This Chaplet of St. Anthony consists of thirteen Our Fathers, Hail Marys, and Glory Be's, in honor of the thirteen favors mentioned in the “Miraculous Responsory”. The following prayers may be used before the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.
1.) Most gracious St. Anthony, keep me from sin and enable me to persevere in good.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be
2.) Great St. Anthony, keep whatever is uncharitable far from me.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be
3.) Dear St. Anthony, make mine a true, lasting and vibrant faith.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be
4.) Good St. Anthony, banish from my heart all that would cloud God’s love.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be
5.) St. Anthony, encouraged by your gentleness, help me to grow in genuine conversion of heart.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be
6.) St. Anthony heal me. Obtain for me true love of God and health of mind and soul.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be
7.) St. Anthony, with my Guardian Angel, guide me through the perils of this life and keep me safe.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be
8.) St. Anthony, protect me from the devil’s temptations and obtain for me God’s help.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be
9.) St. Anthony, healer of the sick, preserve my life and grant me blessings of good health.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be
10.) Saint of miracles, finder of lost things, help me to discover what is truly important in my life.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be
11.) St. Anthony, my helper and friend of God, be my defense and security in times of doubt.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be
12.) St. Anthony, friend of God, I ask your intercession at God’s throne for divine grace.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be
13.) St. Anthony, I join with you now and with the whole company of Heaven in praising the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be

He is one of the great saints of the Catholic Church, and one of the beloved--even far beyond Catholics themselves. Untold numbers of people turn to him, still, when there is loss. And strangely--at least strangely in the usual ways of the world--those things often quickly turn up. And often they turn up in the most unexpected--even seemingly miraculous ways. Let the stories begin.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Sunday, December 7, 2014
St. Anthony's Email Bag - Little Answered Prayers 1
We receive many brief stories of gratitude for Saint Anthony's help sent to us, here a few of the more recent ones:
'I was introduced to St. Anthony midway through my difficult study and I was sure I would flunk the test. But through my continuous request to St. Anthony, I was able to answer even the questions that I found difficult. Thank you, St Anthony.' -J.P.
'Two items recovered in two days after short prayer to St. Anthony. Many many thanks.' -M.H.
'I lost my ring after Mother's Day, so I prayed to St. Anthony for his help every day. Today I found my ring inside my jacket. Thank you so much my patron powerful St. Anthony for your help. God bless.' -S.S.
'I thank my husband for introducing St. Anthony to me. St. Anthony is my best friend! Tuesday becomes my lucky day, always, since I started my devotion to St. Anthony!!! We got some amazing graces from him on Tuesdays! He is our great advocate. I am now praying for my sister and myself to heal the rift. We have not seen each other for more than ten years. I am praying to St. Anthony for his support and I will let you know if I get this difficult grace.' -M.C.
Update: M.C.'s prayer for a 'difficult grace' has been answered, click here to read the story.
'Today, after many times going to court, my daughter won 50/50 custody of her daughter. Thanks be to God, St. Anthony for answering my prayers...nine day novena which ended before trial.' -B.M.
'I had misplaced my driver's license. I prayed this novena for 9 consecutive hours today and after an hour, I called up an office mate and he confirmed it was just on my office table. Thank you, St. Anthony, I need not go through the hassle of applying and lining up for a replacement card.' -D.T.
'My other daughter got a job offer on "Tuesday" after I went to Mass to honor St. Anthony on Tuesday for her. It is just a Christmas job but she gained some confidence from her nice bosses who encouraged her. I will be finishing on ninth Tuesday on 9th. of December for my daughter and I know St. Anthony won't let me down. I put "Thank you" card under his feet at the Church. I hope it will encourage others in distress to pray to St. Anthony for help. My heart, He is too amazing! The training tutor told my daughter that she was lucky because she was being picked out of 2,500 applicants for this Christmas job. I think they hired about less or more than 200 Christmas staff for three months. From this valuable training and experience, she may get another job in any retail easily. It was St Anthony’s doing ! Praise be to God.' -M.C.
'Thank you Saint Anthony for answering my prayers in finding my lost wrist watch. Always grateful to you.' -S.M.
And finally, from Ygnacia's youngest son: "I know I put my travel bag in the hotel drawer, and I looked there over and over and couldn't find it. I said a prayer to St. Anthony, and then I found it in the drawer, right where I had already looked so many times before."
Many people, perhaps most, will say these are all little coincidences, chance happenings. But when they happen to you personally, you know they aren't just a coincidence, you can tell the difference. So, say this popular prayer to St. Anthony the next time you can't find something: 'Good St. Anthony look around, something's lost and must be found'. And then, when you find what you were looking for, don't forget to say a little prayer of thanks, and then drop us a line here with your story to share~
'I was introduced to St. Anthony midway through my difficult study and I was sure I would flunk the test. But through my continuous request to St. Anthony, I was able to answer even the questions that I found difficult. Thank you, St Anthony.' -J.P.
'Two items recovered in two days after short prayer to St. Anthony. Many many thanks.' -M.H.
'I lost my ring after Mother's Day, so I prayed to St. Anthony for his help every day. Today I found my ring inside my jacket. Thank you so much my patron powerful St. Anthony for your help. God bless.' -S.S.
'I thank my husband for introducing St. Anthony to me. St. Anthony is my best friend! Tuesday becomes my lucky day, always, since I started my devotion to St. Anthony!!! We got some amazing graces from him on Tuesdays! He is our great advocate. I am now praying for my sister and myself to heal the rift. We have not seen each other for more than ten years. I am praying to St. Anthony for his support and I will let you know if I get this difficult grace.' -M.C.
Update: M.C.'s prayer for a 'difficult grace' has been answered, click here to read the story.
'Today, after many times going to court, my daughter won 50/50 custody of her daughter. Thanks be to God, St. Anthony for answering my prayers...nine day novena which ended before trial.' -B.M.
'I had misplaced my driver's license. I prayed this novena for 9 consecutive hours today and after an hour, I called up an office mate and he confirmed it was just on my office table. Thank you, St. Anthony, I need not go through the hassle of applying and lining up for a replacement card.' -D.T.
'My other daughter got a job offer on "Tuesday" after I went to Mass to honor St. Anthony on Tuesday for her. It is just a Christmas job but she gained some confidence from her nice bosses who encouraged her. I will be finishing on ninth Tuesday on 9th. of December for my daughter and I know St. Anthony won't let me down. I put "Thank you" card under his feet at the Church. I hope it will encourage others in distress to pray to St. Anthony for help. My heart, He is too amazing! The training tutor told my daughter that she was lucky because she was being picked out of 2,500 applicants for this Christmas job. I think they hired about less or more than 200 Christmas staff for three months. From this valuable training and experience, she may get another job in any retail easily. It was St Anthony’s doing ! Praise be to God.' -M.C.
'Thank you Saint Anthony for answering my prayers in finding my lost wrist watch. Always grateful to you.' -S.M.
And finally, from Ygnacia's youngest son: "I know I put my travel bag in the hotel drawer, and I looked there over and over and couldn't find it. I said a prayer to St. Anthony, and then I found it in the drawer, right where I had already looked so many times before."
Many people, perhaps most, will say these are all little coincidences, chance happenings. But when they happen to you personally, you know they aren't just a coincidence, you can tell the difference. So, say this popular prayer to St. Anthony the next time you can't find something: 'Good St. Anthony look around, something's lost and must be found'. And then, when you find what you were looking for, don't forget to say a little prayer of thanks, and then drop us a line here with your story to share~
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Images Of St. Anthony - St. Cyprian Roman Catholic Church, Washington D.C.
Some of my family and I were visiting Washington D.C. this past week. While visiting we saw many grand and interesting things, but one that I personally enjoyed very much was the beautiful little church where we went to Mass, Holy Comforter St. Cyprian Roman Catholic Church. To my great pleasure there was a lovely statue of our beloved St. Anthony. Here is a picture of the statue, in the form of St. Anthony's Bread.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
St. Anthony's Relics Visit California - Ygnacia's Experience
On All Saints Day I had the very great fortune to be able to attend the veneration of St. Anthony relics that were on tour near my home in California. To be in the presence of Saint Anthony's relics was a deeply moving experience for me, a great joy and blessing that I never thought I would be able to experience. God is so good. I was also blessed to meet Franciscan Friar Fr. Mario Conte who brought the relics from the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, and Tom Muscatello of the Vatican Anthonian Association. The following are my pictures of those two relics of our beloved St. Anthony~
The first class relic of St. Anthony - skin from his blessed face is in the glass section of the reliquary, on top of the book held by the statue.
Franciscan Friar Fr. Mario Conte, who took the relic of St. Anthony on this tour of California and Cananda. The basket on the table next to the reliquary holds prayer intentions that Fr. Conte will take back home with him to the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua.
Veneration of the relic of Saint Anthony by one of the many good people that made time to visit the tour.
The other first class relic on tour is a 'floating rib' from our beloved Saint. This is the very same reliquary that was kissed by Sister Lucia of Fatima.
If you have had the good fortune to visit any of the worldwide tours of Saint Anthony's relics, please email us your reflections and experience to post on our blog. May these blessed tours continue~
The first class relic of St. Anthony - skin from his blessed face is in the glass section of the reliquary, on top of the book held by the statue.
