Thank you D.J. for your stories of St. Anthony's help in your life. Have a story you would like to share with our readers? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog.

He is one of the great saints of the Catholic Church, and one of the beloved--even far beyond Catholics themselves. Untold numbers of people turn to him, still, when there is loss. And strangely--at least strangely in the usual ways of the world--those things often quickly turn up. And often they turn up in the most unexpected--even seemingly miraculous ways. Let the stories begin.
Monday, December 26, 2016
I Knew Only St. Anthony Could Help
First of all I want to say sorry for writing this email so late. In spite of that, I receive St. Anthony's blessing every time, whenever I am in need. I came to know about the lost and found prayer from one of my friends and church family. After seeing their trust and faith, I also prayed for my lost jewelry box. Before going to vacation I securely kept my jewelry box, but could not find it after coming home from vacation. As per the post on this blog, first I search my best, and then I prayed the St. Antony's lost and found prayer. All of sudden I found my lost jewelry box, and interestingly at the same place where I had searched again and again. Thanks to the Lord too who help me get me my bag which was had a gift from my husband. After I found I said the thank you prayer but did not write your blog.... somewhat procrastinating. Before I could finish my promise, I got into one more situation where I knew only St. Anthony could help, and again without loosing a minute I prayed his lost and found prayer, and miraculously I found a very important document which was required to buy our house. Thank you St. Anthony for all the help. May his blessings be with us always.
Thank you D.J. for your stories of St. Anthony's help in your life. Have a story you would like to share with our readers? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog.
Thank you D.J. for your stories of St. Anthony's help in your life. Have a story you would like to share with our readers? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog.
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
St. Anthony Brought My Wedding Rings Back
Giving thanks to St. Anthony for his intercession on a divine level to assist me in getting my wedding rings back. I
had hidden my wedding rings in my home about 4 months ago after a rash
of house breaking ins and robberies in our area. I was working in another
community so felt that I may lose my rings, I hid them at my house in a
place that I was confident that anyone breaking into my home would not
look. However, I changed my mind so often about hiding places so many
times (thinking they still would be in a obvious place to a thief) that
my hiding place became so obscure that I could not remember where they
were when I returned some weeks later. Yesterday, I remembered that my
mother always prayed to St. Anthony when she lost something and it
always turned up. Mom always lost her car keys, so as children we would
have to join her on bended knees to pray to St. Anthony for their
return. I thought for so many of my young years that St. Anthony was
“the keeper of the keys” lol. I
said my prayer to St. Anthony yesterday morning and afterwards a series
of events took place that lead my husband to clean out an old plastic
bin in my son’s closet. We started throwing away items that were in that
bin so we could use it for storing items I had just bought to make
soap. My husband opened a long thin box to ensure there was nothing
worth saving in it before he tossed it into the garbage. His eyes were
so wide as his took my wedding rings out of the box. My rings showed up
in a box that held my son’s baptismal candle. My son is now 27 years
old, living in another province for the past 7 years. I cannot remember
putting my rings in that box. I looked up some information on St.
Anthony to connect with him spiritually, I needed to know about him. My
heartbeat intensified when I saw that his feast day is June 13th., for
that is my husband’s birthday. My husband is the most gentle, kind and
humble person I have ever met. God brought my husband into my life to
heal my heart and St. Anthony brought my wedding rings back through him
to remind me how sacred our union is. I had lost sight of that. I lost
my rings during a critical time in our marriage. Thank you St. Anthony!
Thank you L.M. for your beautiful story of prayer and the finding of things lost. If you have a story you would like to share on our blog, please email it to us to post~
Thank you L.M. for your beautiful story of prayer and the finding of things lost. If you have a story you would like to share on our blog, please email it to us to post~
Friday, December 9, 2016
I Leapt For Joy
I would like to share a miraculous act of St. Anthony. I and my husband bought tickets to go to a business conference worth £120.00. Four weeks down the line the conference was here and the tickets were nowhere to be found. We looked everywhere for a week, all possible places to no avail. A day before the conference I turned to the Saint my Grandmother had told me finds lost things. I forgot his name, so I Googled him. And yes of course it was St. Anthony; I remembered. I lit a candle, turned the TV off and prayed, 'St. Anthony look around, the tickets are lost and can't be found.' While saying the above prayer I started the search one more time in all the possible and impossible places. Within 25 minutes my hand went for a bag which had nothing to do with the tickets, and placed in a note book were the tickets. I leapt for joy, and in tears turned to St. Anthony to give thanks. This whole encounter helped me resolve to pray more, be kind and more loving, and above all seek ye first the Kingdom of God.
Thank you C.C. for your faith-filled story. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on the blog~
Thank you C.C. for your faith-filled story. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on the blog~
Thursday, December 1, 2016
My Grandmother Had Taught Me The Prayer
Good evening - at least it is early evening here in New Zealand. Just 30 minutes ago, I realized I had lost my wedding ring. It had slipped off my finger and I had not noticed. I really panicked and became upset. I looked everywhere I could think of but to no avail. Then, standing outside again to go and look if it had slipped off in my car or in the garden, I stopped as I was reminded that when I was young and we lost something we always prayed to St. Anthony. My grandmother had taught me the prayer. So, I stopped where I was, closed my eyes, and then prayed the prayer to St. Anthony (in Dutch as that is the language I grew up with). I then turned around, walked into the bedroom, and suddenly saw the ring lying there on the floor. I had looked in the bedroom several times on the floor, in the laundry basket, under the bed, and so on and had not seen it. I am convinced that St Anthony helped calm me and helped me see clearly and find my wedding ring. I have lit two candles and prayed a prayer of thanks to St. Anthony! He has always been a friend to me and will always be.
Thank you M.C. for your inspiring story of St. Anthony's help in finding something so important. And a big thank you to all of the Grandparents that help pass on the Faith to their Grandchildren. If you have a story of St. Anthony's assistance, please email it to us to share on the blog~
Thank you M.C. for your inspiring story of St. Anthony's help in finding something so important. And a big thank you to all of the Grandparents that help pass on the Faith to their Grandchildren. If you have a story of St. Anthony's assistance, please email it to us to share on the blog~
Thursday, November 24, 2016
For Months I Have Been Searching
For months I have been searching for my replacement car keys, that would cost me $1400.00 at the dealership to have it replaced. I retraced my steps and searched all my handbags (believe me I have a lot) but no luck. I couldn't remember the entire St. Anthony prayer, but in times passed, it never failed me. I googled it and started chanting 'Tony, Tony come around, something's lost and can't be found.....please help me find my keys.' I kept saying the short version of the prayer, going through each handbag one by one. In less than 5 minutes.....guess what....I found my keys. Thank you St. Anthony for favors granted.
