definitely the work of a higher power. It was a nice reminder of love and the power of prayer. Thank you dear St. Anthony!

Thank you J.W. for this amazing story of St. Anthony's help in your life. Have a story of your own to share with our readers? Email it to us to have it posted on our blog~

Sunday, July 16, 2017

He Is Always Listening

Yesterday, St. Anthony helped me find my lost passport and I promised myself that I would find a website where I could testify to how often St. Anthony has helped me find lost objects. How strange to find another recent story of a lost passport!
I had literally turned my office upside down looking for my mislaid passport, even to the point of having my son move heavy furniture away from the wall. I was frustrated and embarrassed because I rarely forget where I put things. Then I remembered St. Anthony and I sincerely prayed for help. A few minutes later, I looked in the same area I had searched before and with a sense of awe, saw my passport.
I have lots of examples of this. I misplaced my glasses in our “attic” storeroom year ago, and you can imagine how hard it is to find something lost in a room like that. I prayed to St. Anthony and went to the storeroom and immediately “knew” that my glasses had fallen out of sight behind a bookcase. I even have terribly trivial examples. My dog had lost his favorite ball. It’s silly but you’d think a dog could find it by scent. I prayed to St. Anthony and felt as if someone was moving my eyeballs to exactly the spot where the ball was hiding.
I know that God answers prayers, but sometimes I feel silly asking God for little things. And why this prayer in particular seems to work so infallibly and quickly is hard for me to understand. But I cannot deny that my little prayers to the Saint have been answered. And it has helped my faith in God, to know that He is always listening.
I believe our prayers to St. Anthony are blessed because God is the God of sparrows and tiny things and those kinds of prayers are truly humble prayers.

Thank you J.B. for your faith filled stories and insights. Have an insight or story to share about St. Anthony's help in your life? Email it to us and we will share it on the blog~

Sunday, July 9, 2017

I Was In Great Distress

I was in great distress to awake Saturday morning in my trailer while out camping with my family, when I could not find my wedding ring!! My husband and I having been married in a Catholic Church 20 years ago, and follow the faith through prayer and attending church on a regular basis with our sons, I was distraught in my spirit for the symbolism of our union was gone!! I looked high and low in the trailer where I was convinced I had last recalled wearing it. I went so far as to question whether it had been stolen by a guest the evening prior, as I last recalled placing it on the kitchen table to do the supper dishes. Of course I did not want to jump to conclusions, and so resorted to praying to St. Anthony in my despair. Not more than five minutes after I prayed, my husband came out of the trailer with my wedding ring and said, "will you marry me again?" I was stunned to learn that my 14 year old son found my ring above my bed, where I had already checked countless times!!! He said, "I told you I would find it for you mom." Amen to St. Anthony and my son!

Thank you L.C. for your wonderful story of St. Anthony's help in finding your wedding ring. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~

Friday, June 30, 2017

Lost And Found Passports

With the onset of Summer, we tend to get more stories of lost and found passports. Here are a couple of recent ones~

My brother looked everywhere for his passport - he was unable to get an appointment at the passport office for a renewal and we were due to travel within the week. After searching for 24 hours we said a prayer to Saint Anthony and located the passport within 5 minutes of the prayer, a little miracle. Thank you so much St. Anthony. ~A.T.

Thank you Saint Anthony! While trying to renew my husband's and my passport, our old passports were also required by the office. But I just didn't know where I had kept them. I read on the Internet that St Anthony helps find lost things and so I prayed to him. Miraculously the old passports were found within 2 days from an old bag. Thank you once again St. Anthony. ~M.M.