Franciscan Friar Fr. Mario Conte, who took the relic of St. Anthony on this tour of California and Cananda. The basket on the table next to the reliquary holds prayer intentions that Fr. Conte will take back home with him to the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua.
Veneration of the relic of Saint Anthony by one of the many good people that made time to visit the tour.
The other first class relic on tour is a 'floating rib' from our beloved Saint. This is the very same reliquary that was kissed by Sister Lucia of Fatima.
If you have had the good fortune to visit any of the worldwide tours of Saint Anthony's relics, please email us your reflections and experience to post on our blog. May these blessed tours continue~
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Prayer To St. Anthony For Employment - Success Stories
Because our list of success stories through the intersession of St. Anthony in helping people find employment got so large, we created a post just for those great stories. Below you will find stories that have been emailed to us, in order of date posted. Click here to find the Prayer To St. Anthony For Employment. The trend seems to indicate - you can trust in Saint Anthony's intercession with God in your job search~
Here is a recent email from a reader, M.H.D., who expresses her thanks to St. Anthony for employment found:
"I started praying to St Anthony to help my husband find employment. I started his Novena and on the 3rd. day my husband got a job offer. Thank you St. Anthony for interceding with the Child Jesus on my behalf and granting my husband a good job."
Another answered prayer for a job, emailed to us from G.R.:
"It really works, thank you so much, God be praised for the spirit that is St. Anthony. I prayed this once last night and once this morning, and was offered a position that pays more money an hour than I have in my life. Not only will he help you obtain what you need, he'll give you more - believe it"
Here is a link to an uplifting email from blog reader M.F. who shows us that with perseverance, and prayer to St. Anthony, the right new job can be found.
Here is an email from blog reader I.N. who found a job after a year and a half search, only 4 days after praying to St. Anthony for his intersession.
Here is an email from one of our blog readers expressing her thanks for employment found:
"I would like to inform you the great news my husband was offered a position for employment. He starts on the 23rd of June. Thank you for having him and our family in your prayers. These 6 months made us stronger and definitely tested my FAITH. I am forever grateful to my Lord and savior. Blessings, R.S."
Click here to read a recent email from blog reader J.E. regarding St. Anthony's help in finding her son a job.
From an anonymous blog reader who found two jobs:
"Prayed to St. Anthony, St. Joseph and St. Rita for a prayers were answered today with a job that may be ending in January. Received a call today and a job offer to start in January when the other job may end! Prayer works...the Saints hear us!!"
Click here for the story of blog reader D. who knew that you need to know someone to get a job.
From grateful blog reader E.A.:
"I had recently lost my job and desperately needed to find work. I said the St. Anthony prayer and novena and within a couple of days I got an interview and a contract position. I kept steadfast in my prayers and was able to full time position."
From blog reader A.B. that prayed through the intercession of Saint Anthony for her brother to find a job:
"I just want to thank St. Anthony for granting my request. I have prayed the novena and wished for my brother to find a job to provide for his growing family. He has been unemployed for years and I thought that my prayers were unanswered, however a month and couple of weeks later my brother was accepted in a company near where we live that provides good benefits. Praise The Lord Jesus Christ and thanks to the Most High. Thanks St. Anthony for your intercession."
Here is another St. Anthony success story, from blog reader P.:
"I starting saying the novena and a week later I had like 4 to 6 interviews, and a week after that I got one of those jobs! So thanks to St. Anthony for all the help, and for giving me faith♡ "
From grateful blog reader I.H.:
"I prayed to St. Anthony to help me find a job and within days I found one. I felt so empowered by the prayer that I decided to pray for my brother, who had been out of work for over a year. Not feeling as confident with him, I still had faith in St. Anthony's prayer and within days, my brother found an AMAZING job..the kind of job he has always wanted! All I can say is I am blown away by the power of St. Anthony's prayers and am forever grateful and a believer in his powers..."
From blog reader G.K.:
"My job contract ended in September, 2014. On the 9th. I was informed that it would not be renewed. I started praying the Novena to St. Anthony on the 13th. of September, and God is faithful - by the 13th. of October, 2014, I reported to my new job."
From blog reader C.S.:
"Lost my job! Prayed to St. Anthony. Found new one. Thank You St. Anthony!"
"I had taken a break in my career for my child, and was worried if I would get a job again. I started reciting a St. Anthony novena and within a short period I have been blessed with the job of my heart desire. Thank you St. Anthony for answering my prayer. Regards, D.S."
"Hello, I thank you St. Anthony for the good job for my husband. Oh St. Anthony thank you for listening my prayers and giving good job to my husband within no time. Thank you for such a powerful prayer." -S.G.
"I was in search of employment. Today in a wonderful way God opened a job situation through the intercession of wonderful St. Anthony.
Thanking St. Anthony of Padua and of wonder worker of Dornalli." -T.V.
"Said unfailing prayer for intercession 3 times a day for a week and got the job!!" -D.O.
"I am very happy to say that I got a casual job with St. Anthony's intercession. I strongly believe that he will continue to intercede for me in getting a permanent job. All praise and glory to God." -B.D.
" Hi, I wanted to disclose the grace and blessing offered to me by Lord Jesus through mercy and kindness of St. Anthony's prayer for a job. I had been praying for a new job for my loved ones and my needs, along with a personal desire to get a good job. I had been trying for very long and had lost almost all the hope of achieving the same, though I knew I was doing pretty good at interviews. Meanwhile I had only 2 chances of before which I had declared myself as looser. I prayed the St. Anthony prayer for the 1st. job interview and I was not fruitful, but I had tried even harder and after 2 days I had another interview and got the job. Thanks to Lord Jesus, Saint Anthony and Mother Mary for all their blessings. Thanks for sharing the prayer." -A.R.
"I got a job through intercession of Saint Anthoný" -A.M.F.
Here is a recent email from a reader, M.H.D., who expresses her thanks to St. Anthony for employment found:
"I started praying to St Anthony to help my husband find employment. I started his Novena and on the 3rd. day my husband got a job offer. Thank you St. Anthony for interceding with the Child Jesus on my behalf and granting my husband a good job."
Another answered prayer for a job, emailed to us from G.R.:
"It really works, thank you so much, God be praised for the spirit that is St. Anthony. I prayed this once last night and once this morning, and was offered a position that pays more money an hour than I have in my life. Not only will he help you obtain what you need, he'll give you more - believe it"
Here is a link to an uplifting email from blog reader M.F. who shows us that with perseverance, and prayer to St. Anthony, the right new job can be found.
Here is an email from blog reader I.N. who found a job after a year and a half search, only 4 days after praying to St. Anthony for his intersession.
Here is an email from one of our blog readers expressing her thanks for employment found:
"I would like to inform you the great news my husband was offered a position for employment. He starts on the 23rd of June. Thank you for having him and our family in your prayers. These 6 months made us stronger and definitely tested my FAITH. I am forever grateful to my Lord and savior. Blessings, R.S."
Click here to read a recent email from blog reader J.E. regarding St. Anthony's help in finding her son a job.
From an anonymous blog reader who found two jobs:
"Prayed to St. Anthony, St. Joseph and St. Rita for a prayers were answered today with a job that may be ending in January. Received a call today and a job offer to start in January when the other job may end! Prayer works...the Saints hear us!!"
Click here for the story of blog reader D. who knew that you need to know someone to get a job.
From grateful blog reader E.A.:
"I had recently lost my job and desperately needed to find work. I said the St. Anthony prayer and novena and within a couple of days I got an interview and a contract position. I kept steadfast in my prayers and was able to full time position."
From blog reader A.B. that prayed through the intercession of Saint Anthony for her brother to find a job:
"I just want to thank St. Anthony for granting my request. I have prayed the novena and wished for my brother to find a job to provide for his growing family. He has been unemployed for years and I thought that my prayers were unanswered, however a month and couple of weeks later my brother was accepted in a company near where we live that provides good benefits. Praise The Lord Jesus Christ and thanks to the Most High. Thanks St. Anthony for your intercession."
Here is another St. Anthony success story, from blog reader P.:
"I starting saying the novena and a week later I had like 4 to 6 interviews, and a week after that I got one of those jobs! So thanks to St. Anthony for all the help, and for giving me faith♡ "
From grateful blog reader I.H.:
"I prayed to St. Anthony to help me find a job and within days I found one. I felt so empowered by the prayer that I decided to pray for my brother, who had been out of work for over a year. Not feeling as confident with him, I still had faith in St. Anthony's prayer and within days, my brother found an AMAZING job..the kind of job he has always wanted! All I can say is I am blown away by the power of St. Anthony's prayers and am forever grateful and a believer in his powers..."
From blog reader G.K.:
"My job contract ended in September, 2014. On the 9th. I was informed that it would not be renewed. I started praying the Novena to St. Anthony on the 13th. of September, and God is faithful - by the 13th. of October, 2014, I reported to my new job."
From blog reader C.S.:
"Lost my job! Prayed to St. Anthony. Found new one. Thank You St. Anthony!"