Many thanks to you G.B. for a story of thanksgiving to St. Anthony for things found. If you have a story of things found through the intercession of Good St. Anthony, email it to us and we will share it on the blog~
Many thanks to you G.B. for a story of thanksgiving to St. Anthony for things found. If you have a story of things found through the intercession of Good St. Anthony, email it to us and we will share it on the blog~
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Thanksgiving for Answered Prayers To St. Anthony
This bears re-posting:
Thanksgiving for Answered Prayers To St. Anthony
Most loving protector, St. Anthony, what gift can I give you in
exchange to show my heartfelt gratitude? With your continued help I will
show appreciation to you by being more faithful to God, more constant
in prayer, and readier to do good to those nearest me. I praise you for
the esteem in which your name is held throughout the world, for the
miracles and wonders with which you have filled the Church, and for the
many benefits mankind continues to receive through your gracious help.
May these intentions convey my great thanks to the triune God, Father,
Son, and Holy Ghost, and to our Blessed Lady, Queen of heaven and earth.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be...
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be...
For information on giving alms to an Anthonian mission hospital in Africa in thanksgiving for St. Anthony's help in your life, click here.
Have prayers answered through the intersession of Saint Anthony that you would like to share on our blog? Click here to email them to us to post - your stories can inspire others to turn to God in need, with the help of Good St. Anthony~
Thursday, October 27, 2016
All Souls' Day Mass At Basilica Of St. Anthony In Italy, 2016
On November 2nd. there will be a Holy Mass at the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy, for all of St. Anthony's devotees who are no longer with us. The Franciscan Friars will be praying for them, but also for those who grieve them. If you wish your dear departed to be remembered during the Holy Mass, please click here to write down their names. You may also send your prayer for them and ask for a candle to be lit in their memory. On November 2nd. at 8:15 am CET watch the Mass live stream from Saint Anthony’s Basilica in Padua, Italy. Fr. Giancarlo Zamengo, OFM Conv. shall invoke upon them and upon you our Lord’s blessing.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
My Prayer Is Answered
On Friday after my training at school I came back to my dormitory to have a shower. After I had my shower I realized that all my clothes were on the line on the roof, so I took the elevator to go up and pick up my clothes and come back. That's the last time I remember using my key card. On the next day I searched my whole room until midnight, but I found nothing. I was worried and so I decided to have a rest. When I finished my bedtime prayer, I realized that Saint Anthony of Padua has a prayer request for lost articles, so I searched on Google and managed to find it. I sat up again and prayed the prayer. In the morning when I got myself ready for Sunday Mass, I went to my wardrobe to change - that's the first thing I saw when I picked my belt. To my surprised the key card fell off - I was so happy and surprised. Immediately I said the words thank God and thought to myself, my prayer is answered. ~Regards, MDH
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
It Would Have To Be A Miracle
I lost my best and favorite pair of
prescription eyeglasses about 3 months ago, and have been searching all
over for my glasses. I am on Medicaid, so my glasses are an out of
pocket expense. I had to search everywhere and even moved furniture at
my mother's house thinking I lost them there! Finally, I gave in and
tried to order a new pair but they were out of stock. This past
Saturday, I was cleaning my room and moved a few things that my
daughter put in there. Below those items was my St. Anthony prayer card!
So, I asked -- he had helped before -- if he could help find my
glasses. It would have to be a miracle. Well, today, I happened to stop
in a store and talked to an old friend I hadn't seen in years. BEHIND
HIM TAPED ON THE WALL WERE MY GLASSES! I have so much to be thankful for
to St. Anthony. I believe in his miraculous powers. This strengthens my
faith even more! May God bless everyone!
Thank you P.K. for your amazing story of St. Anthony's help. If you have a story of your own to share with our readers, email it to us and we will post it on our blog.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
2016 Visit Of The Relics Of St. Anthony To Vancouver & Denver
Two precious relics of Saint Anthony from the Basilica in Padua will be brought to Vancouver, Canada (5-12 October) and Denver, USA (14-23 October) . One of these reliquaries contains the Saint’s floating rib. This is the very same reliquary that has been kissed by Sister Lucia of Fatima when it was taken to the nuns at the Monastery of Carmelite sisters in Coimbra, Portugal, in January 1995, during the commemorations for the 800th anniversary of the Saint’s birth. Below is the provisional program. Some venues and times may be subject to change, and you are invited to visit their website at:, or call Tom Muscatello at 914.263.8841, for the updated program. The Eucharistic and Veneration Services are currently scheduled as follows:
Our Lady of Sorrows
555 Slocan St., Vancouver, BC - V5K 3X5
Veneration: from 5:30 pm
Mass times: 6:30 pm
Phone: 604.254.0691
St. Luke’s Parish
20285 Dewdney Trunk Rd., Maple Ridge, BC - V2X 3C9
Veneration: 12 noon to 8:30 pm
Mass times: 12 noon; 7:00 pm
Phone: 604.465.5383
Our Lady of Fatima, 1423 East 13th. Avenue
Vancouver, BC - V5N 2B5
Veneration: 12 noon to 8:30 pm
Mass times: 12 noon, 7:00 pm
Phone: 604.879.0729
Our Lady of the Assumption
3141 Shaughnessy Street, Port Coquitlam, BC - V3B 4L2
Veneration: from 3:00 pm
Mass time: 5:00 pm
Phone: 604.942.7400
St. Anthony of Padua
1345 W 73rd Ave., Vancouver, BC - V6P 3E9
Veneration: from 7:30 am to 1:30 pm
Mass times: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12 noon
Phone: 604.266.6131
St. Patrick’s Parish
2881 Main St., Vancouver, BC - V5T 3G1
Veneration: from 9:00 am to 12 noon
Mass time: 9:00 am
Phone: 604.874.7818
St. Helen’s Church
3860 Triumph Street, Burnaby, BC - V5C 2A6
Veneration: from 3:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Mass time: 7:00 pm
Phone: 604.298.4144
St. Anthony’s Parish
2347 Inglewood Avenue, W. Vancouver, BC - V7V 1Z9
Veneration: all day between Masses
Mass times: 8:00 am, 7:00 pm
Phone: 604.926.6881
St. Rafka Maronite Church,
2301 Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood, CO - 80214
Veneration: from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Mass time: 6:30 pm
Phone: 720.833.0354
St. Anthony of Padua
3801 W Ohio Ave, Denver, CO - 80219
Veneration: from 12 noon to 8:00 pm
Mass times: 6:00 pm
Phone: 303.935.2431
St. Michael The Archangel
19099 E Floyd Ave, Aurora, CO - 80013
Veneration: before and after each Mass
Mass times: 7:00 am, 8:45 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm, and 2:30 pm (Spanish)
Phone: 303.690.6797
St James Catholic Church
1311 Oneida St., Denver, CO - 80220
Veneration: 8 am to 6 pm
Mass times: 8:15 am, 12:10 pm
Phone: 303.322.7449
All Souls Catholic Parish
4950 S Logan St, Englewood, CO - 80113
Veneration: 8 am to 8 pm
Mass times: 8:15 am, 12 noon; 7:00 pm
Phone: 303.789.0007
St. Elizaebeth of Hungary
1060 St Francis Way, Denver, CO - 80204
Veneration: from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Mass time: 12 noon
Veneration: from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Mass time: 12 noon
Phone: 303.534.4014
Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
1530 Logan St, Denver, CO – 80203
Veneration: from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
Mass times: 12:10 pm, 5:30 pm
Veneration: from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Mass time: 4:30 pm
Veneration: from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Mass times: 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 am, 6:30 pm
Phone: 303.831.7010
Thursday, September 8, 2016
9/11 Meditation At Commemorative Monument in Padua, Italy
On September 11, 2001, the terrorist attacks launched against the United States and the free world was unprecedented in terms of savagery and brutality. Every year on this date, there is a commemoration of the lives of those who died so tragically: people who were simply working in the World Trade Center, or who perished in the attempt to save them. In Padua, the city of St. Anthony, they are very proud to possess a monument dedicated to the tragedy of 9/11 called Memory and Light. It is a symbolic representation of a twofold necessity: first, to be mindful of the evils of fanaticism and hatred, secondly, to never lose faith in the values of solidarity, peace, justice and equality, just like St. Anthony taught all those centuries ago.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
St. Anthony Got Me My Job Back
I wish to share my testimony. Last year in October I left a good job for what I thought was a better job. But after 8 months in my new job, due to some unexplainable circumstances, they asked me to resign. I was devastated. I started applying for jobs but with not much luck. Also it is difficult getting a job after only holding a new job for 8 months and without a convincing story of why you left. There is a Franscian Catholic Church near my house called St. Jude. After a month of being unemployed I went for evening mass and unlike other times I sat behind where there is a statue of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Padre Pio. During mass I had a revelation that reminded me that St. Anthony has helped me find lost articles numerous time and he could also help me as I had lost my job. When I went home I went online and found your prayer to St Anthony to find a job. I started the Novena the next day. I went to the Fransican chapel for 9 days, knelt I front of the statue of St. Anthony, said the rosary followed by the prayer for employment. Shortly after the novena I got a call from the organization I had left last year, they were looking for someone 'like me' and that's how I got a job. St. Anthony got me my previous job back but a higher post and more responsibility. Thank you St Anthony!