Have a St. Anthony story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on the blog.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

As If It Was Put There

I'm so grateful, I'm so grateful!!! My husband's wedding ring had been missing for 3 months - I recited prayers, praying first to Jesus, and to the Father. I recited prayers and went through our home. I know I checked every place, including the pockets of every coat or jacket before. First my missing pendant appeared; I was shocked and tears rolled. I wasn't done yet. "St. Anthony", I said, "this is the big one, can you help me please? We made a covenant with God on our wedding date. Please help me." I recited the prayer. I went back to the closet, and found my husband's ring in the third jacket in. As if it was put there. I broke down in gratitude, said my Prayers of Thanksgiving and The Creed. Thank you for blessing us Saint Anthony. Thank you Jesus, I remain your humble servant!

Thank you C.R. for your beautiful story of St. Anthony's help. Have a story of your own to share with our readers? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog to inspire others to pray for Saint Anthony's intersession.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

How Incredibly Blessed

I was at our cabin in the mountains when I suddenly felt something startling - my antique diamond had fallen out of it's setting. I had no idea when or where. I searched all over the cabin and assumed it went down the drain when I washed my hands. I searched through garbage cans, in and under the bed, every step I remembered taking. I went outside and checked around the cabin, in the car, panic setting in. I was so stunned that I couldn't even breathe. I stopped in my tracks and said a prayer to Saint Anthony and to God, thinking if it was possible, my diamond would be found. Suddenly, two receipts fell out of my left pocket. I remembered walking outside and those same two receipts had fallen out onto the ground in a particular spot. I went outside one more time and there was my diamond in the dirt, exactly where those two receipts had fallen out. I couldn't believe how happy it made me and how incredibly blessed I was in that moment. God is good.

Thank you so much J.S. for your beautiful story, on this the Feast of Saint Anthony. This year is falls on his special day - Tuesday. May all of our readers be especially blessed and interceded for by our beloved Saint Anthony of Padua - Good St. Anthony, pray for us~~

Monday, June 12, 2017

Novena to Saint Anthony 2017 - Day #13 The Saint of Miracles

Today's story is of Cunizza, the first miracle that happened after Saint Anthony’s death. This story invites us to turn to those we recognise as God’s friends and ask them to pray for us. Please join the Franciscan Friars every day until the 12th. of June, for the ‘Tredicina’ Mass celebrated at the High Altar of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy. The Mass will be livestreamed from their website every day at 6:00 pm Italian time. And if you like you may also write a prayer to Saint Anthony simply by filling out the form on their website.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Novena to Saint Anthony 2017 - Day #12 The Liberation of Padua

Today's story of the liberation of Padua through the intercession of St. Anthony. This miracle invites us to reflect on the importance of prayer in our lives. Please join the Franciscan Friars every day until the 12th. of June, for the ‘Tredicina’ Mass celebrated at the High Altar of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy. The Mass will be livestreamed from their website every day at 6:00 pm Italian time. And if you like you may also write a prayer to Saint Anthony simply by filling out the form on their website.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Novena to Saint Anthony 2017 - Day #11 The Speaking Infant

Today's story is of the speaking infant, which invites us to meditate on the important subject of gossip and slander. Please join the Franciscan Friars every day until the 12th. of June, for the ‘Tredicina’ Mass celebrated at the High Altar of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy. The Mass will be livestreamed from their website every day at 6:00 pm Italian time. And if you like you may also write a prayer to Saint Anthony simply by filling out the form on their website.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Saint Anthony's Miracles - Day #10 A Violent Husband

Today's story is about a violent husband. With this miracle, St. Anthony invites us to reflect on the condition of women. Please join the Franciscan Friars every day until the 12th. of June, for the ‘Tredicina’ Mass celebrated at the High Altar of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy. The Mass will be livestreamed from their website every day at 6:00 pm Italian time. And if you like you may also write a prayer to Saint Anthony simply by filling out the form on their website.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Novena To Saint Anthony 2017 - Day #9 The Miser's Heart