"I had taken a break in my career for my child, and was worried if I would get a job again. I started reciting a St. Anthony novena and within a short period I have been blessed with the job of my heart desire. Thank you St. Anthony for answering my prayer. Regards, D.S."
"Hello, I thank you St. Anthony for the good job for my husband. Oh St. Anthony thank you for listening my prayers and giving good job to my husband within no time. Thank you for such a powerful prayer." -S.G.
"I was in search of employment. Today in a wonderful way God opened a job situation through the intercession of wonderful St. Anthony.
Thanking St. Anthony of Padua and of wonder worker of Dornalli." -T.V.
"Said unfailing prayer for intercession 3 times a day for a week and got the job!!" -D.O.
"I am very happy to say that I got a casual job with St. Anthony's intercession. I strongly believe that he will continue to intercede for me in getting a permanent job. All praise and glory to God." -B.D.
" Hi, I wanted to disclose the grace and blessing offered to me by Lord Jesus through mercy and kindness of St. Anthony's prayer for a job. I had been praying for a new job for my loved ones and my needs, along with a personal desire to get a good job. I had been trying for very long and had lost almost all the hope of achieving the same, though I knew I was doing pretty good at interviews. Meanwhile I had only 2 chances of before which I had declared myself as looser. I prayed the St. Anthony prayer for the 1st. job interview and I was not fruitful, but I had tried even harder and after 2 days I had another interview and got the job. Thanks to Lord Jesus, Saint Anthony and Mother Mary for all their blessings. Thanks for sharing the prayer." -A.R.
"I got a job through intercession of Saint Anthoný" -A.M.F.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Virtual Tour Of Saint Anthony’s Basilica In Padua
Not able at this time to make a pilgrimage to Padua, Italy, and tour of the Basilica of Saint Anthony?? Us either - so here instead is a virtual tour of the Basilica and courtyards. By moving your mouse over the map you will activate various links, with many interesting articles included. Click the links and they will illustrate with texts and photos the area selected.
Click here to start your virtual pilgrimage - we hope you enjoy it, and that perhaps a number of you may make it there in person some day~
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
2014 Visit Of St. Anthony's Relics To Canada & California
Saint Anthony's relics are to visit Alberta (Canada) October 18-23 and San Francisco, (U.S.A.) October 26 - November 2 2014. After repeated requests, we are pleased to inform you that two relics of St. Anthony will again touch Northern America – this time some areas along the western part of the continent that have not yet been covered in the previous visits. The two precious relics of our Saint are being brought by a Franciscan Friar from the Basilica of St. Antony in Padua. One of these reliquaries contains the Saint’s floating rib. This is the very same reliquary that was kissed by Sister Lucia of Fatima when it was taken to the nuns at the Monastery of Carmelite sisters in Coimbra, Portugal, in January 1995, during the commemorations for the 800th anniversary of St. Athony’s birth. The Eucharistic and Veneration Services will be celebrated as follows in Alberta (Canada) and San Francisco, CA (U.S.A.).
Click here to visit our post about our own visit to the Relics when they passed through our area of California.
Click here to visit our post about our own visit to the Relics when they passed through our area of California.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Prayer To St. Anthony For Those Who Are Lost On The Way
Good Saint Anthony, you have always reached out with compassion and concern to those who have lost or who have never had any faith. We ask you to please intercede for (name) who has never had the Faith, or who has stopped practicing it. Though your efficacious prayers, may (name) have awaken in their heart a great love for Our Lord Jesus Christ, His Church, and the Holy Sacraments.
Please also, St. Anthony, help me to respond to my own call to continuing conversion, so that I may become an example of one who has found great peace in the arms of Christ. May the joy I experience as a Catholic be an invitation to those who are lost, to come home with love to Holy Mother Church. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
Please also, St. Anthony, help me to respond to my own call to continuing conversion, so that I may become an example of one who has found great peace in the arms of Christ. May the joy I experience as a Catholic be an invitation to those who are lost, to come home with love to Holy Mother Church. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
Just A Whisper Of A Prayer
Hello, I'd like to share my story anonymously. My husband had $500 in his wallet and 2 checks. I was at work and he was moving our stuff/ relocating with a big rental truck and some workers who were going to help us. He texted me he lost the money. He was very upset with himself and the workers were unsure about staying. I prayed to St. Anthony. Just a whisper of a prayer or two is really all I could say. My husband later told me he was on his way home and then 'remembered' where he put it. I am overjoyed -- thank you, Jesus! Thank you St. Anthony-- I don't know how you do it- Amen. Amen. I am saying thank you prayers!! Please all, keep faith in Christ Jesus. I do try to tell my husband-- it's St. Anthony helping us, but he does not believe. Please, if you read my story, please pray for my husband and his conversion to Christ.
Thank you R.P. for your story of steadfast belief in St. Anthony's help. Here is a link to a prayer to help those who are lost on their way to faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of good St. Anthony.
Thank you R.P. for your story of steadfast belief in St. Anthony's help. Here is a link to a prayer to help those who are lost on their way to faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of good St. Anthony.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
I Have Always Had A Devotion To St. Anthony
I have always had a devotion to St. Anthony, even as a small child, as I witnessed the special place he held in the lives of my mother and grandmother. My children and I have faithfully attended Mass on his feast day to thank him for all of our answered prayers throughout the year. In fact, when my son was a toddler, we discovered the shoe he'd lost days before in the Mothers' Room in our parish Church on that day! St. Anthony is wonderful friend. I'm writing now to thank him publicly for the recovery of a small notebook which was very important to me, and which I found in a stack of papers I had already looked through, after praying this Novena. More recently, I am also grateful for the recovery of 2 credit cards and my son's Latin text book!
Thank you J.P. for your stories of lifelong devotion to St. Anthony of Padua. May we all be inspired to turn to God through the intercession of good St. Anthony in any time of need~
Thank you J.P. for your stories of lifelong devotion to St. Anthony of Padua. May we all be inspired to turn to God through the intercession of good St. Anthony in any time of need~
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
You Have To Know Someone To Get A Job
I had been praying for a long time for employment. One day it occurred to me that Saint Anthony had been so faithful in his intercession for finding lost articles over the years for my family. Even though my kids didn't really want to admit it, it worked. When they would be frustrated with a lost article, they would come to me and say, "Who's that guy you pray to? I can't find my keys anywhere." And St. Anthony would come through.
I had been at home over the last few years, with care-taking responsibilities for my parents. I was frustrated with the job search. Usually in the past I would have one or two job interviews, and then have a job offer. I was saying the Novena to St. Anthony and applying to jobs, but then I decided to take the month of July off from looking for a job. All of a sudden I received a phone call from a resume I sent out two months ago, it was a financial position at a church. I interviewed with a few people and then got a job offer!
Some people would say to me, you have to know someone to get a job. Yes, I do believe, "The prayer of a righteous person is very effective" - thank you St. Anthony for your intercession! I am now praying for a couple of other people!
Thank you blog reader D. for sending in your story, helping us to see how St. Anthony is a good someone to know in helping find a job. Have a St. Anthony story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~
I had been at home over the last few years, with care-taking responsibilities for my parents. I was frustrated with the job search. Usually in the past I would have one or two job interviews, and then have a job offer. I was saying the Novena to St. Anthony and applying to jobs, but then I decided to take the month of July off from looking for a job. All of a sudden I received a phone call from a resume I sent out two months ago, it was a financial position at a church. I interviewed with a few people and then got a job offer!
Some people would say to me, you have to know someone to get a job. Yes, I do believe, "The prayer of a righteous person is very effective" - thank you St. Anthony for your intercession! I am now praying for a couple of other people!
Thank you blog reader D. for sending in your story, helping us to see how St. Anthony is a good someone to know in helping find a job. Have a St. Anthony story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
The Friar I Met In My Dream
From Messenger of Saint Anthony comes this amazing story from a person visiting the recent exhibition of the reconstructed face of Saint Anthony:
Among the many thousands of people at the exhibition was ‘Danny’ (not his real name) who began to sweat profusely when he drew near the facial reconstruction. The personnel at the exhibition, seeing that Danny was unwell, invited him to sit down and offered him a glass of water. Danny sat down, drank a bit, and after a short pause asked to speak to a friar. By a happy coincidence our General Director, Fr. Giancarlo Zamengo, happened to be in a nearby cloister, and so Danny was able to speak to him.
“Fr. Giancarlo,” Danny began, “I have to tell you why I am feeling so flustered. A few years ago I was working on the power panel at my son’s factory when I was struck by a 380 volt electric bolt. I immediately passed out and was rushed to hospital. The only thing I remember is finding myself in a nice, warm place filled with light, and that I was perfectly at peace. At first no one seemed to be there beside me, but soon after I perceived a tall figure with a dark grey habit. He was smiling, and he placed his hand on my shoulder. “Danny,” the figure said to me, “you must go back to your loved ones, who are greatly worried about you. Your time has not yet come. Wake up!” At that precise moment I woke up and found myself lying on a hospital bed with my wife standing beside me.
“However, it is not the memory of this event that has troubled me, but the fact that the friar I met in my dream was the spitting image of the forensic reconstruction of St. Anthony’s face here at the exhibition. And I would like to add that I rarely forget people’s faces because I am a portrait painter, and I certainly never forgot the face I saw in that dream!”