And thank you E.K. for your story of the power of prayer, through the intercession of Good Saint Anthony~
And thank you E.K. for your story of the power of prayer, through the intercession of Good Saint Anthony~
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Don't Thank Me, Thank St. Anthony
Today my daughter-in law messaged to say she could not find my son's passport. She had been searching every nook and cranny and had practically turned the whole house upside down for about 4 hours. I told her to hold on while I googled the Patron Saint of lost items. I found it and read through what I had to do. I told her what she had to do and I said "you must believe". I also kept saying it from where I was but I kept feeling that I should go over. Although it was 2am, I went over to help her look because I knew that just saying the prayer from where I was would not work. So as soon as I got there I told her that I will help look. The minute I started looking I kept saying "Good St. Anthony look around, something's lost and can't be found" over and over again, as the prayer said I had to do while looking. In less than 30 minutes I found the passport in a place that she had looked before. She looked at me wide eyed. I said to her, "I told you that you have to believe." She hugged me and thanked me. I said don't thank me, thank St. Anthony. And she smiled and said she would. I wondered why God had chosen me to receive His mercy, and then I realized that He wanted to remind me that just because He can be everywhere, He still wants His Saints to chip in. So thank you thank you thank you St. Anthony for today's miracle. Now my son can make his trip and spread your word.
Thank you so much D.F. for your faith-filled story of St. Anthony's assistance. Have a story of your own to share? Email us and we will post it on our blog~
Thank you so much D.F. for your faith-filled story of St. Anthony's assistance. Have a story of your own to share? Email us and we will post it on our blog~
Monday, August 15, 2016
St. Anthony Quote - On The Virgin Mary's Assumption Into Heaven
Like many of the saints before him, St. Anthony of Padua had a great love for and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. He knew how important her role was in the life of Jesus Christ and in the life of the Catholic Church, which continues to this day. Here is a quote from his writings focusing on the dogma of the Church regarding the Blessed Virgin Mary's Assumption into heaven:
"She was assumed bodily into heaven…because from Her He assumed flesh. She was ‘the place of the Lord’s feet’ and the ‘ark of His sanctification’ and was therefore glorified. But Her exaltation was also due to Her littleness, for ‘in the word of humility, ‘Behold, the handmaid of the Lord’ (Luke 1:38), She became the Queen of Heaven.’ As a result of Her ‘humility of body and heart… She is brilliant in Her heavenly splendor.’ She is ‘exalted above the choirs of angels’ and ‘sits upon a starry throne,’ crowned by Her divine Son, precisely because She humbled Herself below any other creature."
Most Holy and Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for us; St. Anthony of Padua, pray for us~
Friday, August 5, 2016
I Knew He Would Answer My Prayers
I have a special cross necklace that my wonderful husband gave me. Often I will hold it in my fingers while I silently pray. I reached up for my cross today and it was gone! Many people were kind enough to help me search with no avail. All the while I prayed for St. Anthony's intercession. After an exhaustive search, I decided to quit for the day and got ready for a shower. As I disrobed, I heard a soft clink on the bathroom floor. The cross necklace had been caught in my clothes the entire day! Thank you St. Anthony! I knew he would answer my prayers - after all, I was born at St. Anthony de Padua Hospital in Chicago!!
Thank you A.E. for your beautiful story of trust in St. Anthony's intersession for you~
Thank you A.E. for your beautiful story of trust in St. Anthony's intersession for you~
Sunday, July 24, 2016
He Will Surely Find It
I had lost my golden ring and realized it a week later. As my mother also used to wear that ring, I was under the assumption that it was with her. But a week later when I asked her about the ring, she said it wasn't with her. I panicked and searched the whole night and tried remembering where I would have misplaced it. I was clueless. Next day I went to the office and searched but still in vain. Then I prayed to St. Anthony, the patron of lost things. I prayed, "Good St. Anthony look around. My golden ring is lost and must be found." After praying so I got help from a least expected person. He checked the CCTV camera footage and told me until when I had the ring on my finger. From that it was clear that I hadn't lost it in the office. I kept praying. After a few days I lost hope of finding it. It was then that my dad while cleaning under the sofa FOUND IT!! None of us have any idea of how it reached there since I only keep the ring on the altar. That's the power of St. Anthony. I got back my ring from the least expected place and while searching for it a least expected person from office helped me. Thank you St. Anthony!! Never lose hope if you have prayed to St. Anthony. He will surely find it!
Thank you P.X. for your inspirational story of St. Anthony's assistance - never loose hope indeed~
Thank you P.X. for your inspirational story of St. Anthony's assistance - never loose hope indeed~
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
It Is Such A Relief
I had recently misplaced my Malaysian passport which is such a hassle to replace - going through the bureaucracies of police reports, immigration interviews, et cetera, whereby the whole process may take more than a month depending on luck. I'm due to fly this mid July to Poland for World Youth Day and all the preparation was done albeit the missing passport. Being so stressed out searching high and low for 3 days between 2 homes and 2 offices (I've just recently transferred between jobs), I prayed to St. Anthony 2 nights ago, and being discouraged thinking I may miss World Youth Day, asked for prayers from groups of friends last night whom advised me to pray to St. Anthony as well. Lo and behold, after going through the storeroom this morning (which was searched twice before), I've found it neatly tucked between a bunch of other documents and cash too which I didn't realize was misplaced in a cloth bag. My heart just leapt seeing that small book and gosh, it is such a relief! Thank you St. Anthony!