Today is the story about the miracle of the miser's heart. Through this miracle St. Anthony is inviting us to free ourselves from the idea of materialism and, at the same time, he is urging us to fight poverty. Please join the Franciscan Friars every day until the 12th. of June, for the ‘Tredicina’ Mass celebrated at the High Altar of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy. The Mass will be livestreamed from their website every day at 6:00 pm Italian time. And if you like you may also write a prayer to Saint Anthony simply by filling out the form on their website.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Novena To Saint Anthony 2017 - Day #8 A Dead Man Speaks

Today's story is of a dead man speaking. This miracle testifies to a very important value: the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. Please join the Franciscan Friars every day until the 12th. of June, for the ‘Tredicina’ Mass celebrated at the High Altar of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy. The Mass will be livestreamed from their website every day at 6:00 pm Italian time. And if you like you may also write a prayer to Saint Anthony simply by filling out the form on their website.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Novena To Saint Anthony 2017 - Day #7 Eurilia Comes Back To Life

Today is the story of Eurilia, who came back to life thanks to Saint Anthony’s intercession - we will meditate on the great power of faith. Please join the Franciscan Friars every day until the 12th. of June, for the ‘Tredicina’ Mass celebrated at the High Altar of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy. The Mass will be livestreamed from their website every day at 6:00 pm Italian time. And if you like you may also write a prayer to Saint Anthony simply by filling out the form on their website.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Novena To Saint Anthony 2017 - Day #6 Tommy & St. Anthony’s Bread

Today I will tell you the story of Tommy, a little boy who was brought back to life by Saint Anthony. This miracle initiated the great tradition of St. Anthony’s Bread. Please join the Franciscan Friars every day until the 12th. of June, for the ‘Tredicina’ Mass celebrated at the High Altar of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy. The Mass will be livestreamed from their website every day at 6:00 pm Italian time. And if you like you may also write a prayer to Saint Anthony simply by filling out the form on their website.

Novena To Saint Anthony 2017 - Day #5 The Drowned Child

Today is the story of the drowned child, which invites us to meditate on the important theme of the Resurrection. Please join the Franciscan Friars every day until the 12th. of June, for the ‘Tredicina’ Mass celebrated at the High Altar of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy. The Mass will be livestreamed from their website every day at 6:00 pm Italian time. And if you like you may also write a prayer to Saint Anthony simply by filling out the form on their website.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Novena To Saint Anthony 2017 - Day #4 The Re-attached Foot

Today's story is the miracle of the Re-attached Foot. With this miracle, St. Anthony invites us to meditate of the Sacrament of Confession. Please join the Franciscan Friars every day until the 12th. of June, for the ‘Tredicina’ Mass celebrated at the High Altar of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy. The Mass will be livestreamed from their website every day at 6:00 pm Italian time. And if you like you may also write a prayer to Saint Anthony simply by filling out the form on their website.

Novena To Saint Anthony 2017 - Day #3 The Heretic’s Mule

Today's story is about the miracle of the Heretic’s Mule. This miracle invites us to think about the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Please join the Franciscan Friars every day until the 12th. of June, for the ‘Tredicina’ Mass celebrated at the High Altar of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy. The Mass will be livestreamed from their website every day at 6:00 pm Italian time. And if you like you may also write a prayer to Saint Anthony simply by filling out the form on their website.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Novena To Saint Anthony 2017 - Day #2 Aleardino’s Glass

Today's meditation is on the story of Aleardino’s Glass, a meditate on one of the most fundamental principles of Catholicism: the Incarnation. Please join the Franciscan Friars every day until the 12th. of June, for the ‘Tredicina’ Mass celebrated at the High Altar of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy. The Mass will be livestreamed from their website every day at 6:00 pm Italian time. And if you like you may also write a prayer to Saint Anthony simply by filling out the form on their website.