Click here for the whole article~
Among the many thousands of people at the exhibition was ‘Danny’ (not his real name) who began to sweat profusely when he drew near the facial reconstruction. The personnel at the exhibition, seeing that Danny was unwell, invited him to sit down and offered him a glass of water. Danny sat down, drank a bit, and after a short pause asked to speak to a friar. By a happy coincidence our General Director, Fr. Giancarlo Zamengo, happened to be in a nearby cloister, and so Danny was able to speak to him.
“Fr. Giancarlo,” Danny began, “I have to tell you why I am feeling so flustered. A few years ago I was working on the power panel at my son’s factory when I was struck by a 380 volt electric bolt. I immediately passed out and was rushed to hospital. The only thing I remember is finding myself in a nice, warm place filled with light, and that I was perfectly at peace. At first no one seemed to be there beside me, but soon after I perceived a tall figure with a dark grey habit. He was smiling, and he placed his hand on my shoulder. “Danny,” the figure said to me, “you must go back to your loved ones, who are greatly worried about you. Your time has not yet come. Wake up!” At that precise moment I woke up and found myself lying on a hospital bed with my wife standing beside me.
“However, it is not the memory of this event that has troubled me, but the fact that the friar I met in my dream was the spitting image of the forensic reconstruction of St. Anthony’s face here at the exhibition. And I would like to add that I rarely forget people’s faces because I am a portrait painter, and I certainly never forgot the face I saw in that dream!”
Click here for the whole article~
Friday, August 15, 2014
I Lost Hope And Prayed
I (who am not Catholic but had enough faith in this prayer to use it) prayed to St. Anthony to find my missing wallet with important items inside of it. Before the prayer I searched everywhere, but once I lost hope and prayed, the wallet immediately became found in a place I searched before. Because of this prayer and mostly of God's unfailing love, I found my wallet and I thank the Lord for seeing me through, once again!
Thank you M.J. for sending in your story of trust in the Lord's help, through the intercession of St. Anthony - God's friend and ours~ Why pray to St. Anthony, or any of the Saints in Heaven to intercede for us? Click here for a beautiful explanation of why we ask those closest to God, the Saints, to pray for our intentions.
Thank you M.J. for sending in your story of trust in the Lord's help, through the intercession of St. Anthony - God's friend and ours~ Why pray to St. Anthony, or any of the Saints in Heaven to intercede for us? Click here for a beautiful explanation of why we ask those closest to God, the Saints, to pray for our intentions.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Amazing St. Anthony
My story goes as follows: I was going on a one month holiday, and had decided at the last minute that I needed to find a place to keep my jewelry which I was wearing the previous week. I usually separate it and keep it in different locations around the house while I am away on trips. Six months after coming back from my trip I realized I had not used my gold chain with the cross and a pair of earrings since I was back. For days I looked everywhere, but couldn't find it anywhere. I had given a lot of clothes to charity after I came back, so I was afraid that maybe it got mixed up with the clothes and was given away, as it was in a tiny box. I started to pray to St. Anthony, and within 2 days I felt I was told to go look in the cupboard, in one of my daughters jackets. To my amazement it was there, I couldn't believe my eyes, it truly was a miracle.
Thank you St. Anthony, you are amazing.
And thank you M.F. for sharing your amazing story with all of us~ Have an amazing St. Anthony story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog.
Thank you St. Anthony, you are amazing.
And thank you M.F. for sharing your amazing story with all of us~ Have an amazing St. Anthony story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Face Of St. Anthony
Several months ago I stumbled across your blog "St. Anthony - lost and found" and it was with great interest that I read quite a number of stories about how St. Anthony was of great help to many people in truly difficult situations. In my family this great saint has always played a major role among the saints we usually implore for help and intercession. Being rather chaotic in terms of housekeeping I've come to give St. Anthony something like a constant employment with me and there is not a single day that goes without my getting frantic about some odd thing that has gone missing and consequently, my instant plead for help. And he has never, n e v e r let me down to this day. It wasn't until recently, however, that I discovered that more scholarly side of him and was again greatly impressed. (I'm even considering a tidier lifestyle, so that I won't pester him any further with my rather unnecessary cries for assistance ... ) In fact, he has become a dear friend to whom I turn in all matters of faith.
I love your website and I've copied some of the prayers there into my own private prayer-book.
For some time now, I've been searching the internet for a collection of early pictures of him and yesterday I found out that the University of Padua has undertaken the task of reconstructing his face from the remains of his scull. The results were published and the reconstructed head shown to the public on June 10th. of this very year. I didn't know whether you've heard about it at all, so I decided to send you some photographs taken from Italian films. I do hope you enjoy the news (and the photos, of course) - I did.
Many kind regards from Germany. Yours, A.T.R.
Thank you A.T.R. for your kind words and for the pictures you sent that we used for this post. I had been thinking that it was time to do the story on the reconstruction of St. Anthony's face just today - what a coinciGod~
Click here for a wonderful new story about the Face of St. Anthony.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Something Divine At Work
I discovered my wedding ring gone from my finger and assumed it was in a friends pool or in the tomato garden where I had been picking tomatoes. I looked everywhere and went through the entire garden and where I had been weeding unsuccessfully, and was wandering through the house thinking about it. I had been told about the Patron Saint of Lost Things, and prayed while searching. Then I remembered my co-worker saying she had lost a ring in her bed, so I went and pulled down the covers and there it was plain as day. I had made the bed that morning without noticing anything, and slept on the ring all night. None of it made any sense at all, and that was when I began to suspect something divine at work.
Thank you M.O. for your great story of St. Anthony, the Patron Saint of Lost Things, coming to your assistance. Have a St. Anthony story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~
Thank you M.O. for your great story of St. Anthony, the Patron Saint of Lost Things, coming to your assistance. Have a St. Anthony story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~
Friday, July 11, 2014
St. Anthony Charities - St. Kolbe Medical Centre, Burkina Faso
Are you dedicated to St. Anthony? Has his intercession helped you in your life? In honor of St. Anthony's Bread, which is charity given to the needy in thanksgiving to St. Anthony for prayers answered, we ask our blog readers to consider supporting the St. Maximilain Kolbe Medical Centre in Burkina Faso, Africa. Today this is the only healthcare facility within a radius of 80 kilometers, serving a region that is home to 140,000 people, where there is one doctor per 40,000 people. The small hospital has a ward for in-patients, a lab, general medicine service, a counseling service for patients with chronic illnesses, a dentist, and a pharmacy providing medicines below the market price. Near the Medical Centre there is also a facility for the treatment of malnourished children. A maternity ward too is about to be opened.
There are many health emergencies: from malaria to meningitis, from respiratory infection to complicated childbirths, from serpent’ bites to poisonous insects and burns. Moreover, there are serious road accidents occurring along the only paved road in the area.
An emergency care facility that is going to be built will improve the services this small hospital is now offering. There are many patients whose treatments have been delayed, or who have lost their lives because of the lack of an emergency care facility in the area. Thanks to this new project those living in poverty will be able to access life-saving services and to be diagnosed in time. To help finance the building of the emergency care facility or other projects, click here. Even a small sum can make a difference. Together we can help save thousands of lives~
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Thank God For Having Saint Anthony
Today was the second day I and my wife and son were looking for my wallet/card holder. I know it is a small thing, but it carried my Social Security card, drivers license, my medical card, veteran ID medical card, police ID card, ATM card, and my credit union card, along with various store discount cards... We looked in my car from trunk to the front twice, nothing. We went throughout the house twice, all three of us, nothing. I continued to look in different places in the house..nothing. This morning, after looking for the third time in a little drawer on my head board, there it was! !!!! Thank you Saint Anthony, you saved me weeks ordering and worrying. Thank God for having Saint Anthony.
Thank you R.M. for your grateful account of St. Anthony's help in the search for your wallet.
Thank you R.M. for your grateful account of St. Anthony's help in the search for your wallet.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Prayer Is Very Powerful
My son was working in New York State for 6 years, but left his job to come back to Maryland to help his elderly father, who has medical issues and wanted to be with his son. After many job applications he could not find a job, and he had been trying for 8 weeks. I prayed to St. Anthony for employment two days ago, and my son got a phone call today, telling him that he was getting hired for a job he applied for 2 weeks ago. He starts work on the 15th. of this month. I thank you St. Anthony for this miracle for getting my son a job. I also pray to St. Padre Pio, the Sacred Heart, and St. Jude, and I say the rosary every day. I knew that St. Anthony and all the other Saints, the Sacred Heart, and Blessed Mother, would not let him down. Prayer is very powerful and St. Anthony is the Saint of Miracles, Thank You St. Anthony.
And thank you blog reader J.E. for your story of St. Anthony's help in finding you son a job. Looking for employment yourself? Click here for the Prayer to St. Anthony for Employment.