Thank you L.T. for your wonderful story of St. Anthony's help in finding something so important. Do you have a St. Anthony to share? Email it to us and we will post it on out blog~
Thank you L.T. for your wonderful story of St. Anthony's help in finding something so important. Do you have a St. Anthony to share? Email it to us and we will post it on out blog~
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
The Power Of Prayer
Oh my goodness, what can I say to express my gratitude to dear St. Anthony? I am Catholic, though a very lapsed one, but have never abandoned the belief in the power of prayer. Two days ago I lost my glasses. I'm a senior citizen and for reasons too lengthy and complicated to go into, getting them replaced at this point would have been extremely difficult. I took your blog's advice, asked St. Anthony for his help, and just went back outside for the third time to retrace my steps as much as I could recall through a veritable jungle of overgrown vegetation. I took a rake with me this time and sure enough there they were shining in the hot afternoon sun - without a scratch! I have absolutely no doubt that had it not been for his intercession, IF I ever saw them again they would have been destroyed. I am taking this as a sign that Our Lord and the saints do indeed listen and watch over us and I will do my best not to be a stranger in the future. Thank you, St. Anthony, and to you good people for reminding us to keep the faith.
Thank you C.L. for sharing your story of finding something much needed through the intersession of Good St. Anthony - may he help us all find our way closer to God~
Thank you C.L. for sharing your story of finding something much needed through the intersession of Good St. Anthony - may he help us all find our way closer to God~
Monday, June 13, 2016
St. Anthony Novena – Day 13, World’s Greatest Saint
A blessed Feast of Saint Anthony to all of you~~ Welcome back for our last meditation, today’s theme is St. Anthony, the world’s greatest saint. We are in the Basilica, at the back of the Saint’s Tomb: thousands of people every day touch this stone as they say their prayers to St. Anthony. Almost four million people come every year to Padua to visit his tomb.
St. Anthony Novena – Day 12, Intercessor before God
Today the theme is Saint Anthony, Intercessor before God. Fr. Mario is in the Chapel of St. Anthony’s relics, where we can find the reliquary with St. Anthony’s tongue; the tongue through which he constantly prayed, interceding for individuals, the Church and the world.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
St. Anthony Novena – Day 11, Defender of the Persecuted
Saint Anthony was a defender of the persecuted, nowadays we would call him a “human rights defender”. He helped children, elderly people, women and even prisoners.
Friday, June 10, 2016
St. Anthony Novena – Day 10, Life Counselor
Today’s theme is Saint Anthony, life counselor. According to St. Anthony’s biographers, though he was a very learned person, he was so good at preaching that even children could understand him. He was the perfect counselor. Guided by the Holy Spirit, his advice was always insightful, Scripture based, unique and practical.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
St. Anthony Novena – Day 9, Comforter Of The Afflicted
Today’s theme is Saint Anthony, comforter of the afflicted. St. Anthony recognizes that life is a rough journey full of difficulties, but he knows that no human being makes this journey alone: the Holy Spirit is with each one of us.
St. Anthony Novena – Day 8, Apostle Of Forgiveness
Today's reflection is on Saint Anthony, apostle of forgiveness: only God knows how many people came to St. Anthony for confession, received God’s forgiveness for their sins, and went away forgiven, filled with joy, and ready to make restitution. Pace e bene – peace and all good.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
St. Anthony Novena – Day 7, Peacemaker
Today's reflection is on St. Anthony the peacemaker. He was a true Franciscan, and many people were touched by his peacemaking efforts. He strove to bring peace between people, and between God and the individual.
Monday, June 6, 2016
St. Anthony's Relics Visit To Ireland, Scotland, & England, 2016
Thousands of people are expected to visit the relics of St. Anthony when they are brought to Ireland, Knock shrine, and the UK this June. First Class relics of St. Anthony from St. Anthony’s Basilica in Padua, Italy, where his tomb is located, will be taken to churches in Ireland, Scotland, and England for veneration. At each church the relics will remain exposed during special Masses, at the conclusion of which all those attending will be invited to approach the reliquary for a blessing. See below for tour schedule.
St. Mary's Parish
T:052 7443447
12 noon; 7.30 pm: Masses;
Veneration from after 12 noon Mass
St. Mary's Cathedral
T: 064 6631014
10.30am; 6.15 pm: Masses;
Veneration all day
Basilica of Our Lady
T: 094 9388100
3.00pm (Polish); 7.30 pm: Masses
11.00am: Veneration all day
St. Mary's Cathedral
T: 071 9162670
12.00noon; 7.00pm: Masses
Veneration all day after 12noon Mass
MONDAY, JUNE 13 Saint Anthony's Feast Day
St. Mary's Pro Cathedral
T: 353 1 874 5441
Masses 12.45pm; 5.45pm with Archbishop Diarmuid Martin
Veneration continues between Masses up to 8pm
St. Mel's Cathedral
T: 043 334 6465
1.00pm; 6.30pm (with Bishop Duffy):
Masses; Veneration all day
St. Eugene's Cathedral
T: 028 7137 7494
Wednesday 15 June
Formal welcome of the relics at St Eugene's at 12noon
Veneration continues until 7.30pm Mass
Veneration continues after Mass until 10pm
Thursday 16 June
Mass 8am and 10am
Veneration continues up to 1pm.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
T: 028 3752 2802
Thursday 16 June
Veneration from 4.00pm
7.30pm Mass with Archbishop Eamon Martin
Friday 17 June
Mass 10am
Veneration continues until 1pm
Britain June 19 - 28
St. Mirin's Cathedral
T: 0141 889 2404
11am Bishop John Keenan will process relics from diocesan office to cathedral
Masses: 12.00noon with Bishop John Keenan; 2.30pm (Polish); 6.30pm
Veneration: 11.00am; 1.00-2.30pm; 3.30-6.30pm; 7.15-8.00pm
St. Mary's Cathedral
T: 01642 597750
12.00noon (Bishop Drainey); 6.30pm: Masses 9.00am (sung prayer); 1.00pm (sermon-Fr. Mario); 4.30pm (choral vespers)
9.30-12.00noon; 1.30-4.30pm; 5.00-8.00pm: Veneration
St. John's Cathedral
T: 0161-817-2210