Novena To Saint Anthony 2017 - Day #1 Sermon To The Fishes

We are starting a series of short meditations on some of St. Anthony’s most famous miracles in order to prepare ourselves for the feast of Our Saint. Today is the story of the Sermon to the Fishes, where there will meditation on what it really means to be a Christian. Please join the Franciscan Friars every day until the 12th. of June, for the ‘Tredicina’ Mass celebrated at the High Altar of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy. The Mass will be livestreamed from their website every day at 6:00 pm Italian time. And if you like you may also write a prayer to Saint Anthony simply by filling out the form on their website.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Today I Believe Even More

I went to a wedding last Summer and I was wearing my mother's engagement ring. She gave it to me as a gift because I used to beg her to give it to me when I was very young.. I used to play with it... And she told me when you are older... It is yours!!! So she kept her word. So you can imagine how precious it is for money can buy such valuable ring!
After the wedding I removed my jewelry and went to sleep. I was a little bit tipsy since it was a family wedding but I remember very clearly that I had put the ring, my bracelet and the earrings on the highest shelf of the wall unit. The next morning I went to put the jewellery back in my jewellery box.... But the ring was missing!!! I couldn't find my ring... I searched everywhere... Cleaned the whole house. I asked people who were at the wedding so maybe someone had found it. I was sad... I cried and cried .. I couldn't believe that I actually lost this sentimental ring!!!!
I prayed and prayed to St. Anthony ... I even bought a statue of him.. I have always been devoted to him since I am a Catholic... I prayed for hours, months and months but he wasn't even hearing me or so I thought. I went to Lourdes with my family and I prayed my heart out to Our Lady and also to St. Anthony God, to every saint.... I cried while praying and I was losing all hope...
Today (after several months with no luck I made up my mind that the ring was lost somewhere outside) I was looking for some batteries and I thought to look in an old nappy changer full of stuff ... After a few minutes...I saw it!!!! Oh was my mother's ring!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes...I couldn't believe how it got there....!!! So weird!!!! Who put the ring there??? The nappy changer full of junk stuff.... Nobody used it anymore....But, then it clicked!!! Of it makes sense... It was St. Anthony of Padua... He hasn't forgotten me... He found my lost ring and put it there!!!! Maybe I didn't listen to him. I was so busy getting angry with him for not helping me out!!! ( I am sooo sorrrry :( ) I believe in miracles and today I believe even more.... Thank you St. surely work wonders!!! I love you my friend and sorry if I ever doubted you!!!! Xxxx Keep on watching over me and my family xxxx. Thank you dear God Almighty, Jesus, and Mother Mary xxxx

Thank you M.E. for your wonderful story of St. Anthony's help in your life. Have a St. Anthony story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog, so others can be inspired to ask for St. Anthony's help in their lives too~

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

It Was Saint Anthony Who Led Them

In the 1990's, my husband and I lived in San Francisco, California, in Saint Anthony's Parish. Every year on Saint Anthony's feast on June 13 (or the Sunday closest to it), the church and school grounds burst in celebration. The day started with the tri-lingual (English, Spanish and Filipino) Mass at
mid-morning, followed by a solemn procession around the block, then an outdoor pot-luck party with music and dances by the multicultural community that comprised the parish. Latinos and Filipinos in their colorful costumes provided contrast to the dark brown habits of Franciscan Friars who administered the parish.
One time our daughter, her husband and baby who lived in another city came to our parish celebration. They appeared distraught at first, saying they had to take the bus because someone stole their car during the night. We persuaded them to stay for the Mass, procession and party and maybe they'd feel better afterwards. They did.
During the procession, my son-in-law volunteered to help carry the platform on which stood the statue of Saint Anthony. The processional statue of the saint shows him with fire from an open book in his hands instead of the Holy Child. It is not as much a favorite of parishioners as the one inside the church with Baby Jesus in his arms. Nevertheless the ladies have decorated the platform lavishly with different colored day lilies. Our daughter and son-in-law looked like they really enjoyed the party, showing off their baby boy to neighbors and friends. After the party, they rode the bus back to go home.
Later that afternoon our daughter called excitedly to tell us they have found their missing car. She said they were still on the bus when my son-in-law happened to look out the window and saw the car crookedly parked in an empty lot. He was quite sure it was their car. They got off the bus and walked to it. The door was unlocked, there were minor scratches on the dashboard and a nicked keyhole, some small objects, pillows and toys missing, but otherwise the car was intact. No one was around to see them take their car back, so they drove it home.
What was amazing to me was, I didn't think my daughter or her husband even thought of praying to Saint Anthony for help in retrieving their missing vehicle. Well, maybe they - or one of them - did. Yet they were quite certain it was Saint Anthony who led them to their missing vehicle. Perhaps just participating in his feast day celebration was enough for the good and gentle saint to lend a hand.
Thank you, Saint Anthony. Your favors are always appreciated. Pray for us to God, dear Saint and Doctor of the Church.