And thank you blog reader J.E. for your story of St. Anthony's help in finding you son a job. Looking for employment yourself? Click here for the Prayer to St. Anthony for Employment.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
And Then I Remembered St. Anthony
I arrived home from work and running errands one evening to realize that I did not have my laptop. I thought I had left it behind in one of all the public places I had been in. I couldn't sleep that night. A few hours later I also remembered that I had been carrying my personal documents with me to show to our Human Relations department. I hurried to get them out of my bag so as not to misplace them. Nothing. The bag was empty.
How could I have lost them?! Now two things were missing and I didn't know what to do. I replayed the whole day in my head that night trying to remember, but I was unsuccessful. The next day, I went back to work and thankfully my laptop had been in my office. But my documents were nowhere to be found. I traced my steps, called every single place I had been in the previous day. My co-workers and family helped me look around. No one had seen anything. I was so worried that my documents had fallen into the wrong hands.
That weekend, I was so depressed. And then I remembered St. Anthony and found this blog. I prayed to him, prayed to God and had some friends helped me pray. I prayed the novena, hoping that St. Anthony would produce it on the ninth day. This was my first time praying to him, so I lacked hope. Somehow, on the ninth day, today, I found the documents in my closet. I don't understand how--I had looked in there 10 times already!--but I was holding them and I couldn't believe it. I thanked St. Anthony and promised God that I will go and visit him on Sunday. I feel blessed. Thank you, -M.A.
And thank you M.A. for visiting out blog, praying the novena, and returning with your wonderful story of St. Anthony's help. Have a story of you own to share with our readers? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~
How could I have lost them?! Now two things were missing and I didn't know what to do. I replayed the whole day in my head that night trying to remember, but I was unsuccessful. The next day, I went back to work and thankfully my laptop had been in my office. But my documents were nowhere to be found. I traced my steps, called every single place I had been in the previous day. My co-workers and family helped me look around. No one had seen anything. I was so worried that my documents had fallen into the wrong hands.
That weekend, I was so depressed. And then I remembered St. Anthony and found this blog. I prayed to him, prayed to God and had some friends helped me pray. I prayed the novena, hoping that St. Anthony would produce it on the ninth day. This was my first time praying to him, so I lacked hope. Somehow, on the ninth day, today, I found the documents in my closet. I don't understand how--I had looked in there 10 times already!--but I was holding them and I couldn't believe it. I thanked St. Anthony and promised God that I will go and visit him on Sunday. I feel blessed. Thank you, -M.A.
And thank you M.A. for visiting out blog, praying the novena, and returning with your wonderful story of St. Anthony's help. Have a story of you own to share with our readers? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~
Friday, June 13, 2014
St. Anthony - The Eldest Son Of St. Francis
In 1221 St. Francis held a general chapter at Assisi; when the others dispersed, there lingered behind, unknown and neglected, a poor Portuguese friar, resolved to ask for and to refuse nothing. Nine months later, Fr. Anthony rose under obedience to preach to the religious assembled at Forli, when, as the discourse proceeded, “the Hammer of Heretics,” “the Ark of the Testament,” “the eldest son of St. Francis,” stood revealed in all his sanctity, learning, and eloquence before his rapt and astonished brethren.
Devoted from earliest youth to prayer and study among the Canons Regular, Ferdinand de Bulloens, as his name was in the world, had been stirred, by the spirit and example of the first five Franciscan martyrs, to put on their habit and preach the Faith to the Moors in Africa. Denied a martyr’s palm, and enfeebled by sickness, at the age of twenty-seven he was taking silent but merciless revenge upon himself in the humblest offices of his community. From this obscurity he was now called forth, and for nine years France, Italy, and Sicily heard his voice, saw his miracles, and men’s hearts turned to God.
One night, when St. Antony was staying with a friend in the city of Padua, his host saw brilliant rays streaming under the door of the Saint’s room, and on looking through the keyhole he beheld a little Child of marvelous beauty standing upon a book which lay open upon the table, and clinging with both arms round Anthony’s neck. With an ineffable sweetness he watched the tender caresses of the Saint and his wondrous Visitor. At last the Child vanished, and Fr. Anthony, opening the door, charged his friend, by the love of Him Whom he had seen, to “tell the vision to no man” as long as he was alive.
Suddenly, in 1231, our Saint’s brief apostolate was closed, and the voices of children were heard crying along the streets of Padua, “Our father, St. Anthony, is dead.” The following year, the church bells of Lisbon rang without ringers, while at Rome one of it's sons was inscribed among the Saints of God.
Reflection — Let us love to pray and labor unseen, and cherish in the secret of our hearts the graces of God and the growth of our immortal souls. Like St. Antony, let us attend to this, and leave the rest to God.
To our readers - May you be blessed on this Feast Day of Saint Anthony of Padua~
Devoted from earliest youth to prayer and study among the Canons Regular, Ferdinand de Bulloens, as his name was in the world, had been stirred, by the spirit and example of the first five Franciscan martyrs, to put on their habit and preach the Faith to the Moors in Africa. Denied a martyr’s palm, and enfeebled by sickness, at the age of twenty-seven he was taking silent but merciless revenge upon himself in the humblest offices of his community. From this obscurity he was now called forth, and for nine years France, Italy, and Sicily heard his voice, saw his miracles, and men’s hearts turned to God.
One night, when St. Antony was staying with a friend in the city of Padua, his host saw brilliant rays streaming under the door of the Saint’s room, and on looking through the keyhole he beheld a little Child of marvelous beauty standing upon a book which lay open upon the table, and clinging with both arms round Anthony’s neck. With an ineffable sweetness he watched the tender caresses of the Saint and his wondrous Visitor. At last the Child vanished, and Fr. Anthony, opening the door, charged his friend, by the love of Him Whom he had seen, to “tell the vision to no man” as long as he was alive.
Suddenly, in 1231, our Saint’s brief apostolate was closed, and the voices of children were heard crying along the streets of Padua, “Our father, St. Anthony, is dead.” The following year, the church bells of Lisbon rang without ringers, while at Rome one of it's sons was inscribed among the Saints of God.
Reflection — Let us love to pray and labor unseen, and cherish in the secret of our hearts the graces of God and the growth of our immortal souls. Like St. Antony, let us attend to this, and leave the rest to God.
To our readers - May you be blessed on this Feast Day of Saint Anthony of Padua~
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Could She Ask Her Friend St. Anthony?
My son mysteriously lost his IDs and about $270 in cash while studying in Germany. He was on his way back from getting cash at the bank, no one was near him, and other items were still in his pocket when he returned, but his little case with the cards and money and bus pass were gone. I canceled his debit card and wired him some money, as his school group was leaving soon for a 5-day trip to Austria. It was the weekend, so he'd have to wait until Tuesday to procure an international student ID and pick up the money before leaving Wednesday afternoon.
His sister, who was away doing research in Hawaii, had chosen St. Anthony as her Confirmation saint years ago. She phoned me Monday evening, and I told her that her brother had lost these important items, and could she ask her friend St. Anthony to pray that they might be miraculously found? She assured me she would, and hung up. Wednesday morning I received a message from my son: "The police found my wallet, I'm on my way to pick it up." Everything, including all of the cash, was still in it! Praise be to God and thanks to St. Anthony who so quickly came to the aid of his little friend when she asked!
Thank you K.M.V.for this beautiful story of trust in St. Anthony's assistance~ Have a story of St. Anthony's help of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post in on our blog.
His sister, who was away doing research in Hawaii, had chosen St. Anthony as her Confirmation saint years ago. She phoned me Monday evening, and I told her that her brother had lost these important items, and could she ask her friend St. Anthony to pray that they might be miraculously found? She assured me she would, and hung up. Wednesday morning I received a message from my son: "The police found my wallet, I'm on my way to pick it up." Everything, including all of the cash, was still in it! Praise be to God and thanks to St. Anthony who so quickly came to the aid of his little friend when she asked!
Thank you K.M.V.for this beautiful story of trust in St. Anthony's assistance~ Have a story of St. Anthony's help of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post in on our blog.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Saint Anthony Quote - The Saints Are Like The Stars
"The saints are like the stars, who, in His providence, Christ hides under a seal, lest they appear whenever they wish. Instead, they are always ready to disembark from the quiet of contemplation into the works of mercy at the time decided upon by God, whenever their heart should hear the word of command."
-St. Anthony of Padua, Sermon for the Fifth Sunday after Easter (Part III: De Christi omnium scientia, par. 10)
-St. Anthony of Padua, Sermon for the Fifth Sunday after Easter (Part III: De Christi omnium scientia, par. 10)
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Thank You St. Anthony Blog Readers
As we approach the 3rd. anniversary of our blogs first post, we thank our blog readers for giving over 100,000 hits to our blog to date. As time goes on, we continue to experience more and more interest in the prayers, novenas, and stories that our blog provides. Thank you Lord, may You be glorified, thank you St. Anthony, may you be asked for more prayers~~
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Novena To St. Anthony For An Increase In Faith
The following is a little Novena to St. Anthony for a keeping and increasing in faith. It is commonly started on June 5th. and ends on the Feast of St. Anthony, June 13th. However, it can be said at any time throughout the year to help keep faith strong~
Novena to St. Anthony for an Increase in Faith
Good St. Anthony, meek and humble in spite of your great gifts, you whom we invoke so confidently to help us find that which is lost, pray, I beseech you, that I may never loose my faith, the gift I cherish most. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Lord, increase our faith. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be...