Tuesday: 12.10pm: Mass;
Veneration all day from 11.00am;
Wednesday: 10.00am: Mass 9.00-10.0am; 10.45am-12.10pm; 1.00pm till late afternoon: Veneration
Cathedral of St. Marie
T: 0114-272-2522
Masses: 12.45pm with Bishop Ralph Heskett; 5.30pm:
Veneration: 10.15-11.15am; 1.30-5.00pm;6.15-7.00pm 11.30-12.30 (Holy Hour); 12.30-12.45pm (Prayer)
Cathedral of Our Lady Help of Christians
T: 01743.364.256
Veneration from 11am to 7.30pm
Masses: 12.15pm; 7.30pm
St. Chad's Cathedral
T: 0121 236 5535
Mass 10.00am; 4.30pm Vigil Mass for Sunday
Veneration all day until 8pm
St. Anthony's Parish
56 St. Anthony's Road
Forest Gate
T: 020 8472 0433
Mass 12.00noon:
Veneration 1pm to 8pm:
Masses 7.45am;10am: 6pm with Bishop Alan Williams
Veneration 1pm to 8pm:
Mass 10am
Veneration from 10.30am to 3pm
St. Mary's Parish
T:052 7443447
12 noon; 7.30 pm: Masses;
Veneration from after 12 noon Mass
St. Mary's Cathedral
T: 064 6631014
10.30am; 6.15 pm: Masses;
Veneration all day
Basilica of Our Lady
T: 094 9388100
3.00pm (Polish); 7.30 pm: Masses
11.00am: Veneration all day
St. Mary's Cathedral
T: 071 9162670
12.00noon; 7.00pm: Masses
Veneration all day after 12noon Mass
MONDAY, JUNE 13 Saint Anthony's Feast Day
St. Mary's Pro Cathedral
T: 353 1 874 5441
Masses 12.45pm; 5.45pm with Archbishop Diarmuid Martin
Veneration continues between Masses up to 8pm
St. Mel's Cathedral
T: 043 334 6465
1.00pm; 6.30pm (with Bishop Duffy):
Masses; Veneration all day
St. Eugene's Cathedral
T: 028 7137 7494
Wednesday 15 June
Formal welcome of the relics at St Eugene's at 12noon
Veneration continues until 7.30pm Mass
Veneration continues after Mass until 10pm
Thursday 16 June
Mass 8am and 10am
Veneration continues up to 1pm.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
T: 028 3752 2802
Thursday 16 June
Veneration from 4.00pm
7.30pm Mass with Archbishop Eamon Martin
Friday 17 June
Mass 10am
Veneration continues until 1pm
Britain June 19 - 28
St. Mirin's Cathedral
T: 0141 889 2404
11am Bishop John Keenan will process relics from diocesan office to cathedral
Masses: 12.00noon with Bishop John Keenan; 2.30pm (Polish); 6.30pm
Veneration: 11.00am; 1.00-2.30pm; 3.30-6.30pm; 7.15-8.00pm
St. Mary's Cathedral
T: 01642 597750
12.00noon (Bishop Drainey); 6.30pm: Masses 9.00am (sung prayer); 1.00pm (sermon-Fr. Mario); 4.30pm (choral vespers)
9.30-12.00noon; 1.30-4.30pm; 5.00-8.00pm: Veneration
St. John's Cathedral
T: 0161-817-2210
Tuesday: 12.10pm: Mass;
Veneration all day from 11.00am;
Wednesday: 10.00am: Mass 9.00-10.0am; 10.45am-12.10pm; 1.00pm till late afternoon: Veneration
Cathedral of St. Marie
T: 0114-272-2522
Masses: 12.45pm with Bishop Ralph Heskett; 5.30pm:
Veneration: 10.15-11.15am; 1.30-5.00pm;6.15-7.00pm 11.30-12.30 (Holy Hour); 12.30-12.45pm (Prayer)
Cathedral of Our Lady Help of Christians
T: 01743.364.256
Veneration from 11am to 7.30pm
Masses: 12.15pm; 7.30pm
St. Chad's Cathedral
T: 0121 236 5535
Mass 10.00am; 4.30pm Vigil Mass for Sunday
Veneration all day until 8pm
St. Anthony's Parish
56 St. Anthony's Road
Forest Gate
T: 020 8472 0433
Mass 12.00noon:
Veneration 1pm to 8pm:
Masses 7.45am;10am: 6pm with Bishop Alan Williams
Veneration 1pm to 8pm:
Mass 10am
Veneration from 10.30am to 3pm
St. Anthony Novena – Day 6, Saint Of Miracles
Today's reflection is on Saint Anthony, the saint of miracles. The Saints are intimately connected to God, and St. Anthony is next to Our Father, constantly pulling at God’s sleeve, interceding with Our Lord for people who need help.
St. Anthony Novena – Day 5, Preacher Of The Word
Saint Anthony’s genius for preaching was discovered almost by chance and how he became one of the most remarkable preachers in Catholic history.
Saturday, June 4, 2016
St. Anthony Novena – Day 4, Friend Of The poor
St. Anthony, father of the poor, comforter of the needy. Saint Anthony not only preached about the plight of the poor, he also tried to remedy the situation through tangible works of charity together with his fellow friars.
Friday, June 3, 2016
St. Anthony Novena – Day 3, Hope For Those Who Are Ill
The theme of this third meditation is Saint Anthony, hope for those who are ill. St. Anthony was always very concerned about sick people, and many are the miracles he performed to help them.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
St. Anthony Novena – Day 2, Liberator Of Prisoners
Today’s theme is Anthony, liberator of prisoners. Fr. Mario reminds us that Anthony was really concerned about both real prisoners, victims of unfair laws, and people imprisoned spiritually, enslaved by sin and evil. Pace e bene – peace and all good.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
St. Anthony Novena – Day 1, Singer Of The Virgin Mary
All St. Anthony's devotees around the world are invited to join the friars of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy, to prepare for the feast of our beloved Saint. As they did last year, this year once again they present a series of short video meditations for the 13-Day Novena to St. Anthony: every day, from May 31 to June 12, they will post on their Facebook Page a video meditation about the figure and spirituality of the Paduan saint, filmed at some of the most inspiring locations in the Basilica. Don’t forget to join them on June 13 for Saint Anthony's Feast Day Mass, which will be streamed live on their website, from the High Altar of the Basilica at 10:00 AM (CET) Finally, they are preparing a big surprise for June 13... don't miss it, keep following their website and Facebook Page.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Introduction To St. Anthony Novena 2016
All St. Anthony's devotees around the world are invited to join the friars of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy, to prepare for the feast of our beloved Saint. As they did last year, this year once again they present a series of short video meditations for the 13-Day Novena to St. Anthony: every day, from May 31 to June 12, they will post on their Facebook Page a video meditation about the figure and spirituality of the Paduan saint, filmed at some of the most inspiring locations in the Basilica. Don’t forget to join them on June 13 for Saint Anthony's Feast Day Mass, which will be streamed live on their website, from the High Altar of the Basilica at 10:00 AM (CET) Finally, they are preparing a big surprise for June 13... don't miss it, keep following their website and Facebook Page.