Thank you M.P. for your beautiful story of how St. Anthony assists us even when we don't ask him outright - he still is always willing to help.

Friday, April 14, 2017

I Could Have Lost It Anywhere

I had lost something very dear to me. It was an earring that I had gotten from my husband for our anniversary. I looked everywhere for it, but I could not find it. I prayed to Saint Anthony everyday for the past week. I finally got a chance to look in my car today (we had a very bad snowstorm right after I lost my earring.) I had only been searching a very short while and after I moved my car seat forward I found it! I could not believe it, I thought it was lost forever. I know St. Anthony helped me find it. To me this was truly miraculous, because I could have lost it anywhere. It's safely back with its mate. Thank you St. Anthony for answering my prayers! God Bless! Sincerely, C.W.

Thank you C.W. for your heartfelt story of St. Anthony's help in finding something important to you. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on the blog~

Thursday, April 6, 2017

I Prayed So Hard To Him

Many years ago, I was getting off from work. At the parking lot, since I had an armful of papers, I placed my handbag on the top of the car next to mine, opened my car door, placed the papers on the passenger's seat and drove off. I did not realize what I had done till I got home! I drove back immediately to the parking lot but the place was deserted. I went home depressed, thinking about the contents of the bag. I then was horrified that in it as well was expensive jewelry a friend had given to me for safekeeping. As soon as I got home,  I called another friend about what happened, who advised me to pray to Saint Anthony of Padua. I didn't know he was the Saint for lost things. I prayed so hard to him. Two hours later the phone rang and a stranger called that she found my bag on top of her car. The very next day, she brought it to my workplace. Everything was there including the jewelry! I was so thankful to Saint Anthony for having an honest woman find my handbag! To this day, I never forget and am still grateful to him.

Thank you N.P.L. for your great story of how St. Anthony found you an honest person to return your purse. Have a story of you own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

St. Anthony, I Gave Up Looking

Today, 6/3/17, as I was trying to construct my fencing, my drill broke. I decided to try and fix it. And so... as I was unfastening all the screws, I found that inside that drill there were two numbers of carbons among others. Each of which was held in its respective position by two individual springs. Accidentally one of the springs was disturbed by my movement. This caused the carbon to fly out of the drill. To cut the story short, I started looking for the carbon within the radius where I thought it would be. After about 10 minutes and still unable to find it, eventually I gave up, sat down when suddenly I thought of St. Anthony. I heard in the past that he is a great saint, particularly for lost things. So, I called upon his name saying, "St. Anthony, please look for my carbon, I could not find it. I promise you I'll spread your name if you find it." Then I resumed looking for approximately another 10 minutes, but to no avail. So, I stopped, I packed my broken drill and uttered, "St. Anthony, I gave up looking." I stood up, called it a day, and walked towards the door of my house. As I was walking, suddenly I saw the piece of carbon laying on the concrete pavement right in front of me. I was amazed. I picked it up and restarted my drill repair work. Thank you St Anthony.