Novena to St. Anthony for an Increase in Faith
Good St. Anthony, meek and humble in spite of your great gifts, you whom we invoke so confidently to help us find that which is lost, pray, I beseech you, that I may never loose my faith, the gift I cherish most. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Lord, increase our faith. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be...
Sunday, May 25, 2014
So, So Grateful
Months ago while preparing to attend a special occasion I collected the jewellery I intended to wear - but when I got dressed and prepared to wear the jewellery I had chosen - my crucifix was missing. Over the past months I had searched everywhere for my gold crucifix and chain. I emptied my bedroom - I emptied two wardrobes - I swept around furniture. I moved all furniture - swept, vacuumed etc. Searched vacuum bags. Knowing I has 'lost' it in the bedroom, I could not understand. I prayed to St. Anthony, but it seemed to no avail - that is until today. I removed my old 'working' jumper I had been wearing and there it was, lying on the carpet.
I could not believe my eyes - I am so grateful to St Anthony. So, so grateful.
Thank you A.R. for your amazing story of St. Anthony's help. Here is a link to a Prayer of Thanksgiving for those who have had a loss that was found again through the intersession of Good St. Anthony.
I could not believe my eyes - I am so grateful to St Anthony. So, so grateful.
Thank you A.R. for your amazing story of St. Anthony's help. Here is a link to a Prayer of Thanksgiving for those who have had a loss that was found again through the intersession of Good St. Anthony.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Thank You God And St. Anthony
I had my bag stolen from me in a shopping mall in Toronto, Canada. I had my passport and all important documents in the bag. I had some money as well. I went to the police and all security people and nobody was able to help me. They told me it is very unlikely that I would get it back. I cried and prayed to St. Anthony for lost and stolen items.
After 2 days the police downtown phoned me and told me they had my bag, that the money was stolen but all important documents were still intact. I could not believe what I was hearing. If you ever doubt the power of God, never fade in your faith. God is here for us and he knows our pain. If you are in whatever trouble God is here for you. Many thank St. Anthony for conveying my prayers to God.
Thank you Y.R. for your story of faith in God. If you have a story of St. Anthony's help that you would like to share, please email us your story and we will post it on our blog~
After 2 days the police downtown phoned me and told me they had my bag, that the money was stolen but all important documents were still intact. I could not believe what I was hearing. If you ever doubt the power of God, never fade in your faith. God is here for us and he knows our pain. If you are in whatever trouble God is here for you. Many thank St. Anthony for conveying my prayers to God.
Thank you Y.R. for your story of faith in God. If you have a story of St. Anthony's help that you would like to share, please email us your story and we will post it on our blog~
Friday, May 9, 2014
I Decided To Pray To Saint Anthony
My stepfather had major heart surgery back in November. He was in the hospital for a long time and still has health issues which make him unable to work like he did before. He got way behind on his rent and utility bills. I sent him money to cover some of his expenses, but it got out of hand and he received an eviction notice! I decided to pray to Saint Anthony, as he helps poor people get out of debt. Well, 8 days later a veteran's charity came through and paid off all of my stepfather's back rent plus the current month! He is not completely out of debt, but is mostly caught up and does not have to worry about being evicted.
Thank you G. for this tribute to St. Anthony's help~
Update from G.:
I needed my stepfather to get regular financial assistance as he could not work much after a major heart attack and surgery last fall. I prayed for disability payments to start by June 1st., but not much happened as they take a very long time to make a decision. It then occurred to me to try for any sort of financial assistance. I invoked Saint Anthony for any sort of assistance and my stepfather found out by accident that he was eligible for veteran’s payments or Chapter 115 from his state. He received his first payment a few days before June 1st. So the assistance was on time, but not in the way I expected.
This needs to be posted for 1) to thank Saint Anthony and 2) to let veteran's know this is available as it is difficult for them to find these benefits.
Thank you G. for this tribute to St. Anthony's help~
Update from G.:
I needed my stepfather to get regular financial assistance as he could not work much after a major heart attack and surgery last fall. I prayed for disability payments to start by June 1st., but not much happened as they take a very long time to make a decision. It then occurred to me to try for any sort of financial assistance. I invoked Saint Anthony for any sort of assistance and my stepfather found out by accident that he was eligible for veteran’s payments or Chapter 115 from his state. He received his first payment a few days before June 1st. So the assistance was on time, but not in the way I expected.
This needs to be posted for 1) to thank Saint Anthony and 2) to let veteran's know this is available as it is difficult for them to find these benefits.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Visits Of St. Anthony Relics To Australia, Singapore, Canada, and United States - June 2014
After the astounding success of last years visits of Saint Anthony's Relics, the Franciscan Friars are now pleased to announce that three Friars will bring three distinct relics to three different corners of the English-speaking world. They will visit South Australia, Singapore, Canada, and New York ( U.S.A.) in June on the occasion of Saint Anthony's Feast Day, each bringing a precious relic from Saint Anthony's Basilica in Padua, Italy. Click here for a link to their schedule for Masses, Prayer Services, and Venerations of St. Anthony's Relics.
Here is the schedule for the New York Area:
Wednesday, June 11th - Holy Family Church, 175-20 74th Avenue
Flushing (or Fresh Meadows), NY 11366
10:00 AM Veneration and 12:00 PM Mass followed by Veneration
Wednesday, June 11th - St. Ursula Church
214 East Lincoln Avenue, Mount Vernon, NY 10552
5:00 PM Veneration and 7:00 PM Mass followed by Veneration
Thursday, June 12th - Our Lady of Mount Carmel
627 E 187th St, Bronx, NY 10458
8:30 AM followed by Veneration, 12 Noon followed by Veneration
6 PM Rosary and Veneration, 7 PM Mass followed by Veneration
Friday, June 13th - St. Francis of Assisi Church
135 W. 31st Street, New York, NY 10001
Masses with Veneration: 10:30, 11:30 AM, 12:30, 1:30, 4:30, 5:30, 6.30 PM
Saturday, June 14th - St. Anthony’s Church
110 Anchor Ave, Oceanside, NY 11572
12 noon Mass and Veneration and 5:00 PM Vigil Mass and Veneration
Sunday, June 15th - St. Catherine of Sienna
33 New Hyde Park, Franklin Square, NY 11010
9 AM Mass and Veneration, 11 AM Mass and Veneration, 1:00 PM Mass and Veneration
Monday, June 16th - St. Anthony & St. Alphonsus Church
862 Manhattan Avenue, Greenpoint Section of Brooklyn, NY 11222
4:30 PM Veneration and 6:30 PM Mass followed by Veneration
For details for the New York area, contact Tom Muscatello with the Anthonian Association at (914)263-8841
Here is the schedule for the New York Area:
Wednesday, June 11th - Holy Family Church, 175-20 74th Avenue
Flushing (or Fresh Meadows), NY 11366
10:00 AM Veneration and 12:00 PM Mass followed by Veneration
Wednesday, June 11th - St. Ursula Church
214 East Lincoln Avenue, Mount Vernon, NY 10552
5:00 PM Veneration and 7:00 PM Mass followed by Veneration
Thursday, June 12th - Our Lady of Mount Carmel
627 E 187th St, Bronx, NY 10458
8:30 AM followed by Veneration, 12 Noon followed by Veneration
6 PM Rosary and Veneration, 7 PM Mass followed by Veneration
Friday, June 13th - St. Francis of Assisi Church
135 W. 31st Street, New York, NY 10001
Masses with Veneration: 10:30, 11:30 AM, 12:30, 1:30, 4:30, 5:30, 6.30 PM
Saturday, June 14th - St. Anthony’s Church
110 Anchor Ave, Oceanside, NY 11572
12 noon Mass and Veneration and 5:00 PM Vigil Mass and Veneration
Sunday, June 15th - St. Catherine of Sienna
33 New Hyde Park, Franklin Square, NY 11010
9 AM Mass and Veneration, 11 AM Mass and Veneration, 1:00 PM Mass and Veneration
Monday, June 16th - St. Anthony & St. Alphonsus Church
862 Manhattan Avenue, Greenpoint Section of Brooklyn, NY 11222
4:30 PM Veneration and 6:30 PM Mass followed by Veneration
For details for the New York area, contact Tom Muscatello with the Anthonian Association at (914)263-8841
Thursday, April 24, 2014
My Ring Was Found
As a young girl I often heard my Nana talk about her devotion to St. Anthony and how, through prayer, he had helped her in difficult times and how she turned to him whenever she had lost something. Last week, I realized I had misplaced my beautiful engagement ring. I have a young baby and often remove it when playing/caring for her. She is fascinated with the diamond and I often tell her that one day the ring will be hers! I didn't panic at first and my husband and I started to search the house. For a few days we searched high and low and I began to get upset and anxious as it looked like my ring was gone. I found myself turning to St. Anthony and googled prayers and novenas in his name. The days that followed involved prayers, tears and reminiscing over memories of my husbands proposal. It felt devastating to have lost such a precious item and as I progressed through the 9 day novena the only comfort I found was in reciting the prayers to Saint Anthony.