Monday, May 23, 2016
I Know It Was Not There Before
One night I looked down at my hand and noticed my ring was not on my hand. At first I didn't think much of it, like I took it off in my sleep, because I do that a lot. So I started looking for it, because it was very expensive. But not just that, it meant something to me. So I keep looking and I could not find it anywhere! I looked for two day straight with the flashlight all over my house, in my closet, all over, took the couches apart and the beds apart, everywhere. Still no luck where it was to be found. So I started googling prayers to help you find something that is lost and I came across this site. I am very Catholic and believe in the power of prayer. So I started started praying to St. Anthony, asking him to look around. So did my son he who is seven and my family - they know how upset I was. So on the third day when I stopped looking and was packing to go away for my mother's birthday, I was looking in the same closet that I had taken apart the day before, looking for my ring. My husband walked in to ask me something, and then I saw him bend down and pick something up off the floor right next to my foot. I thought to myself, no way! - right there in his hand was my ring. I jumped up and said thank you God, thank you St. Anthony. I know it was not there before because I looked and looked right there for hours. I'm so thankful. This was the first time I ever called on St. Anthony, and I thank him for helping me. God is there for everything big or small and I give Him all glory!
Thank you V.C. for your beautiful story of St. Anthony's help~
Thank you V.C. for your beautiful story of St. Anthony's help~
Saturday, May 7, 2016
St. Anthony’s Relic To Visit USA CT - NJ - NY
A Messenger of Hope from Padua, Italy - St. Anthony’s Relic To Visit USA CT - NJ - NY June 10-19, 2016: The Franciscan Friars invite you to join them in welcoming Saint Anthony of Padua. St. Anthony will be visiting us in the form of a precious relic from his Basilica in Padua, Italy. The relic will be accompanied by a friar from the Messenger of St. Anthony in Padua.
Friday, June 10
New Jersey
113 Chiego Pl., Roselle Park, NJ 07204
Veneration starting at 11 AM
Masses at 12 Noon and 7 PM
June 11
135 W 31st St., New York, NY 10001
Veneration 3 PM to 7 PM
Vigil Masses at 4 PM and 5:15 PM
June 12
135 W 31st St., New York, NY 10001
Veneration 10:15 AM to 2 PM and 4 PM to 7 PM
Masses: 9:15 AM Korean, 9:30, 11 AM, 12:30 AM, 5 PM & 6:15 PM
June 13
135 W 31st St., New York, NY 10001
Veneration all day in the Lower Church from 7 AM to 8 PM
All masses in Upper Church all day long: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12:30, 1:30, 2:30 (Spanish), 4, 5:15, 6:30 (Kreyol in Upper Church) and 6:30 (Filipino in Lower Church)
June 14
279 Atlantic St., Stamford, Connecticut 06901
Veneration all day long
Masses at 8 AM, 12:10 PM and 7:30 PM
June 15
31 College Place, Yonkers, NY 10704
(The Chapel is on Midland Ave. Walk to the back of the building to enter the Church)
Veneration begins at 11 AM until after the 7:30 PM Mass
Masses at 12 noon and 7:30 PM
June 16
113 Baxter St, Manhattan, NY 10013
(Also, an entrance at 109 Mulberry St., left side through garden pathway)
Veneration begins at 11:30 AM until after the 7 PM Mass
Masses at 12:10 PM and 7 PM
June 17
36 W. Nyack Road, Nanuet, NY 10954
Veneration all day
Masses at 6:30 AM, 9 AM and 7 PM Closing Mass
3 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet & Rosary
June 18
410 Union Avenue, Paterson, NJ 07502
Veneration starts at 12 noon all day until after the last mass
Masses at 5:30 PM and 7 PM in Spanish
June 19
10 Squire Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10703
Veneration before and after each mass
Masses at 8 AM, 10 AM and 12 Noon
For more information please phone the Anthonian Association at: 914.263.8841
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Click this schedule for a larger printable size |
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
In The Time Of Need I Am Not Alone
I recently misplaced an envelope that had my savings in it. I didn't have much to begin with but have been saving since last year to rent a bigger home for my children. This savings also would help me with paying bills monthly. I searched high and low and practically destroyed my house looking for it. After 3 days straight not only did I pray to find it, I went online and found the prayer to St. Anthony, I have never prayed for his assistance before. I was so desperate and needed divine intervention, the thought of loosing everything made me physically ill and overwhelmed. I kept checking the same places over and over, under items and in them, pulled out all my clothing, searched my vehicle a hundred times. Nothing was working even called stores where recent purchases where made. As I begged and prayed unfortunately I wasn't hearing much of anything other than my own worry and same search locations. The fourth day in lack of sleep and a house turned upside down, I prayed the St. Anthony prayer repeatedly as I searched all over again. As I sat down on my sofa and began to cry, I looked over at my glass tv stand and noticed one of my mirror glass boxes sitting on top was slightly lifted. I had searched this area a million times and so did my kids. Since the box is mirrored it's empty and only for decorations. I decided to move the whole case over and there it was, I couldn't believe it. My heart immediately rejoiced, I got on my knees crying in happiness and told St. Anthony and the Lord I am forever grateful. Money is money and can eventually be replaced but I have struggled with loosing work, divorce, and my home within the last couple of years. This was everything I was counting on for my children, the bigger lesson I got was, in the time of need I am not alone, prayers do get answered.
Thank you M.C.D. for sending us your wonderful story of God's loving help through the intersession of Good St. Anthony. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog to inspire others to know they are not alone in time of need~
Thank you M.C.D. for sending us your wonderful story of God's loving help through the intersession of Good St. Anthony. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog to inspire others to know they are not alone in time of need~
Sunday, April 10, 2016
He Truly Is A Miracle Worker
I am a caregiver for my Mom, since she went into assisted living, over a year ago. For the past 2 to 3 weeks, I have been diligently hunting and searching all over my house for the very important papers relating to the selling of my Mom's home last year, so that I can get her taxes done. Today, this afternoon, I was feeling so discouraged, that I decided to look up the Saint for lost and found on the internet. My research told me that it was Saint Anthony. I found a quiet spot in my home, and said the prayer to Saint Anthony, for help in finding the papers. Later my husband and I had our supper, and after supper, I started looking again. I picked up a black bag that I have used for stuff for Mom, and that I had searched a number of times previously, and to my surprise, I found the papers. I couldn't believe it. I looked in there before and didn't see them. I know Saint Anthony answered my prayers. I am so grateful to him, for his help. He truly is a miracle worker. The papers were found in less than 6 hours. THANK YOU, SAINT ANTHONY.