Thank you L.S. for your great story of St. Anthony's help. Have a story of your own to share? Email us and we will post it on the blog~

Monday, March 20, 2017

It Was My Personal Little Miracle

I recently lost one of a pair of earrings my husband purchased for me for our 19th. wedding anniversary.  I was extremely upset,  not so much because I lost the earring, but because of the sentimental value it held. I was taking a shower, when I felt something hit my leg, and rattle around in the tub. I was washing my face at the time, so I wasn't able to open my eyes immediately to find out what it was. After I got out of the shower and was drying off I saw my earring back laying on the floor, and I knew in an instantly what had hit my leg.  I was so sure that my earring had wash down the drain,  that crying,  I told my husband he needed to climb under our house to check if it was in the pee-trap.  He, very reluctantly did as I ask,  and advised that it wasn't in there.   We then spent the next two hours with the shop vacuum trying, unsuccessfully, to suck the earring back up the pipe.  
At some point I decided to check for a prayer for lost things.  I remembered the prayer from when I was a kid,  but couldn't remember all the words.  I prayed the prayer for lost things almost the whole time we tried to find the earring.  So finally around two in the morning I very reluctantly went to bed.  I continued to pray until I fell asleep. I continued to pray the prayer to St. Anthony for 2 days.  Then,  the morning of the 3rd. day after losing it, the earring was still on my mind,  but I had really given up on finding it.  I was still praying to find it,  but figured it was gone for good.  So,  I went to work and was doing my normal thing. 
I was headed to the copier and was looking down at the papers I was going to make copies of when something sparkly caught my eye.  I walked past it,  but decided to turn back to check what it was.  As soon as I picked it up,  I knew exactly what it was.  I was so excited about finding it that tears instantly filed my eyes.  I squeezed the earring tight in my fist, and headed back to my office.  I closed the door and hit my knees.  I said a prayer of thanksgiving not only to God,  but also to St. Anthony. 
I, for the life of me, cannot figure out how the earring I swear washed down the drain,  was now at my office.  It was dirty,  and the bar was bent (but nothing my jeweler can't fix), and was just laying in the middle of the walkway-which is carpet.  How did it get so dirty, and bent?  I have no doubt that what ever my earring had been through,  it was divine intervention that I was able to find it.  It was my personal little miracle, and the rest of the day I kept touching it,  and saying a prayer of thanksgiving.  I know the prayer worked, and as your website declared I found it in a spot that makes absolutely no sense.  Thank you for putting this prayer online, and thank you for listening to my story.  The Lord is Awesome,  and His Love for His children is everlasting. Thank you, A.T.

Thank you A.T. for your miraculous story of St. Anthony's intervention.  Do you or a loved one have a St. Anthony story to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~

Friday, March 3, 2017

I Sought The Prayer To St. Anthony

Glory be!  I lost my glasses several days ago and I cannot see without them - I'm very nearsighted.  I had to wear my old contacts but my eyes are very sensitive and I'm almost out of contact lenses, too, so I was going to have to buy new glasses!  But I said to myself, they could not have just vanished -- they have to be in the house and just got knocked off a table or something.  However, I had looked thoroughly in the only places I ever really take them off -- by and under the bed, around the couch, and in the bathroom.  I knew I had woke up and they just weren't there like they always are.  I searched and two people helped me search, and today I sought the prayer to Saint Anthony for help finding my missing item.  Then I asked my husband to bring home his really strong flashlight from work so I could do one more thorough search. After searching with the flashlight for about 3 minutes, I went again into the bedroom and looked under the bed and the dresser by the bed.  I had to shine my light straight down behind the very corner of the headboard by the dresser, and THERE THEY WERE.  I couldn't see them from any other angle.  I am so grateful and I really feel that St. Anthony showed me where to look !!  Praise God.

Thank you D. M. for your great story of St. Anthony's help in finding your glasses. If you have a story of St. Anthony's help in finding something lost, email it to us and we will post it on the blog.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Coincidental? Absolutely Not!!