On day 4 of the novena, a Tuesday evening, my husband decided to empty the outside bin which had the past 2 weeks of rubbish in it and was to be emptied the next morning. He bravely put on rubber gloves and raked through our old rubbish- not a pleasant job. I was upstairs rocking the baby to sleep and found myself softly singing hymns and reciting "St. Anthony please come around, something is lost and must be found." After the baby drifted to sleep I went downstairs and my husband was holding my precious ring which he had found inside an old make up bag and the very bottom of one of the bags of rubbish! We were amazed and delighted. St. Anthony's intercession meant that my ring was found and just in time before the bin was emptied and my ring would have been gone forever. My Nana's devotion to this special saint will now be carried on through another generation as I tell the story of my miracle. Thanks be to God!
Thank you blog reader L.M. for your beautiful story of how you are carrying on the family tradition of turning to St. Anthony in times of need~
On day 4 of the novena, a Tuesday evening, my husband decided to empty the outside bin which had the past 2 weeks of rubbish in it and was to be emptied the next morning. He bravely put on rubber gloves and raked through our old rubbish- not a pleasant job. I was upstairs rocking the baby to sleep and found myself softly singing hymns and reciting "St. Anthony please come around, something is lost and must be found." After the baby drifted to sleep I went downstairs and my husband was holding my precious ring which he had found inside an old make up bag and the very bottom of one of the bags of rubbish! We were amazed and delighted. St. Anthony's intercession meant that my ring was found and just in time before the bin was emptied and my ring would have been gone forever. My Nana's devotion to this special saint will now be carried on through another generation as I tell the story of my miracle. Thanks be to God!
Thank you blog reader L.M. for your beautiful story of how you are carrying on the family tradition of turning to St. Anthony in times of need~
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Sermons of St. Anthony - Easter
"It was appropriate that He lay in the tomb for one day and two nights, because He joined the light of His simple death to the darkness of our twofold death. We were held in the death of both our animal and our spiritual life; He brought His single death, of the flesh, to us and released both of ours. He brought together His simple death and our double death, and in dying He took away our double death."
Taken from 'Sermons of Saint Anthony of Padua', translated by Paul Spilsbury
Taken from 'Sermons of Saint Anthony of Padua', translated by Paul Spilsbury
Monday, April 7, 2014
I Should Pray The Novena To St. Anthony
My 9 year old son thought he lost his new prescription sports glasses last week at our first baseball game. After my wife and I got home and searched in all the obvious places, we realized that they were missing so I drove back to the ball park to look for them. While looking in the dugout a nice man help by graciously providing a flashlight and assisting with his time by not watching his own son and helping me look all around the dugout, trash cans, and parking lot area. When we were departing ways he asked if I were Roman Catholic, to which I said I was. He proceed to tell me that I should pray the Novena to St. Anthony to help find the glasses. He was passionate about how successful his past prayers to St. Anthony had been. I know this may sound corny, but he was so sincere and almost insistent with praying to St. Anthony that I found myself thinking on the way home about how nice he had been, his kindness to help, and passion for prayer. So when I got home I made it a point to follow through with looking up the Novena of St. Anthony and in my son's nightly prayers for the next 2 nights we prayed the Novena. On the 3rd. day the glasses turned up in a place my wife and I had already looked.
At church today I remind my son that we needed to give to the poor for thanks to St. Anthony for helping us find his glasses. I also wanted to find the Prayer To St. Anthony For Thanksgiving which we read tonight with our nightly prayers.
As I get older I begin to appreciate and cherish the relationship that we have with God and all of his Divine Servants and Saints in Heaven. It is truly great to be Catholic and know that God's love is always with us in no matter what crosses we face.
Thank you T.B. for this beautiful story. If you have a story of St. Anthony's help that you would like to share, please email us your story and we will post it on our blog~
At church today I remind my son that we needed to give to the poor for thanks to St. Anthony for helping us find his glasses. I also wanted to find the Prayer To St. Anthony For Thanksgiving which we read tonight with our nightly prayers.
As I get older I begin to appreciate and cherish the relationship that we have with God and all of his Divine Servants and Saints in Heaven. It is truly great to be Catholic and know that God's love is always with us in no matter what crosses we face.
Thank you T.B. for this beautiful story. If you have a story of St. Anthony's help that you would like to share, please email us your story and we will post it on our blog~
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Video On The Life Of Saint Anthony
Here is a short video presentation on the life of St. Anthony of Padua, presented by the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement from Garrison, New York.
Friday, March 28, 2014
St. Anthony's Favorite Marian Hymn - O Gloriosa Domina
'O Gloriosa Domina' was St. Anthony's favorite hymn to Our Lady. Tradition has it that it was sung by St. Anthony's mother when he was an infant. Saint Anthony, who had a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, used it constantly, and was in the act of reciting it at the moment of his death.
O Gloriosa Domina
O glorious Lady, Queen enthroned
Above the stars on high!
Whose sacred bosom's flow has stilled
Your Maker's nursling cry.
What hapless Eve had taken away
Your bounteous womb repaid;
That tearful man may pierce the skies,
Heaven's window were you made.
Fair door of heaven's high King you are!
His gate of glittering light!
Your life a Virgin's bosom gave,
You ransomed tribes, recite.
To You, O Lord, of Virgin born,
And to the Father, praise.
With the all-bounteous Spirit, be
To never ending days. Amen.
And here is the original Latin text of 'O Gloriosa Domina':
O Gloiosa domina
excelsa super sidera,
qui te creavit provide,
lactas sacrato ubere.
Quod Eva tristis abstulit,
tu reddis almo germine;
intrent ut astra flebiles,
sternis benigna semitam.
Quod Eva tristis abstulit,
tu reddis almo germine;
intrent ut astra flebiles,
sternis benigna semitam.
Patri sit Paraclito
tuoque Nato gloria,
qui veste te mirabili
circumdederunt gratiae. Amen.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
I Said The Prayer That Mom Used To Say
AJ is my 19 year old son at Marist College in New York who is on spring break. AJ could not find his phone in our house for the last 36 hours, and we were leaving soon. I said the prayer that Mom used to say ( "St. Anthony, St. Anthony, please come around. Something's been lost and cannot be found"), and within 60 seconds or less it was found. AJ called me and told me he found it buried in the frame of a couch in the cellar in a pocket which catches things an inch above the floor!
Thank you to our blog reader A.L. for sharing his story of St. Anthony's generous help in finding his son's lost phone. Have a story of Saint Anthony's help of your own to share? Click here to email it to us so we can post it on our blog~
Thank you to our blog reader A.L. for sharing his story of St. Anthony's generous help in finding his son's lost phone. Have a story of Saint Anthony's help of your own to share? Click here to email it to us so we can post it on our blog~
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
St. Anthony Has Always Been My Friend
From a reader from the U.K. we have the following:
St. Anthony has always - for as long as I can remember - been my friend. I was brought up as a Catholic so I learned about him at school, and he has helped me find virtually everything I have lost. There is a 'knowing' when the object is unrecoverable also. I have talked about him to many friends and relatives who now call on his services! Sometimes I don't have to ask and I walk straight to the place where the object is situated.
I used to skydive at a dropzone in Kent in the 80's. I was an advanced skydiver and we used to pack our own parachutes on the grass. The packing area was vast, you could use any part of a large field. One day I was packing and found next to me - in the green grass - a dark green pen with St. Anthony of Padua written on it! It still makes my heart connect to something unimaginably beautiful when I think about it.
Was this coincidental? No one that I know on that drop zone was religious, and why did I find it? He continues to connect and help me in so many ways - there is a great and abiding love that links us all, and this is a very, very special link.
Thank you A.M.W. for your beautiful insights into your relationship with St. Anthony of Padua~
St. Anthony has always - for as long as I can remember - been my friend. I was brought up as a Catholic so I learned about him at school, and he has helped me find virtually everything I have lost. There is a 'knowing' when the object is unrecoverable also. I have talked about him to many friends and relatives who now call on his services! Sometimes I don't have to ask and I walk straight to the place where the object is situated.
I used to skydive at a dropzone in Kent in the 80's. I was an advanced skydiver and we used to pack our own parachutes on the grass. The packing area was vast, you could use any part of a large field. One day I was packing and found next to me - in the green grass - a dark green pen with St. Anthony of Padua written on it! It still makes my heart connect to something unimaginably beautiful when I think about it.
Was this coincidental? No one that I know on that drop zone was religious, and why did I find it? He continues to connect and help me in so many ways - there is a great and abiding love that links us all, and this is a very, very special link.
Thank you A.M.W. for your beautiful insights into your relationship with St. Anthony of Padua~
Sunday, March 9, 2014
A Child Of Our Own One Day
St.Anthony has answered our prayers by bringing us our first child this year, 2013. It was a difficult journey, but with your guidance we knew that we would have a child of our own one day. Your presence was always felt throughout the year, and we could feel your love constantly. We knew there was something special the day we received our 'Messenger' magazine with a mother and child on the cover, only to find out a few hours later that we were expecting a child of our own. Thank you for answering our prayers, and please remain by our side as we raise this child to love and honour you.