Thank you Anonymous for your miraculous story of St. Anthony's help. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~
Thank you Anonymous for your miraculous story of St. Anthony's help. Have a story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Saint Anthony's Relics To Visit Philippines April 20 - May 2, 2016
This year Saint Anthony of Padua has decided that he has been away far too long from his beloved devotees in the Philippines. The relics were last there in February 1996, exactly 20 years ago, in conjunction with the 800th centenary of his birth. Our Saint has therefore decided to come from April 20th. to May 2nd. this year in the form of two relics. Fr. Mario Conte will bring two precious relics of our Saint from the Basilica in Padua, Italy. One of these reliquaries contains the Saint’s floating rib. This is the very same reliquary that was kissed by Sister Lucia of Fatima when it was taken to the nuns at the Monastery of Carmelite sisters in Coimbra, Portugal, in January 1995, also during the commemorations for the 800th anniversary of the Saint’s birth. Below please find the schedule for the relics of St. Anthony visits in the Philippines - at least one Holy Mass will be celebrated in each venue listed, with ample time set aside for veneration:
20 April (morning):
The Shrine of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Newport Blvd, Pasay, Metro Manila – Opening Mass
20 April (afternoon):
St. Anthony de Padua Parish, Valley 1, Parañaque City
21 April (morning):
St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Singalong, Manila
21 April (afternoon):
San Lazaro Chapel (for the sick & hospital patients) Sta Cruz, Manila
21 April (evening) & 22 April (morning):
San Augustin Parish, Moonwalk, Parañaque City
22 April (noon):
Makati Medical Center (for doctors, medical staff & the sick); Makati City
22 April (afternoon):
National Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Makati City
23 April (morning):
St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Mandaluyong City
23 April (afternoon):
St. Anthony Parish, Silang, Cavite
24 April: (morning):
St. Joseph Formation House, Tagaytay City
25 April (morning):
Archdiocese of Palo
25 April (afternoon):
St. Anthony Shrine Parish, Sulangan, Guiuan, Eastern Samar
26 April (afternoon):
St. Anthony of Padua Friary, Dolores, Eastern Samar
28 April (morning):
St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe Parish, Novaliches, Quezon City
28 April (evening) & 29 April (morning):
St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Batasan Hills, Quezon City
29 April (afternoon):
San Francisco de Assisi Parish, Binangonan, Rizal
30 April (morning):
Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage, Antipolo City, Rizal
30 April (afternoon):
St. Anthony de Padua Shrine, Pila, Laguna
1 May:
San Antonio de Padua Parish, Tonsuya, Malabon;
Immaculate Concepcion Parish, Concepcion, Malabon
(Diocese of Kalookan)
2 May (morning):
San Juan City of the Archdiocese of Manila
2 May (afternoon):
St. Ezekiel Monero Oratory (Diocese of Parañaque) – Concluding Mass
For more information and updates regarding Mass times, veneration, and addresses:
-PLDT Manila telephone lines: (02) 5565201 & (02) 8294979;
-call or send text messages to OFMConv PLDT Plus lines: 6325336411 & 6325336403
Monday, March 28, 2016
To Me It Was A Miracle
There is this very valuable bracelet my mom gave to me full of charms that speak of our relationship. That was one of my most prized possessions. One night out I was wearing it and the next day much to my dismay it couldn't be found at all. I looked all over my house, my boyfriend's car, my friend's car that I spent a few minutes in, even called the establishments we were at and they all told me that it wasn't to be seen. I prayed and prayed to God and St. Anthony asking for help that I find it. I was depressed for 2 days but still had been praying that it would turn up, that I even lost hope to find it. On midnight 2 days later my friend calls me to tell me he found my bracelet, still intact, under the mat of his car when he out of nowhere decided to clean it! You have no idea how thankful I was after, to me it was a miracle. I never thought I'd see it again, all thanks to St. Anthony's intercession. I am relieved and my faith is so much more strengthened!! Prayers do work, just never give up! God always finds a way! Thank you Saint Anthony!
And thank you M.T. for your story of St. Anthony's assistance in finding something precious to you - Saint Anthony is a good friend in Heaven, waiting to help~
And thank you M.T. for your story of St. Anthony's assistance in finding something precious to you - Saint Anthony is a good friend in Heaven, waiting to help~
Monday, March 21, 2016
I Am Confident In His Love
Through Saint Anthony's intercession, several of my possessions have been found. I had lost an angel bracelet that was special to me while walking my dogs, and was heartbroken. I prayed to Saint Anthony for his intercession, and my bracelet was found in the grass the next morning. A bracelet of our Blessed Mother Mary had a piece fall off, and I prayed the prayer to Saint Anthony and a day or two later, when I was on my computer, it was sitting right on the desk in front of me. I didn't even remember going in that room for several days! I know that God's Love is the most powerful force in the universe, for He created the universe. I am confident in His Love for me, for He gave up His only Begotten Son, Jesus, who died for us. I am also confident in the intercession of the saints, who are in Heaven with God and are filled compassion for their brothers and sisters. If anyone is feeling uncertain or confused or overwhelmed, overwhelm yourself with God's grace and trust in His Love for you. Never doubt His power and pure Love!
Thank you C.V. for your very trusting story of God's Grace through the intercession of Good St. Anthony~
Thank you C.V. for your very trusting story of God's Grace through the intercession of Good St. Anthony~
Friday, March 11, 2016
My Sister Said To Pray To St. Anthony
I would like to share with you this amazing even simple story. My husband and I are separated. Financially we have found it difficult to keep the lifestyle we used to have. Now we watch every cent we spend and as much as possible we buy secondhand books for school and other things. I gave my son $60 in an envelope stapled to his diary which he was supposed to give to a teacher at school to buy some secondhand books we were able to get a half price. My son lost his diary on Monday and couldn't find it anywhere and we were sure the money would've been stolen. My sister said to pray to St. Anthony to recover the diary and money so I did. I've been praying since Monday and today, Thursday, my son found his diary in lost property with the money in the envelope intact. That's so amazing it's incredible. He bought his second hand books with much relief and realize what a powerful Saint we have in St. Anthony. Thanks, C.Z.
Monday, February 15, 2016
St. Anthony's Relics Visit in Houston, Texas - Feb. 19 - 29, 2016
The above picture is of Fatima seer Sr. Lucie, venerating these relics of St. Anthony. St. Anthony relics will be visiting Texas from February 19 to 29. The relics will be accompanied by fr. Mario Conte, editor of the Messenger of St. Anthony magazine.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
St. Anthony's Relics To Visit Texas February 19 - 29, 2016
Masses at 12:10 PM and 7:30 PM. Veneration all afternoon.
1111 St. Joseph Parkway (@ San Jacinto)
Houston, TX 77002 - Phone: 713.659.1561
Mass at 6:30 AM. Veneration to follow until 2 PM. Veneration will
continue at 4 PM followed by Mass with veneration at 5 PM and the
Vietnamese Mass with veneration at 7 PM.