A few years ago I prayed to Saint Anthony to lead me to where my son lost his backpack in New York City...after praying faithfully his backpack was found a few days later, and surprisingly it had not been stolen!! It was the first time I had called upon St. Anthony and I wasn't sure if it was coincidental but I was thankful just the same!!! Just recently, I called upon St. Anthony again after I lost a sentimental piece of jewelry my husband bought me 30 years ago. I had been searching for it for weeks...I had taken the piece to a jeweler because I was going to have it repaired, and during all of the holiday hustle and bustle I had misplaced it and thought I had accidentally thrown it out or dropped it...I had searched and searched and was starting to give up hope... I said the prayer to St. Anthony and later that night I had a dream of the necklace being found...but it still hadn't turned up...A few days later...still searching the same places over and over again....on (1/7/16) I found a St. Anthony prayer card with a lovely medal. I held onto the medal and said the prayer and sat silently for a moment. He immediately showed me a sign which led me to where the jewelry might be...I looked in that place and there it was..... Coincidental? Absolutely NOT!! I am convinced Prayer and Faith WORK!! Thank you St. Anthony ❤️
Devoted Dee

Thank you D.B. for your stories of St. Anthony's help in your searches. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on the blog~

Friday, February 3, 2017

XXVI World Day of Prayer for the Sick

Every year, on February 11th. the Church celebrates the World Day of the Sick. Throughout his life, St. Anthony held a special place in his heart for the sick and suffering, showing them particular compassion and mercy, working wonders during his time on earth. Around the Tomb of Saint Anthony in his Basilica in Padua, countless signs and testimonies of healings and graces take place. Everywhere in the world people who are sick or suffering look to St. Anthony with confidence, and ask for the gift of bodily and spiritual health. Do you know someone who is sick or suffering? Let the Friars of Saint Anthony’s Basilica include you and your loved ones in their prayers at a special Mass at the Basilica of Saint Anthony in Padua on Saturday, February 11th, 2017. Click here to fill out the online form to be included in this special Mass. Click here to watch the World Day of the Sick livestream Mass at 8:15 am (CET)

Thursday, February 2, 2017

St. Anthony's Relics Visit The USA, Bangladesh And India

This month relics of Saint Anthony will be gracing various parts of the world. The ‘floating rib’ relic, the one that was venerated by Sister Lucia of Fatima, will be taken to Austin in Texas. There will also be other relics of St. Anthony taken to Bangladesh and then to India.The visits are taking place according to the following tentative schedule that may be subject to change. The Eucharistic and Veneration Services will be celebrated as follows:

click picture for larger size

Thursday, January 26, 2017

St. Anthony In The US: His Relics In Texas In February 2017

Fr. Mario Conte, executive editor of the Messenger of Saint Anthony magazine, will bring to Austin, Texas, from February 10th.-19th., the ‘floating rib’ relic of Saint Anthony, the one that was venerated by Sister Lucia of Fatima.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

It Helped Me Find Something Bigger

I don't really have a specific story;  I am more non-denominational in faith. Somehow though, I always felt that Saint Anthony was a very real saint. This last story is just a little story. I work in the medical field, and although lately I am worried about many things happening with my children and at home, I find I am more scattered brained than normal. The result is I am worried about my job too. I have keys to my office assigned to me, they open the office and the medicine locks. If I had lost them, I might have put my job in grave danger. As a single mother this was a terrifying thought. I prayed to Saint Anthony and began to look. I have to laugh, because I did find what I what I was worried about, money (my job)  (3 separate times in my search) and keys (long ago lost house keys one of the children misplaced). I retraced my steps and found a $5.00 dollar bill just floating by out of no where when I left a store I was in to ask if they had seen my keys, and then a friend who owed my money I had forgotten about stopped by and paid me back, and then a long lost gift card found during the search.
After that I found the house keys and had to laugh, Saint Anthony, I prayed, let me be very specific, and I was. Soon after I felt drawn to a certain corner of the room I normally don't pay any attention to. I kept feeling attracted to it. They shouldn't have been there, and I don't know how they got there, or how I found them so quickly - but I am certainly relieved and sure my prayers were heard (plus a few more.)
I am grateful, and so grateful that I wanted the chance to share my story, even though it is very small and insignificant, it helped me find something bigger - my flagging faith. Sincerely, S.N.