Thank you Shrine Of St. Anthony for your prayers and for printing answered prayers - the stories give us faith and hope to pray for the intersession of Good St. Anthony~
Thank you Shrine Of St. Anthony for your prayers and for printing answered prayers - the stories give us faith and hope to pray for the intersession of Good St. Anthony~
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
St. Anthony Sermon - The Forty-Day Fast Of Jesus
The forty-day fast of Jesus Christ teaches us how we may make satisfaction for our sins, and how we may work so as not to receive the grace of God in vain. As the Apostle says in the Epistle:
"We exhort you that you receive not the grace of God in vain. For he(i.e. the Lord, in Isaiah) said: In an accepted time have I heard you and in the day of salvation I have helped you. Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation." [2Cor 6.1-2; Is 49.8]
He receives the grace of God in vain, who does not live according to the grace he has been given. He receives the grace of God in vain, who imagines that the grace freely given him is due to his own merits; he receives in vain, who after confessing his guilt in the acceptable time, the day of salvation, refuses to do penance for his sins.
May all of our readers have a blessed and fruitful Lent~
"We exhort you that you receive not the grace of God in vain. For he(i.e. the Lord, in Isaiah) said: In an accepted time have I heard you and in the day of salvation I have helped you. Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation." [2Cor 6.1-2; Is 49.8]
He receives the grace of God in vain, who does not live according to the grace he has been given. He receives the grace of God in vain, who imagines that the grace freely given him is due to his own merits; he receives in vain, who after confessing his guilt in the acceptable time, the day of salvation, refuses to do penance for his sins.
May all of our readers have a blessed and fruitful Lent~
Sunday, February 23, 2014
We All Gave Thanks To God
Here is another great story of St. Anthony's help from - Catholicism
I was a senior in high school, and it was homecoming week, and the seniors play the juniors in football on the beach every year. It was getting dark on the beach, and we were all about to leave; one of my friends started to run through the sand toward his truck. His class ring flew off of his finger. He didn't notice right away but knew he had it shortly before. He came running back yelling that his dad was going freak if he did not find that ring. (His dad spent a lot of money on the ring, and my friend was starting to get really upset.) I started to pray the St. Anthony prayer, and others started to repeat after me as we searched down the beach. After about five minutes of praying, I felt something slip on my finger. I pulled my hand out of the sand, and sure enough it was his ring!!! We all gave thanks to God. After this night I was constantly asked what that prayer was. SO AMAZING!!!
St. Anthony still listens and helps today. It is unbelievable how connected we are to the saints. I still use St. Anthony today, whether it be to find my shoes in the morning or my keys before I go somewhere. I pray, "St. Anthony, St. Anthony please look around, my [whatever you lost] is missing and cannot be found."
I was a senior in high school, and it was homecoming week, and the seniors play the juniors in football on the beach every year. It was getting dark on the beach, and we were all about to leave; one of my friends started to run through the sand toward his truck. His class ring flew off of his finger. He didn't notice right away but knew he had it shortly before. He came running back yelling that his dad was going freak if he did not find that ring. (His dad spent a lot of money on the ring, and my friend was starting to get really upset.) I started to pray the St. Anthony prayer, and others started to repeat after me as we searched down the beach. After about five minutes of praying, I felt something slip on my finger. I pulled my hand out of the sand, and sure enough it was his ring!!! We all gave thanks to God. After this night I was constantly asked what that prayer was. SO AMAZING!!!
St. Anthony still listens and helps today. It is unbelievable how connected we are to the saints. I still use St. Anthony today, whether it be to find my shoes in the morning or my keys before I go somewhere. I pray, "St. Anthony, St. Anthony please look around, my [whatever you lost] is missing and cannot be found."
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Images Of St. Anthony - Church Window And Statue From Santa Clara, CA
Here are a couple pictures I took at a church I went to daily Mass at recently, Five Wounds Parish Church in Santa Clara, CA.
Do you have any pictures of Saint Anthony that you would like to share on the blog? Let us know where your pictures comes from~ Click here to email them to us.
Do you have any pictures of Saint Anthony that you would like to share on the blog? Let us know where your pictures comes from~ Click here to email them to us.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Saint Anthony Quote- Christ Has Overcome Him
St. Anthony has much to say about the devil’s deceits, of the way he lies in wait to trap us, and of the way Christ has overcome him.
“The devil always acts according to the same manner. In the same way that he tempted Adam in Paradise, he tempted Christ in the desert, and he tempts every Christian in this world. First he tempted Adam by greed, vainglory and avarice, and overcame him by this temptation. Then he tempted Christ, the second Adam, in the same way; but in tempting he himself was overcome, because it was not just a man, but God, whom he was tempting. We share in both Adams, the first by the flesh and the second by the spirit.” (Sermons I, 94)
“The devil always acts according to the same manner. In the same way that he tempted Adam in Paradise, he tempted Christ in the desert, and he tempts every Christian in this world. First he tempted Adam by greed, vainglory and avarice, and overcame him by this temptation. Then he tempted Christ, the second Adam, in the same way; but in tempting he himself was overcome, because it was not just a man, but God, whom he was tempting. We share in both Adams, the first by the flesh and the second by the spirit.” (Sermons I, 94)
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Ask Saint Anthony
I lost the car keys and couldn't find them anywhere in the house. As a little girl, I remember my mother always praying to Saint Anthony when she lost something. Anytime I would lose something, she would remind me to ask Saint Anthony; he would help me find whatever I lost.
After searching for my car keys for over an hour, I went outside to my back yard, looked up to the sky, and prayed to Saint Anthony to help me find my keys. I then looked down, and laying there in the grass were my car keys . . . I guess my three-year-old son was playing with them and just left them there.
I have found many lost items thanks to Saint Anthony, but the key incident was the most memorable for me. One second I'm looking to the skies for Saint Anthony's help and the next second, I look down and there they were. I always advise anyone I know that has lost something, to pray to Saint Anthony. My simple prayer, "Dear Saint Anthony, please help me. Amen."
Thank you - Catholicism for this amazing story~
After searching for my car keys for over an hour, I went outside to my back yard, looked up to the sky, and prayed to Saint Anthony to help me find my keys. I then looked down, and laying there in the grass were my car keys . . . I guess my three-year-old son was playing with them and just left them there.
I have found many lost items thanks to Saint Anthony, but the key incident was the most memorable for me. One second I'm looking to the skies for Saint Anthony's help and the next second, I look down and there they were. I always advise anyone I know that has lost something, to pray to Saint Anthony. My simple prayer, "Dear Saint Anthony, please help me. Amen."
Thank you - Catholicism for this amazing story~
Sunday, January 12, 2014
I Just Talk With Him Like A Friend
A story of St. Anthony's help from - Catholicism:
My son lost his watch in his bedroom. It was very new and very special to him. After two days of telling him to keep looking, knowing that he never looks properly, I finally started to get worried about it and started looking myself. I also couldn't find it in his bedroom where he last saw it. So I asked St. Anthony to pop into my head where I should look for it and immediately the thought came to look in the small rubbish bin in his bedroom. Then I said to myself there's no way it's in the bin and kept looking in other places without success. So I finally gave in and decided to listen to St Anthony's thought and looked in the rubbish bin and there it was! In the bin. My advice: Ask St Anthony to pop into your head where to look for the item that is lost. I just talk with him like a friend, which of course he is.
My son lost his watch in his bedroom. It was very new and very special to him. After two days of telling him to keep looking, knowing that he never looks properly, I finally started to get worried about it and started looking myself. I also couldn't find it in his bedroom where he last saw it. So I asked St. Anthony to pop into my head where I should look for it and immediately the thought came to look in the small rubbish bin in his bedroom. Then I said to myself there's no way it's in the bin and kept looking in other places without success. So I finally gave in and decided to listen to St Anthony's thought and looked in the rubbish bin and there it was! In the bin. My advice: Ask St Anthony to pop into your head where to look for the item that is lost. I just talk with him like a friend, which of course he is.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
A Saint Anthony lost and found story from - Catholicism:
I had lost my car keys for about 5 days and had no replacement sets. I was unable to get to work, no money, and was beginning to stress. I was told that it would cost me $300-$500 to get a new set of keys for my car. My partner came across a site stating that if I prayed to Saint Anthony, he would retrieve my car keys. Out of fun I decided to say out loud, "Saint Anthony, please help me find my car keys." No more than 10 minutes later, after 5 days of them being missing, my mother phones me saying that she had found my car keys! Unbelievable!
I will certainly pray to Saint Anthony if I ever misplace or lose an item ever again! Thank you Saint Anthony! =)
I had lost my car keys for about 5 days and had no replacement sets. I was unable to get to work, no money, and was beginning to stress. I was told that it would cost me $300-$500 to get a new set of keys for my car. My partner came across a site stating that if I prayed to Saint Anthony, he would retrieve my car keys. Out of fun I decided to say out loud, "Saint Anthony, please help me find my car keys." No more than 10 minutes later, after 5 days of them being missing, my mother phones me saying that she had found my car keys! Unbelievable!
I will certainly pray to Saint Anthony if I ever misplace or lose an item ever again! Thank you Saint Anthony! =)
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