Masses followed by veneration at 7 AM, 9 AM, 11 AM,
1 PM in Vietnamese, 5:30 PM and the Spanish Mass at 7:30 PM
Masses with veneration all day at 7 AM, 12:15 PM and 7:30 PM
8503 S Kirkwood Rd - Houston, TX 77099 - Phone: 281.495.8133
Veneration starts at 5 PM. Mass at 7 PM followed by veneration
300 FM 517 Rd E. Dickinson, TX 77539 - Phone: 281.337.4112
Veneration from 11 AM to 9 PM
Mass at 12:10 PM - Liturgy of the World and Talk at 6:45 PM
(School students in afternoon and religious education students at 6 PM)
700 Jefferson St. Beaumont, TX 77701 - Phone: 409.833.6433
Veneration begins at 12 noon until 9 PM. Mass at 7:30 PM
1949 Cullen Blvd. Houston, TX 77023 - Phone: 713.236.9977
Masses with veneration all day 6:30 AM, 12:10 PM and 7 PM
1618 Texas Ave. (@ Crawford) - Houston, TX 77003
Phone: 713.222.2289
Veneration begins at 9 AM until 10 PM - Mass at 6:30 PM
11935 Bellfort Village Dr. - Houston, TX 77031 - Phone: 281.568.6800
Masses with veneration at 7 AM, 9 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM and 6 PM
7801 Bay Branch Drive - The Woodlands, TX 77382
Phone: 281.419.8700
For more information please contact the Anthonian Association at (914) 263-8841
Friday, February 5, 2016
Saint Anthony Saved Me From A Lot Of Trouble
I just want to say thank you thank you thank you. I just lost my iPhone this afternoon and looked everywhere I could possibly imagine. I texted all my friends, contacted apple support and nearly burst into tears several times. I have all my photos and even an on going copy of my novel that I am writing. I looked for over five hours and I kept stressing. I called my dad and he said to pray to Saint Anthony because that's how he was raised when ever he lost something. I prayed and continued to look over and over again. I dumped out my bag, my duffel, my lunch kit and even checked the car all over again. After another thirty minutes of looking my dad walked in the door and said I'll check the car once more. He went outside and came back inside laughing. He threw my phone to me and said you owe Saint Anthony $5 dollars and a prayer. I will go to my church as soon as I can and I will give him the money. Saint Anthony saved me from a lot of trouble and a lot of money I would have had to spend to replace my phone.
Thank you S.B. for your lost and found story~ Do you have a St. Anthony lost and found story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on the blog.
Thank you S.B. for your lost and found story~ Do you have a St. Anthony lost and found story of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on the blog.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Spiritual Meditations For World Day of Prayer For The Sick 2016
Spiritual meditations filmed at the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy for the World Day of Prayer For The Sick 2016.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
XXV World Day of Prayer for the Sick
XXV World Day of Prayer for the Sick - February 11th., 2016 - The sick and the suffering have always held a special place in Saint Anthony’s heart. The Saint showed them great compassion and mercy, and many of his miracles were performed in their favor. Do you know someone who is sick or suffering? Would you like the Franciscan Friars of Saint Anthony’s Basilica to pray for them? Click here to let the Friars know who you would like prayed for, and they will include them in their prayers in a special Mass at the Basilica of Saint Anthony in Padua, Italy, on February 11th, 2016 at 8:15am (CET).
Would you like to follow the Mass? Please click here to watch the event live stream. May St. Anthony intercede for each one of us so that we may become better followers of Jesus Christ. God bless you!
Monday, January 25, 2016
I Was Looking For The Money
Just yesterday I was looking for the money I kept to pay for my upcoming monthly credit card bill. I was unable to find it, so I asked the intercession of St. Anthony. I was sure where I had kept it, but for some senior moments I lost track of the place. I cleaned my table, cabinets and the most likely places I hide things, but to no avail, I can't see the money. While meditating and thinking where I hid the money, all of a sudden it popped up to my mind the folder of paid statement of accounts. True, it was indeed inserted there. What a relief, after thinking about the loss all last night, and cleaning up my table the whole day. Thank you St. Anthony for the recovery. Thanks thanks thanks.
Thank you P.C. for your great story about St. Anthony's intercession. If you have something you need to find and need some assistance, just ask Saint Anthony, he is a friend who wants to help~
Thank you P.C. for your great story about St. Anthony's intercession. If you have something you need to find and need some assistance, just ask Saint Anthony, he is a friend who wants to help~
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
I Am Not Even Catholic
I have a money belt in which I keep all of my charge cards, gift cards, insurance and medical id, cash, driver license, etc. I could not find it and was desperately worried. I spent two and a half hours searching the entire house and car multiple times but was unsuccessful in locating the belt. I said the prayer to St. Anthony a few times. I then started the search again while repeating the prayer that I found on your site. I located the money belt in less than ten minutes! I said a prayer of thanks to St. Anthony. I also wanted to thank you for the information that I found on your site. Btw, I am not even Catholic.
Thank you S.D. for your great story; may St. Anthony always be by your side, guiding you to find the things most needed in this life and the next~
Thank you S.D. for your great story; may St. Anthony always be by your side, guiding you to find the things most needed in this life and the next~
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
This Difficult Grace
Back in December of 2014 we received the following email from one of our readers, which we posted on our blog here:
"'I thank my husband for introducing St. Anthony to me. St. Anthony is my best friend! Tuesday becomes my lucky day, always, since I started my devotion to St. Anthony!!! We got some amazing graces from him on Tuesdays! He is our great advocate. I am now praying for my sister and myself to heal the rift. We have not seen each other for more than ten years. I am praying to St. Anthony for his support and I will let you know if I get this difficult grace.' -M.C.
Today, over a year later, we received the following update from M.C. regarding that 'difficult grace':
"I have good news to tell you that my sister and myself are back in contact after many years of no contact. We are happy that we are in our lives again. I thank St. Anthony and my other saints to pray for this impossible grace." -M.C.
God can and does answer prayers when we persevere, through the intersession of Good St. Anthony~
"'I thank my husband for introducing St. Anthony to me. St. Anthony is my best friend! Tuesday becomes my lucky day, always, since I started my devotion to St. Anthony!!! We got some amazing graces from him on Tuesdays! He is our great advocate. I am now praying for my sister and myself to heal the rift. We have not seen each other for more than ten years. I am praying to St. Anthony for his support and I will let you know if I get this difficult grace.' -M.C.
Today, over a year later, we received the following update from M.C. regarding that 'difficult grace':
"I have good news to tell you that my sister and myself are back in contact after many years of no contact. We are happy that we are in our lives again. I thank St. Anthony and my other saints to pray for this impossible grace." -M.C.
God can and does answer prayers when we persevere, through the intersession of Good St. Anthony~
Friday, January 8, 2016
People Who Have Faith In St. Anthony
We had our granddaughter for the day, had a wonderful day. Her mother picked her up, we gave them our hugs to each other. Anyways, my husband was getting ready for work, and he couldn't find his wallet. We looked everywhere for it. I was praying to St. Anthony with all of my heart. My husband called to tell me, "I think my wallet fell out of my pocket when I was hugging our granddaughter, maybe it is there." So I sent a text to her mother and I told her about the wallet. She said she would check around the area our cars were. I then prayed harder, I said, "Dear St. Anthony, please help her find the wallet. If I can't find my money, please help me find my husband's wallet." 30 minutes later, she called and said she found the wallet. I was in such shock. In a parking lot not touched? The way of the Lord, works in mysterious ways. But always to the benefit to the people who have the faith in St. Anthony. I also say, "I might not find it today or tomorrow, but I will eventually find it." I am able to stay calm because I trust St. Anthony. The feeling is intense!
Thank you J.P. for your faith-filled story of St. Anthony's help~
Thank you J.P. for your faith-filled story of St. Anthony's help~
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