Thank you S.N. for sharing your not-so-little story of St. Anthony's help in your search. If you have a story of St. Anthony's assistance in your life, please email it to us and we will post it on our blog~

Saturday, January 7, 2017

I Was Skeptical

I had lost keys they had everything on them: my car, the house, my dad's house, my beach hut, and most importantly a key ring picture of my daughter when she was very young. I searched the house with my husband for three days solid, pulling out areas that were just not a possibility of hiding the keys but we were so clueless as to where they were. A friend mentioned about the prayer to St. Anthony to ask for help. I was skeptical but thought it would do no harm. That evening before bed I prayed and asked for his help. The next morning I called my friend and told her I had not had any visits so to speak in the night to guide me, and to really mock her suggestion I said to her all I had dreamt of that night was a huge house full of beds and mattresses; we chuckled and the carried on with our day. 
I was still hunting for my keys that evening when I said to my husband, maybe they had fallen into one of the drawers in the bedroom if they were slightly open? 48 hours previously that was a silly idea, but we were so confused as to where they were we looked anywhere! He went to the bedroom and opened the drawers but found nothing. He then pulled a bag out from under our bed which contained my nightwear, only to see the keys sitting in the bag! I immediately called my friend, over the moon our keys had been found, and was taken aback by her response. She said, I told you St. Anthony would help you. I then remembered my dream the previous night; I had dreamt of beds. And where were my keys? Under my bed in a bag. Now I'm not a pushover with things, but that is just plain awesome don't you think!! Regards, M.B. 

Yes M.B., we do think that is awesome. Have an awesome story of St. Anthony's help in your life to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Thank You St. Anthony, Thank You

Thank you St. Anthony for your help and intervention in finding our collection of house keys and car key. We, that is my wife and I, have been searching for these keys since Christmas Eve 12/24/16 under beds, in cupboards, above the rafters, in shopping bags, sorting through the household scraps and rubbish as well as the recycling bin, around various gardens where I had trimmed and weeded, in the cars several times to no avail. They must be in my man shed. Spending a couple of days thoroughly searching every nook and cranny, shelves, cupboards, wire hooks and around the floor supports, the bundle of keys still did not appear. Well, then I turned to the church and asked some of the choir group had they found a bunch of keys, on Christmas Eve, which I may have left on the church floor; I even asked the Priest. All this was unsuccessful, so I approached the police station and left a description for the lost and found. The search continued on the small town's community web site for lost and found. No luck there either. Completely convinced that those keys would never be found I began securing the gates and doors with different locks. Only the 4wd car remained unsecured as it has remote central locking. Therefore all identification and the home address had to be removed in case a thief activated the remote control in a car park and stole the 4wd. They would have access to the home address and the contents of the house. Out of the blue my wife suggested I search St. Anthony's home page and read his prayer for help to find lost items which are of great need. So I did. I learnt the prayer off by heart and proceeded to say the prayer, think of the keys and revisit all the places I had searched thoroughly before. Well as I was looking carefully through the shopping bags on top of the portable fridge downstairs, I found the bunch of keys wedged low down between the protective cover of the camping fridge. My first thought was, "thank you St. Anthony, thank you, thank you, thank you." I wasn't interested in how they came to be there. We were most grateful they had been found. What a great way to start the new year 1/1/17.

Thank you A.D. for starting our New Year off with your great story of St. Anthony's miraculous help. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on the blog~